Which generation are you?

Which generation are you?

  • The Greatest Generation (born 1900 - 1927)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Silent Generation (born 1928 - 1945)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Post-Millennials (born 1998 - )

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My 1980 birth year tends to put me in a gray area. In this one I'm on the tail end of GenX, but I've seen other lists where that cutoff is different, and some that squeeze a Generation Y in there before Millennials.

We did a series of interviews with Wrightsville Beach natives/residents from each generation when I wrote for Wrightsville Beach Magazine. I got to talk to three generations of men from the same family - a WWII vet, a baby boomer, and GenY who would be a millennial by the above definitions. Talked about defining characteristics of those generations, how their lives were shaped, their influences on each other, and of course, Wrightsville Beach over the years. Pretty interesting assignment.
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The Millennial grouping is whack. Someone born in 1981 - 1990 is so much different than someone born from like 94-97.

Couldn't agree more.

Couldn't agree more either.

(Just have to support the stereotype that Millennials can't think for themselves and subscribe to group think).
By the way, congratulations to you three for your recent acceptance into the grumpy old codger club. Benefits include, but are not limited to, the right to complain about anyone younger than you, their lack of respect for what made this country great, and their role in destroying everything once held sacred.
I doubt any of us would trade generations for another.

I guess my only wish would be to have had the Internet the whole time.
And the girls would be ugly. But at least I wouldn't have to live into the 2030s and beyond, which are going to be the suck, provided we don't nuke ourselves to death by then. Or get taken over by China, Russia, Muslimville, etc.
Awwww... THAT is your reasoning for this? Now I know you're just being facetious.

Things are going to be awesome. You're fortunate in that regard.
Ya, its always give and take, I guess. I'm happy that I live in the internet era, with the medical advances and longer life expectancy and whatnot.

But I do wish I was born 50+ years ago so I didn't have to put up with the invasion of the PC crowd (it sucks to be made to feel bad that I happened to be born a white male - which was no fault of my own :() and yahoos that are willing to blow themselves up to hurt other people.
I'm X. And I too feel as if I was born in the wrong era. I should have been born in the late 30s. I would have enjoyed being a teenager in the 50s.
The only thing I would have loved about being a boomer is seeing all the great music and bands while they were in their primes. Going to the famous festivals would have been amazing. Getting to see Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, etc.. I hear stories from people now in their 60's and they got to see Rock'n'Roll at it's very best.

The social stigmas, and ancient standards from those eras would have sucked, big-time. Having long hair and living in the South would have been worse than being black. I've read how the guys at Muscle Shoals Studios had more of a hassle from local restaurants with Duane Allman showing up with them than with Aretha Franklin.

This is all from a present-day perspective, of course. I'm enjoying experiencing the standards that are no longer relevant finally being tossed.
51% of millennials don't support capitalism and 33% of that group support socialism. The rest just want free stuff from the government but when asked how this would be payed for their response was from that vault of cash at the revenue warehouse. Hell ; Hildabeast and Crazy Bernie have been promising everything for free. You just gotta love the stupidification of America.
51% of millennials don't support capitalism and 33% of that group support socialism. The rest just want free stuff from the government but when asked how this would be payed for their response was from that vault of cash at the revenue warehouse. Hell ; Hildabeast and Crazy Bernie have been promising everything for free. You just gotta love the stupidification of America.
There's plenty of folks older than the Millennial generation that vote Democrat, bro.

How much paint do you have to buy to paint with that broad of a brush?
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51% of millennials don't support capitalism and 33% of that group support socialism. The rest just want free stuff from the government but when asked how this would be payed for their response was from that vault of cash at the revenue warehouse. Hell ; Hildabeast and Crazy Bernie have been promising everything for free. You just gotta love the stupidification of America.
Aahhh! Lib'ruls! Socialists! Commies! Next thing you know we'll all be building rafts out of old trucks to get to Canadia!
Going to the famous festivals would have been amazing. Getting to see Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, etc.. I hear stories from people now in their 60's and they got to see Rock'n'Roll at it's very best.
... except for all the dirty hippies everywhere (LOL) at the festivals, that would've been awesome to see those artists back in the late 60's.
... except for all the dirty hippies everywhere (LOL) at the festivals, that would've been awesome to see those artists back in the late 60's.
I would have been one of them. Dodging the draft and... well... I probably would have taken baths. No AIDS to worry about either.
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