Why does every analyst believe....

Sep 13, 2016
That there is no way we can repeat????? I've heard multiple broadcasters, anchors, analyst be asked if Carolina has what it takes to get to the Final Four and/or cut the nets down and they all say "NO". How not??

We have the best point guard in college basketball?? Duvall is a good point guard, so is McLaughlin, Cartwright at Providence, and Trae Young at OU. But none of them have scored 20+ in back to back National Championship games......When Berry gets into shape, people will see. But it just baffles me that. Seventh Woods is so much more confident this year to start out. He's hard to stay in front of. Jalek, Theo....Forget the best point guard in the nation, I honestly think we have the best group of guards in the entire nation. Experienced, Battle-Tested, Improved guards.

When Luke Maye shoots I honestly think it is going in every time. I legitimately laugh when he makes some shots because its just hilarious watching him dominate and making it look like a walk in the park. He has one of the best shot fakes in the game and that is very underrated. How do you guard him at the 4?? He can literally score on all 3 levels.

Yes our bigs are young, but as long as they rebound, and stay out of foul trouble- THEY WILL BE FINE! They're not going to win or especially lose as many games as people may think. What is different about this year is that we have perimeter players that we can whole heartedly rely on to make those bigs better. We haven't had a GROUP of perimeter players better than our GROUP of bigs in years. This year we do. I think they will ultimately take care of our bigs and make them better and also make big shots to overcome some of those mistakes.

I just don't see how people can say we have no shot of getting back to the glory land after being there the last 2 years. We have a bunch of players that have been there before. That is huge for the first 2 rounds of the tournament. And then you have the best point guard in the nation for the sweet 16 and the elite 8. And after that, anything can happen in the FF. Just don't like when people count us out.

I honestly expect the Heels to make it to nothing less than an elite 8 appearance. Some people will look at that as overachieving, and for that I will say to just go look our Roy's past 14 years. We hardly ever if at all overachieve. We are supposed to be there. And I predict we will be again this year.
hahaha, I love your confidence and enthusiasm and I hope to heck you are right....but watching some of the games this year so far has shown me that there are some REALLY good teams out there...and not just the usual suspects!!! I am going to enjoy the ride but more importantly the process of this year. Roy has a tendency to build his team throughout the year..with Cam out that is going to be really important to our tourney run.....
Last nights victory was an absolute cruise. You do realize we were never in danger of losing that game to a team that will win a game if not multiple games in March, right? Do you realize that we played a lineup of Woods, Platek, Huffman, Felton, and Williams for like a legit 5 minutes and still didn't lose the lead. We lost 4 players...we also kept 5 KEY players from a national championship you can spin that any way you like...

PS: We obviously have a plethora of things to work on but we will learn how to guard. We have too many athletic perimeter players not to. We already know how to score. We score 93 and 86 on teams that play half court style offense...
We'll take some knocks early, too be certain just because of our young front court. But our team will still be very dangerous come tournament time.
Last nights victory was an absolute cruise. You do realize we were never in danger of losing that game to a team that will win a game if not multiple games in March, right

That's an odd way to characterize "up 4 with 6 minutes to go". That's absolutely in danger of losing. Losing wasn't likely, but it was a real possibility.
That's an odd way to characterize "up 4 with 6 minutes to go". That's absolutely in danger of losing. Losing wasn't likely, but it was a real possibility.

But as a former coach, that is not in danger of losing. Do you know how many possessions are in 6 minutes?? Too many to worry about 4 points. 4 points with 30 seconds left is in danger of losing. Those 4 points, to a Bucknell team felt like 10 points. You bring up a good point, but I still don't believe being up 4 with 6 minutes left puts us in danger of losing, to any team, nevertheless Bucknell
But as a former coach, that is not in danger of losing. Do you know how many possessions are in 6 minutes?? Too many to worry about 4 points. 4 points with 30 seconds left is in danger of losing. Those 4 points, to a Bucknell team felt like 10 points. You bring up a good point, but I still don't believe being up 4 with 6 minutes left puts us in danger of losing, to any team, nevertheless Bucknell

We've lost plenty of games to similar teams in that type of game. 6 minutes in a close game is a high-variance situation.
That's an odd way to characterize "up 4 with 6 minutes to go". That's absolutely in danger of losing. Losing wasn't likely, but it was a real possibility.

I won't say it with the same brashness but I pretty much agree with that Forte poaster. Roy was doing what Roy does in early season games. There were times last night when it was obvious he was trying to get everyone involved. We forced the ball to Platek at one point in the second half on the wing to try and get him a 3 ball shot (he ended up shot-faking and driving) and then at least twice he forced the ball to manley in the post when Maye, Berry and Theo were on the floor. Basically, Roy was simply seeing who can be counted on for what in a semi-tight game. I have no doubts that if Roy wanted us to win that game by 20, we could have.

As far as the OP though, I too like the confidence but I think our ceiling would be the Elite Eight. And that's with some favorable matchups. But you never know. Worse teams have won the title before. We'll be playing our best ball in March like usual.
Bucknell and UNI dude. Let's see where we are at after Michigan and Stanford.

LOL Last time we played Michigan State was @ their place and they were ranked #1 and we scored 79. Izzo likes to run, that's why the never beat us. Before that we hung 89 on them in the title game.

We are 10-0 vs Stanford all time. Need I mention they just lost to a pitiful Eastern Washington team at home. All they have is their big. He's better than all of ours, but that is literally all they have. There is no Randle or Anthony Brown walking through Stanford doors.
But as a former coach, that is not in danger of losing. Do you know how many possessions are in 6 minutes?
Thanks coach.

*******WARNING! Stop the insults and name calling***************
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LOL Last time we played Michigan State was @ their place and they were ranked #1 and we scored 79. Izzo likes to run, that's why the never beat us. Before that we hung 89 on them in the title game.

We are 10-0 vs Stanford all time. Need I mention they just lost to a pitiful Eastern Washington team at home. All they have is their big. He's better than all of ours, but that is literally all they have. There is no Randle or Anthony Brown walking through Stanford doors.

Dude. We are talking about THIS season and THIS team. How does our 09 title have anything to do with the 13 guys we have now? (p.s. we play Michigan, not Michigan State)

Again, what I'm saying is that I'll hold off judgement on our national championship chances until we play some real competition that we will have to play come March. Why is that not ok with you?
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We lost an All American wing and 2 senior big men that could get you those crucial easy baskets in crunch time. Our big men have shown promise, but theyre still freshmen. What’s made us so great the last two years is having Brice, Meeks, Hicks, etc that you could force the ball inside to and kill teams in the paint. Time will tell if we have that this year
I was referring to playing Michigan State when referencing the 09 team and how we can score on mich State. Just realized it said Michigan. Sorry. But we would score 85-90 on Michigan. Beilein wants to spread the floor and shoot 3’s. That game is definitely going over. I’m agree that we need to see better competition but I think we are a lot better than people are crediting us. I’m not even basing my opinions on who we play, but how WE play.
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I’m not even basing my opinions on who we play, but how WE play.

I will agree with this. I think that statement is more applicable to our team than most teams just because of Roy being Roy. You know he's going to do his mad scientist routine early in the season. Hell, I'm actually shocked we didn't see Miller on the floor last night.

I think it's a bit of stretch to say people are crazy for overlooking us as title contenders. I personally don't think we're serious threats to repeat. But come March, we will have a dangerous team that no one would want to play. Outside shot at a FF, IMO.
I’ll give you two reasons why it is possible: Theo and Joel.... they’ve been hash tagging Instagram and Twitter with #whynot for a while now.
Sure, two players don’t make a team but the tone they’re setting is one of confidence and determination all in one.
And they’re right.... why not indeed!
Interesting! So far we have not played a single game with our whole team. Nobody wins or loses it all in Nov or Dec. We have a tremendous coach and why he is still doubted by so many is amazing. YES we have a lot of work to do, but I really like what I'm seeing and our young bigs will only get better and better. We playing with house money, relax and enjoy the ride. I will. Some of you need to learn the power of positive thinking.
I think it's a bit of stretch to say people are crazy for overlooking us as title contenders. I personally don't think we're serious threats to repeat. But come March, we will have a dangerous team that no one would want to play. Outside shot at a FF, IMO.

This is a good summary.

We're a very good team - definitely top-15, probably top-10. We have room to improve, and we could certainly make a run to the FF.

But we're not on the "best teams in the country" shortlist at this point. We lost too much and didn't replace it well enough on paper.

We need more shot creation and better interior defense than we've shown to this point. If we can show those things - against good teams - then we can talk about being overlooked. But if we do show those things, odds are we won't be "overlooked" anymore.
Bucknell and UNI dude. Let's see where we are at after Michigan and Stanford.
Exactly! I'm wondering if we can get out of this PK80 Tourney unscathed.. I really am. Taking a young team across country this early in the season to a high profile tourney? Roy is still feeling out rotations etc.. that's usually when we are at our most vulnerable. Roy doesn't mind dropping a game or two early while he pieces things together. Losing gives Roy just as much needed info as winning.. IMO.
Stop with all that rational thought, it's not welcomed over here.

There were games last year we struggled..and I'm not talking about the games without Berry! Remember the Hawaii game? We struggled bad against an absolutely horrible team! It happens especially early in the season
There were games last year we struggled..and I'm not talking about the games without Berry! Remember the Hawaii game? We struggled bad against an absolutely horrible team! It happens especially early in the season

Nobody should think the sky is falling because of two games we won. That's certain.

But coming into the season, our expectations should've been a good-not-great team. And the early games haven't done anything to change that expectation.
Stop with all that rational thought, it's not welcomed over here.
Mr. divisiveness himself. Never wants to unite, always looking to divide UNC fans.

We've lost plenty of games to similar teams in that type of game. 6 minutes in a close game is a high-variance situation.
Agreed, we absolutely could have lost that game. We took our foot off the gas after dominating the first half, a first half where we should have been even further ahead. Then we came out in the second half and forgot what was working for us in the first half, to wit great ball movement and good shot selection. Roy will use this game as a teaching tool, as he will most games this year. He has a lot more teaching of fundamentals to do this year than he normally has. This is very much a rebuilding year.

Exactly! I'm wondering if we can get out of this PK80 Tourney unscathed.. I really am. Taking a young team across country this early in the season to a high profile tourney? Roy is still feeling out rotations etc.. that's usually when we are at our most vulnerable. Roy doesn't mind dropping a game or two early while he pieces things together. Losing gives Roy just as much needed info as winning.. IMO.
Plus, Joel is rusty and trying to recover from a broken bone in his shooting hand, something that had me very worried when it occurred. Cam is also out for a good 4-6 weeks at best, another obstacle to overcome. We will most likely lose at least one game in this tournament but it will serve as another great learning experience.

This year is going to be a roller coaster ride folks. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. So temper your expectations a bit, sit back and enjoy it.
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I don’t think we will repeat. However, it’s funny how dook and UK has a “chance” every year no matter what. Also, this is the THIRD straight year I’m unimpressed with Kentucky bigs. Did their big man coach took another job or something?
College basketball is a business, and unfortunately college analyst are promoting players over teams.

Not cool to say UNC is there pick to win it all when we don't have a lottery pick on the team.

Other than that we lost a lot! Why would they pick us?
I have seen nothing in college basketball that is scary so far. Every team I have watched has flaws and most have bigger ones than us. I think we ARE on the "short list" to win it all and the pollsters obviously agree since we are in the top 10! I would say 9 is a pretty short list, lol!
We are coming off back to back national title appearances and lost a ton of Point and rebounding production from last years team. We are still a logical choice for the final four, outside of the top hand full of teams that simply may have more talent than us this year. Not many, hell I’d day not any, could even hope and pray to have the team and potential we have this year coming off 2 tremendous seasons and losing what we lost. As somebody else said, we have a good to really good basketball team, not great. The greatest teams don’t always win the most. I like our chances later in the year once we get through some growing pains and get healthy.
We are a good team, but whether we can be at the same level as last year remains to be seen.

I don’t think repeating is realistic at this moment. Too many variables and question marks.
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We are a good team, but whether we can be at the same level as last year remains to be seen.

I don’t think repeating is realistic at this moment. Too many variables and question marks.

Hope we can repeat, but agree it is way to many variables for an gurus to pick us. Maybe later in year, but not right now
If we are going to repeat we will have to do it as a lower seed than we are accustomed to. There will be more losses this year than normal, some due to talent, some due to experience. We will lose a few that we wouldn't normally lose. That could mean 10+ losses. If that's the case we'd be looking at a 5-7 seed and a much tougher path to the F4. I'm hoping it can be done, but would be very, very surprised. Sweet 16 this year, in the title hunt again next year. Just my honest opinion!
If we are going to repeat we will have to do it as a lower seed than we are accustomed to. There will be more losses this year than normal, some due to talent, some due to experience. We will lose a few that we wouldn't normally lose. That could mean 10+ losses. If that's the case we'd be looking at a 5-7 seed and a much tougher path to the F4. I'm hoping it can be done, but would be very, very surprised. Sweet 16 this year, in the title hunt again next year. Just my honest opinion!

+1 here.

This year is gravy after last year.

However...teams better be afraid of Jalek/Coby/Little/Maye/Manley with Brooks and Leaky rounding out our top 7. That's a final four team.
It is hard being a die hard Carolina fan in the heart of Kentucky. I get tired of listening to the banter about this recruiting class blah blah blah.

Same in Georgia. You wouldn't think they cared about UNC but all I hear is about the academic scandal and how the Heels got away with it. Very annoying.
+1 here.

This year is gravy after last year.

However...teams better be afraid of Jalek/Coby/Little/Maye/Manley with Brooks and Leaky rounding out our top 7. That's a final four team.

I agree. If Jalek comes back, which I think he will, next year's team will be really good. I'm still excited for this year's team also. They can be a tough out in the dance if they continue to develop.
I agree. If Jalek comes back, which I think he will, next year's team will be really good. I'm still excited for this year's team also. They can be a tough out in the dance if they continue to develop.

Yep. We're gonna make some #1 seed very unhappy on selection sunday if they see us at the #4 in their bracket.
The incoming class next year is going to make us very, very dangerous. With a year under the belts of our freshman bigs, a possible return of Jalek, and a senior Luke Maye, along with Leaky, Coby and Nassir, things are looking up indeed.