For me, other than their both being extremely athletic I don't see 7th and VC as anything nearly similar.
gary mentioned attitude with JP and that was a concern because you see kids at times come in as freshmen and they are raw but have strong athletism and they work to develop the skill of the game so that raw athletism can team with skill to form a heck of a player. GREAT example of just this was Brice, off the charts athlete for 6'9" kid but that kid worked his butt off to get better, I think maybe more so than most realized. But we saw the improvement in his play with each season he played for us, it was as if his play never really level off.
But sometimes a kid will come in that inside of him feels he is already better than what he really is and for what ever reason does not give a full 100% to developed that raw talent in to refined skill. And in that we see as well, we see that in a kid that just kinda doesn't show us improved play year to year. JP IMO was just this type of player, not the head case a larry Drew was but IMO a weak link that for what ever reason could not admit that he was and didn't feel the urgency to 100% dedicate to the coaching he was availed of.
My point, 7th is extremely athletic but this kid is a gym rat. He got by on athletism up until now, it has been mentioned that he played in a private school league where he could get away with that. But this IMO rightfully realized that his future if he gets to the NBA will be to be a PG and dedicated himself to turning his focus on developing the skills he wil need for that position. And as gary says, as has been said by many that saw him working on that transition in summer play a year ago, that was not instant grits. It is going to take him some time because as a PG he wil have to develop skills that are vital to PGs, where as a 2 or 3 he could rely more on athletism to get by.
Now none of us know how this will go, gary doesn't believe this kid will ever be more than a (as a PG) Dexter or larry Drew (without the attitude, just speaking to his on court play) or nate Britt and I personally understand why he believes that because to be a UNC level PG I admit, the kid has a long way to go. But I am looking more at the heart and dedication in the kid more than I am looking at his play right now and I think it can happen. I am not expecting it in his freshman season but I do expect him to get some PG time and it would not shock me at all to see 7th as Joel's primary back up by late season and it would not shock me at all for that not to happen either. But with the ticker that kid has in his chest and with an attitude that coaches will love, this kid will very quickly endear himself to Roy because all 7th cares about is winning, his team winning.
This is not a kid whose only thought is of getting to the NBA as quickly as he can, this is a kid whose only thoughts are to improve his game, to be the best individual player he can be so that he can give his team its best chance of being the best they can be. WONDERFUL attitude and if there is one thing I have come to learn watching this stuff for some 40+ years now is a kid like that breaks the mold, they are easy to under estimate, they surprise ya with how much they improve and you should not be surprised by it.