As much as I despise Notre Dame...


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2003
Parts Unknown
... Kudos.
They took it from the zebras like Ned Beatty on a canoe trip and survived.
Honestly, Brey should demand an investigation.
Wow. Just wow.
Hard game to watch with the zebras trying to make Okafor into the player of the year. In the end ND played pretty big. Will be a tough game tomorrow. Let's hope they are emotional spent.
Almost wish the pukies won so that a bigger deal might have been made of the hose job... Unfortunately it will get swept under the rug as usual now
I do not know what you people talking about because COOK said duke playing there best basketball they can not be beaten so how can they lose
Originally posted by gary-7:
... Kudos.
They took it from the zebras like Ned Beatty on a canoe trip and survived.
Honestly, Brey should demand an investigation.
Wow. Just wow.
Agree. There were 3 big calls down the stretch at the end of the game, where the refs CLEARLY tried to impact the game, and no one can tell me otherwise.

1. Notre Dame guy drives, foul is called, should be the fourth on Okafor, but lo and behold, they switch the call to a reach in on Quinn Cook, only his 3rd!

2. Next play, Dook's ball. Okafor absolutely bulldozes an ND player out of control, refs swallow the whistle, and Okafor makes a layup.

3. Next play, ND ball. Refs fall for a blatant flop from Dook against a pick set by an ND player (gosh his name escapes me now). Illegal screen is called, giving that player his 5th and finishing him for the game.

THAT kind of stuff are the kind of things you have to overcome everytime you play Dook. I was watching the ACC Network broadcast, and even they kept saying that Lucky was close to teeing up K and that they couldn't believe how much they were letting the rat get away with. ***Let the record show that Jamie Lucky teed up Leonard Hamilton in this tournament for MUCH LESS thank K got away with tonight, and still no technical***
Originally posted by NCtrueconservative:

Originally posted by gary-7:
... Kudos.
They took it from the zebras like Ned Beatty on a canoe trip and survived.
Honestly, Brey should demand an investigation.
Wow. Just wow.
Agree. There were 3 big calls down the stretch at the end of the game, where the refs CLEARLY tried to impact the game, and no one can tell me otherwise.

1. Notre Dame guy drives, foul is called, should be the fourth on Okafor, but lo and behold, they switch the call to a reach in on Quinn Cook, only his 3rd!

2. Next play, Dook's ball. Okafor absolutely bulldozes an ND player out of control, refs swallow the whistle, and Okafor makes a layup.

3. Next play, ND ball. Refs fall for a blatant flop from Dook against a pick set by an ND player (gosh his name escapes me now). Illegal screen is called, giving that player his 5th and finishing him for the game.

THAT kind of stuff are the kind of things you have to overcome everytime you play Dook. I was watching the ACC Network broadcast, and even they kept saying that Lucky was close to teeing up K and that they couldn't believe how much they were letting the rat get away with. ***Let the record show that Jamie Lucky teed up Leonard Hamilton in this tournament for MUCH LESS thank K got away with tonight, and still no technical***
ACC refs are at their all time worst. They are not only controlling games, they are having impact on the outcome. I don't care if they suck, just suck at both ends. I am sick on the inconsistency. They call UNC for an illegal screen at least once or twice every game. Hell, you make that call 90% of offensive trips for any team. They way they pick and choose is a joke. They helped UVA get back into the game last night. UNC would have beaten Duke at least once, probably twice if they made the correct, consistent calls. The ACC has no integrity. Maybe other leagues are the same, I don't know, but I am sick of it. No on in other industry would keep their job with performances like that night in and night out.

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