"build that wall"


Hall of Famer
Oct 8, 2001
Seems trump never really cared about a wall, just wanted votes:

I recall folks being pretty fired up about the wall, many here ( actually thought mexico would pay for it. Trump himself didn't even believe that.

I'm curious if this is ticking anyone off to the point of no longer liking/supporting trump, they're a tad disappointed, or unconcerned entirely as long as something else is to immigration-wise.
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It amazes me how many Americans with an education were gullible enough to believe such nonsense, and I doubt many of them are ticked off at the President which is even more disappointing.
Seems trump really cared about a wall, just wanted votes:

I recall folks being pretty fired up about the wall, many here ( actually thought mexico would pay for it. Trump himself didn't even believe that.

I'm curious if this is ticking anyone off to the point of no longer liking/supporting trump, they're a tad disappointed, or unconcerned entirely as long as something else is to immigration-wise.
Let me get this straight. A politician isn't keeping a promise he made on the campaign trail?

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I'm very conservative but will admit I didn't vote. I simply couldn't reconcile myself with Trump. He seemed like a clown. Unfortunately, my opinion of him remains unchanged. It's so bad that I'm starting to feel like he's degrading the office on purpose.
Let me get this straight. A politician isn't keeping a promise he made on the campaign trail?

Well, plenty of people were pretty convinced it would happen (see thread in linky). you in the unconcerned camp or didn't vote for him camp?
Well, plenty of people were pretty convinced it would happen (see thread in linky). you in the unconcerned camp or didn't vote for him camp?
Sure plenty of people were, but that's hardly unique. There were plenty of people who believed the mission accomplished banner or believed you could keep your current insurance. The players may have changed, but the game is the same. As for what camp I'm in, I didn't vote for either of those fools. They were both horribly flawed. Worst candidates in my lifetime.
I simply couldn't reconcile myself with Trump. He seemed like a clown. Unfortunately, my opinion of him remains unchanged. It's so bad that I'm starting to feel like he's degrading the office on purpose.

I agree with all of this, and that's why I did vote for him. Figured it was about time people realized that you don't need to be a politician lifer that gives favors to enough people to stay in public office in order to be President. The smartest and most accomplished people should be President (not necessarily saying Trump is either of these, although he seems to have done well enough for himself in the Real Estate and Business realms). I hear Zuckerberg is gearing up for a bid for President, and even though I imagine his policies/ideals will be polar opposites of mine, I'd prefer his business/social acumen to whatever crusty politician lifer the Dems would have propped up next time around.

As for the wall - I never thought it had a chance, and always just considered it a metaphor for getting tougher on immigration (whether or not that's the way it was intended).
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Sure plenty of people were, but that's hardly unique. There were plenty of people who believed the mission accomplished banner or believed you could keep your current insurance. The players may have changed, but the game is the same. As for what camp I'm in, I didn't vote for either of those fools. They were both horribly flawed. Worst candidates in my lifetime.

Couldn't agree more. My conscious could not allow me to vote for either of them. It was the first time I could vote in national Presidential election and I had those two sorry ass candidates to choose from.

One was a crude, populist demagogue with no idea of how to actually run a government as we're seeing now, and the other was a corrupt career politician with the personality of a rag that had a list of scandals going back to late seventies. Really, America? We can't do better than that?
Finally some good news for our Prez . .

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The special counsel, Robert Mueller, just called Donald Trump to tell the President that he was “the most innocent person ever,” Trump told reporters on Thursday.

“It was the middle of the afternoon, and he just picked up the phone to say how innocent I was,” Trump said. “He said I was the most innocent person he’d ever come across, and maybe in history.”

“He said he had been over all of the evidence and that he and his staff would spend hours just looking at each other in amazement at about how unbelievably innocent I was,” he said.

Trump said that he asked Mueller why, in his opinion, the media had reported so many stories about his campaign colluding with Russians. “Bob said to me, ‘Are you talking about the failing New York Times and CNN?’ ” Trump reported. “ ‘They have been very unfair to you. They are bad (or sick) people. Sad!’ That’s what Bob said to me.”

The conversation wound down with a series of “pleasantries,” Trump said, with Mueller complimenting him on the size of his 2016 victory, including his enormous win in New Hampshire.
I voted for him and it was largely based on his rhetoric regarding immigration. I don't give a shit about the wall. His hard line rhetoric has accomplished what was intended. Illegal immigration is down. That's the point. Illegals are feeling less entitled and less brazen. Americans feel more empowered. All good news.

I've said many times that Trump is a nightmare in a lot of ways. I knew he would be before he was elected. But keep pushing America first and law and order and I'll stomach his tweeting and other buffoonery.
good stuff, thx
I agree with all of this, and that's why I did vote for him. Figured it was about time people realized that you don't need to be a politician lifer that gives favors to enough people to stay in public office in order to be President. The smartest and most accomplished people should be President (not necessarily saying Trump is either of these, although he seems to have done well enough for himself in the Real Estate and Business realms). I hear Zuckerberg is gearing up for a bid for President, and even though I imagine his policies/ideals will be polar opposites of mine, I'd prefer his business/social acumen to whatever crusty politician lifer the Dems would have propped up next time around.

As for the wall - I never thought it had a chance, and always just considered it a metaphor for getting tougher on immigration (whether or not that's the way it was intended).

Anti-establishment and "drain the swamp" resonate with me. And it resonates with Bernie Sanders followers. I hope future dems and independent candidates get this.

Part of me hoped Trump was just sly like a fox rather than senile/crazy and he'd surround himself with great people. I totally get why people gambled for him though.
8 years of utter absolute failure that made things worse, across all sectors except for the extremely wealthy, in the USA and after 8 months we have folks bashing T-Rump.......immigration is down, stock market is up, job creation is up, violent criminals(read gang bangers) are being attacked and dealt with, lib after lib is being exposed for what they are(DWS as an example) We are living in a time in this country where the left thinks that right is wrong and wrong is right, up is down and down is up, good is bad and bad is good......what a assbackwards life 50% of our country is living in!!!
I voted for him and it was largely based on his rhetoric regarding immigration. I don't give a shit about the wall. His hard line rhetoric has accomplished what was intended. Illegal immigration is down. That's the point. Illegals are feeling less entitled and less brazen. Americans feel more empowered. All good news.

I've said many times that Trump is a nightmare in a lot of ways. I knew he would be before he was elected. But keep pushing America first and law and order and I'll stomach his tweeting and other buffoonery.

Trump should be able to something positive regarding immigration given the majority in house/senate. Every politician in the US agrees something needs to be done regarding immigration issues. I'd think this is an issue that would be easier to address than things like taxes, healthcare, the horrors of transgender troops, etc.
8 years of utter absolute failure that made things worse, across all sectors except for the extremely wealthy, in the USA and after 8 months we have folks bashing T-Rump.......immigration is down, stock market is up, job creation is up, violent criminals(read gang bangers) are being attacked and dealt with, lib after lib is being exposed for what they are(DWS as an example) We are living in a time in this country where the left thinks that right is wrong and wrong is right, up is down and down is up, good is bad and bad is good......what a assbackwards life 50% of our country is living in!!!

So are you cool with the state of the wall?
And the stuff you and a previous poster said regarding "immigration is down", are you talking about border apprehension?

(i'm also curious if you believe job creation and stock market can actually be impacted in a few months of presidency [any president, not specifically one who can't choose a competent staff] but this is probably better for another thread)
Anti-establishment and "drain the swamp" resonate with me. And it resonates with Bernie Sanders followers. I hope future dems and independent candidates get this.

Part of me hoped Trump was just sly like a fox rather than senile/crazy and he'd surround himself with great people. I totally get why people gambled for him though.

Agreed. If it had come down to Bernie vs. Cruz/Rubio/Christie or something like that I would have voted for Bernie, even though the policies of the Republican candidate would have been closer to my own, because I really think the "establishment" is the biggest problem with government (I realize Bernie is somewhat of a "lifer" but he isn't wrapped up in the two party, favor driven, BS that other lifers are).

But even aside from that, I was never going to vote for Clinton because I loathed how her campaign and the media were both trying to cram her down everyone's throat. I despised that the DNC rigged the primary so she could beat Bernie. I hated that people said it was "her turn" as if she deserved it solely because she had put so much time into politics in her life. Madeleine Albright essentially said that any woman that doesn't vote for Clinton can rot in hell. I think that voting for someone solely because they are a woman (or black, or Muslim, or gay, or trans, etc.) is just as stupid as not voting for someone because they are one of those "protected" classes.

Plus, I'm somewhat of a sick bastard that loves schadenfreude, and I knew that she (and her supporters) wanted to be President SO badly, that I just wanted to watch her have to be trotted out there with a look of despair to tell her supporters that they had failed. Pictures like this were my reward for having to listen to how "great" Hillary was for the previous year:

Agreed. If it had come down to Bernie vs. Cruz/Rubio/Christie or something like that I would have voted for Bernie, even though the policies of the Republican candidate would have been closer to my own, because I really think the "establishment" is the biggest problem with government (I realize Bernie is somewhat of a "lifer" but he isn't wrapped up in the two party, favor driven, BS that other lifers are).

But even aside from that, I was never going to vote for Clinton because I loathed how her campaign and the media were both trying to cram her down everyone's throat. I despised that the DNC rigged the primary so she could beat Bernie. I hated that people said it was "her turn" as if she deserved it solely because she had put so much time into politics in her life. Madeleine Albright essentially said that any woman that doesn't vote for Clinton can rot in hell. I think that voting for someone solely because they are a woman (or black, or Muslim, or gay, or trans, etc.) is just as stupid as not voting for someone because they are one of those "protected" classes.

Plus, I'm somewhat of a sick bastard that loves schadenfreude, and I knew that she (and her supporters) wanted to be President SO badly, that I just wanted to watch her have to be trotted out there with a look of despair to tell her supporters that they had failed. Pictures like this were my reward for having to listen to how "great" Hillary was for the previous year:

I understand what you're saying but look at the price you had to pay. I hated Clinton also but not bad enough to vote for Donald Trump.
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I understand what you're saying but look at the price you had to pay. I hated Clinton also but not bad enough to vote for Donald Trump.

What price did I have to pay though? I got to see the Hillary supporters (and media) in total shock meltdown mode - and now I get to see people dedicate their lives to nitpicking minutiae such as what color socks Donny decides to rock as if there's some hidden bigotted message in his sock choice (also fun, although not quite as fun as the meltdown mode). Sounds like a win-win.

My life hasn't changed one iota since he was elected. The stock market didn't crash, the illegals in my area didn't get beheaded and paraded through the streets, he hasn't nuked every country on earth, the government didn't stop operating because they have a clown at the top.
What price did I have to pay though? I got to see the Hillary supporters (and media) in total shock meltdown mode - and now I get to see people dedicate their lives to nitpicking minutiae such as what color socks Donny decides to rock as if there's some hidden bigotted message in his sock choice (also fun, although not quite as fun as the meltdown mode). Sounds like a win-win.

My life hasn't changed one iota since he was elected. The stock market didn't crash, the illegals in my area didn't get beheaded and paraded through the streets, he hasn't nuked every country on earth, the government didn't stop operating because they have a clown at the top.
You certainly don't have to nitpick to find problems with him. He makes them real easy to spot.....
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You certainly don't have to nitpick to find problems with him. He makes them real easy to spot.....

True. But its more that people harp on things that don't matter. Like the small hands and inauguration crowd size. Is it ridiculous that he's insecure enough to care about his hand size or to lie about the amount of people in the crowd? Absolutely. Is it also ridiculous that people care enough about proving him wrong that they go through the trouble of analyzing those things that don't matter and then waste days/weeks/months of their lives talking about them? Absolutely.

But back to the other point - what price did I have to pay for having him elected?
True. But its more that people harp on things that don't matter. Like the small hands and inauguration crowd size. Is it ridiculous that he's insecure enough to care about his hand size or to lie about the amount of people in the crowd? Absolutely. Is it also ridiculous that people care enough about proving him wrong that they go through the trouble of analyzing those things that don't matter and then waste days/weeks/months of their lives talking about them? Absolutely.

But back to the other point - what price did I have to pay for having him elected?
The examples you gave are valid examples of nitpicking The price you and I both have paid is having a leader that no other leader in the world has any respect for and can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth because he such a lying baby and you or nobody else has a clue how the man/child will react if, God forbid, a real crisis comes up. Friend, that is too big a price for me. Hope you have a good weekend.
You certainly don't have to nitpick to find problems with him. He makes them real easy to spot.....
How come you didn't hammer obama? He was an idiot who had nothing but a cluster ^&*( of a Presidency!!!
How come you didn't hammer obama? He was an idiot who had nothing but a cluster ^&*( of a Presidency!!!

Obama was no idiot. I didn't agree with a great deal of his policy or his style of appeasement in international affairs, but the man isn't dumb. No President has ever been a man with low IQ. I say the same thing to people up here who say that Bush was a stupid redneck.
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The examples you gave are valid examples of nitpicking The price you and I both have paid is having a leader that no other leader in the world has any respect for and can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth because he such a lying baby and you or nobody else has a clue how the man/child will react if, God forbid, a real crisis comes up. Friend, that is too big a price for me. Hope you have a good weekend.
I don't really give a shit what other world leaders think.
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We don't need no stinking allies. Allies just bring with them new enemies.
Are you as dumb as your name and comment suggests? Or is that falsely pegging you as an ignorant redneck?
Your drive-by comments won't get nearly the same reaction as they do with your deviant friends at the Blue Oyster, but feel to call me names. Be sure to go change your panties as I'm sure you wet yourself laughing at your own twaddle.
Your drive-by comments won't get nearly the same reaction as they do with your deviant friends at the Blue Oyster, but feel to call me names. Be sure to go change your panties as I'm sure you wet yourself laughing at your own twaddle.

Well now that's just silly, everyone knows there's no restaurant up here called the 'Blue Oyster'.

I hope you like banging a wife that has fewer teeth than your Halloween pumpkin every year. And I'm sure if you remain as ignorant as you are, everything is just dandy right now because 'we don't need no stinkin allies'.

Amiright Cletus?
8 years of utter absolute failure that made things worse, across all sectors except for the extremely wealthy, in the USA and after 8 months we have folks bashing T-Rump.......immigration is down, stock market is up, job creation is up, violent criminals(read gang bangers) are being attacked and dealt with, lib after lib is being exposed for what they are(DWS as an example) We are living in a time in this country where the left thinks that right is wrong and wrong is right, up is down and down is up, good is bad and bad is good......what a assbackwards life 50% of our country is living in!!!
Agree @GACMAN ... the wall notwithstanding, Trump has already accomplished a lot of what he promised and it's getting better each day. And he's doing all of this with the phony Russia investigation detracting momentum. I'm looking forward to the next 8 years (yes, he will be reelected over Joe Biden).
Well now that's just silly, everyone knows there's no restaurant up here called the 'Blue Oyster'.

I hope you like banging a wife that has fewer teeth than your Halloween pumpkin every year. And I'm sure if you remain as ignorant as you are, everything is just dandy right now because 'we don't need no stinkin allies'.

Amiright Cletus?
Last time I checked your wife was only missing 3 of her teeth.
Agree @GACMAN ... the wall notwithstanding, Trump has already accomplished a lot of what he promised and it's getting better each day. And he's doing all of this with the phony Russia investigation detracting momentum. I'm looking forward to the next 8 years (yes, he will be reelected over Joe Biden).

This administration has not passed a single piece of major legislation despite have control in the House and Senate.

Confirmation bias is one helluva drug.

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