De-Fund the U.N. - NOW!

Why do you think the UN is a socialist mouthpiece?
It is not just me that thinks this. The have socialist policies and let socialist dictators have a voice, give them sympathy, and let them influence their policy.

How do you not see this?
It is not just me that thinks this. The have socialist policies and let socialist dictators have a voice, give them sympathy, and let them influence their policy.

How do you not see this?
OK, so what do you think the purpose of the UN should be? It has always been a group of nations with all forms of government. What do you think the purpose of the UN should be?
We certainly dont need the un. But imo a lot of other nations do. Its their only voice. Just look at this thread. Although it hasnt come up yet verbatim its obvious that nuke and lougi are reacting to the un resolution about jewish settlements on the west bank and obama's reaction. If it werent for the un noone would be talking about it and the israelis would be under no scrutiny in how they deal with the palis. It is some accountability albeit very little.
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The UN is only another flop like the league of nations. It is controlled by liberal socialists. I don't care if the UN exists or not. Just don't use my tax $ to pay for it.
We certainly dont need the un. But imo a lot of other nations do. Its their only voice. Just look at this thread. Although it hasnt come up yet verbatim its obvious that nuke and lougi are reacting to the un resolution about jewish settlements on the west bank and obama's reaction. If it werent for the un noone would be talking about it and the israelis would be under no scrutiny in how they deal with the palis. It is some accountability albeit very little.
There were 40 UN resolutions this past year against Israel. There were four resolutions addressing all the other problems in the world at a time when Syria is imploding, when Iran is kidnapping US sailors in the Persian Gulf, when Russia took over the Crimea and is threatening Ukraine, when China is building islands in the South China Sea and seizing US property on the high seas, when North Korea is threatening nuclear war against the US, Japan, South Korea, when there are so many violations of human rights are occurring around the world perpetrated by brutal/oppressive dictators who are now voting in the Security Council against Israel. Forty resolution against Israel, only four against the rest of the world. The anti-Israel bias by the UN and now maobama is alarming to say the least.
We certainly dont need the un. But imo a lot of other nations do. Its their only voice. Just look at this thread. Although it hasnt come up yet verbatim its obvious that nuke and lougi are reacting to the un resolution about jewish settlements on the west bank and obama's reaction. If it werent for the un noone would be talking about it and the israelis would be under no scrutiny in how they deal with the palis. It is some accountability albeit very little.
I wouldn't say that. Plenty of countries have been outspoken about Israel outside of the UN walls, so I don't think they would lose their voice without the UN. Those countries could have passed their own resolution outside of the UN and it would have carried just as much weight as it does now, which is none. That resolution didn't change anything. If they don't hold any real power then why spend money on it? To me it just seems like one big social mixer.
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The UN is just one big graft and has been since the Berlin Wall came down.
When you place Iran on the human rights commission you no longer have credibility as a legitimate organization.

They should only allow countries with human rights histories similar to ours?

I'm no fan of irans govt but the us govt forfeited the moral hi ground decades ago when it comes to human rights. It may not be as bad as other countries in that its not as visible or publicly acknowledged but if u think our govt doesnt routinely violate human rights on a daily basis you're mistaken.
The UN is, or was, at the very least, an attempt by human beings to evolve beyond the simplistic choice to see who can out-kill one another when they have disagreements as nations.
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And, it's always the same religious Protestants who think modern-day Israel is just like the Bible's version on of Israel. They believe they're appeasing God by "standing with Israel." Israel could do most anything and they'd justify it because they think there's a Man In The Sky who's "will" is being honored.
And, it's always the same religious Protestants who think modern-day Israel is just like the Bible's version on of Israel. They believe they're appeasing God by "standing with Israel." Israel could do most anything and they'd justify it because they think there's a Man In The Sky who's "will" is being honored.

I will NEVER understand the insistence by evangelicals to equate the political/military state of israel to the israel of the bible. They're not even remotely related except in name only. And to go along with it, the willingness to give the political entity of israel carte blanche in its dealings with palistinians.
I will NEVER understand the insistence by evangelicals to equate the political/military state of israel to the israel of the bible. They're not even remotely related except in name only. And to go along with it, the willingness to give the political entity of israel carte blanche in its dealings with palistinians.

I think a lot of the sympathy for Israel is that we see ourselves in them. Which is to say (for the most part) they dress like us, they talk like us and have similar values. The average person then sympathizes as to what it must be like living in the middle of a gazillion terrorists and supports poor Israel.

However let's be clear about the Palestinians- most of the Arab world hates them too. The Palestinian cause is just a strawman that the Arab godfathers use to keep the masses focused outwards.

And yes, I do see your point about Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, but on the other hand, it always seems to me that the Palestinians are the initial aggressors, break treaties, etc. Maybe I am wrong about that though- I admittedly don't pay attention to closely as there is recruiting to follow.
Arabs invaded Israel in 1967, got their asses kicked, Israel took their shit. Arabs have been bitching about it ever since.

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Just wondering if you believe a lot of what you post or if you're just trolling....carry on.

What does age have to do with that?

Also, you can always ask me if I am being serious or trolling.

Which poasts led you to wonder about my age?
What does age have to do with that?

Also, you can always ask me if I am being serious or trolling.

Which poasts led you to wonder about my age?
Trust me, no offence was intended I just have noticed in some post you come across as being level headed and informed and in others you come across, well, not so much. I'm sure I do the same thing.
Trust me, no offence was intended I just have noticed in some post you come across as being level headed and informed and in others you come across, well, not so much. I'm sure I do the same thing.


I try to stay away from being serious but sometimes it is unavoidable.
Israel was taken from the people living there in an arbitrary fashion by the allies after ww2 in order to find a place for all the displaced european jews. Many of whom were trapped on a ship that countries including the us refused to allow to dock. The borders established in the middle east paid no attention to centuries old tribal and religous affiliations and conflicts. The displaced people were forced into a ghetto much like the ones the jews were forced into pre ww2 in europe.

So yea they been bitching ever since.

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