Dumbass liberal quotes

Our SSN is a pawn ticket.

All of our federal income taxes go to the US Treasury, who then signs it over to the Federal Reserve bank. That is how it was designed. They promise to fund everything, if they get it back with interest. The US Congress and Woodrow Wilson- in 1913- said "Sounds like a plan!" And, that sealed the deal. The Fed has funded more war than would have ever been possible before it literally became legalized into reality.

See, @NoleSoup4U , we got a liberal who hates The Fed up in here! Score!

Signing in the Fed and IRS was the deal Wilson made to become president. He screwed all of us for his own benefit. Then he had us so financially tied to England that they ended up having to trick the country into WWI, so they could save the British banks.
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I think it's funny, but that's because the people he's pissing off are people who have pissed all over my liberties. I just don't have any empathy for them, and I enjoy watching them suffer. I'll vote for Trump in 2020 just to watch them throw tantrums. I might as well get something out of this mess, right?

Ok, now I can see why Dadika thought you may be a burner account.

After reading the quoted poast, I was convinced I was the one that wrote it.
Yes, it would. I can get on-board with taxes like what we experience on a state level.

But, the Fed is insidious. Look at what it has REALLY done to our economy. We're so used to it now that I think we evaluate it in a skewed way.

The Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment were terrible things. We literally all got sold onto a virtual plantation with those two.

The United States doesn't issue or own its own currency. That's an enormous handicap! Every dollar in the system is a representation of perpetual debt. Debt is more powerful than bombs when it comes to really controlling a society, or even the world. If someone is in your debt, they're almost like walking dead, depending on how the debtor chooses to have it paid-back! It's really amazing how people rarely understand the scope of how debt rules us individually and collectively.

People tried to control the world through religion and wars, but now they've gotten smart enough to control it through monetary means.
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Or just if there's someone who is challenging the banks. Say, a dictator with a mega f***-ton of gold who's about to open up his own central bank in Africa?
Gadzooks! Not something that has intrinsic value, or is a store of value, AND a medium of exchange! Oh, NO! That sounds like... MONEY!

I remember that from my youth (like 9 or 10 years old). An old guy- friend of my grandfather- who was around before the Fed, gave me a gold coin (which I still have). He said "Money has to be 2 things- a store of value and a medium of exchange." I had no idea WTF he was talking about. I just liked the gold coin. My mom took it and hid it for ten years! I forgot about it!

Anyway, that stuck with me. A store of value and medium of exchange. A dollar bill is not the first part. The longer you keep it, the less it will buy!
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Gadzooks! Not something that has intrinsic value, or is a store of value, AND a medium of exchange! Oh, NO! That sounds like... MONEY!

I remember that from my youth (like 9 or 10 years old). An old guy- friend of my grandfather- who was around before the Fed, gave me a gold coin (which I still have). He said "Money has to be 2 things- a store of value and a medium of exchange." I had no idea WTF he was talking about. I just liked the gold coin. My mom took it and hid it for ten years! I forgot about it!

Anyway, that stuck with me. A store of value and medium of exchange. A dollar bill is not the first part. The longer you keep it, the less it will buy!

Notice that little diddy below the "ONE DOLLAR" part?
"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes." -- Louis Farrakhan (1984)
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I don’t know anyone who even talks about Louis Farrakhan, never mind kissing his ass.
Wow he took some pictures with famous people... how impressive.

Of course I’ve never actually met any of these people so my point stands. I could ask ten random liberals that I know, and none of them would even know who he is...
"The Democratic Party elects Hillary Clinton as candidate for the office of President of the United States."
My FAVORITE Libtard quote of all time!! What a bunch of losers. They actually believed that witch could win a Presidential election.
I could ask ten random liberals that I know, and none of them would even know who he is...

BS. Farrakhan is a household name for anyone over the age of 25, regardless of political affiliation or skin color.
"I propose a limitation be put on how many sqares [sic] of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required."
-Sheryl Crow
She also made the comment that the Republicans did so well in the Senate races because of gerrymandering.
Behar is the type that is always questioning her own choice of words. And never considering that it is the context, context, context, context, that makes all of the difference. I mean, it's perfectly cool to not want to offend somebody. But it's also worth being aware that just because you use a certain word doesn't mean that there's an intent to offend using that word. Sometimes words have different meanings based on the context that you use them.

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