Ever seen confederate flag on NC license plate?


Hall of Famer
Oct 8, 2001
I saw news that you can no longer get conf flag on a plate in NC. Question - have you ever seen one of these? Just curious cuz i don't think i've seen one ever.
I've seen SCV symbols on license plates many times. I dunno if they're still available now, though. A lot has changed in just 5 years.
Never seen one on a NC plate. I thought they all were first in flight or certain groups like colleges, military, etc.
Slowly, but surely, Southerners are finally losing the peace. They lost the war over 150 years ago.
I see an occasional flag hanging off the back of a truck, and i'm shocked. That's why i'm pretty sure i never saw one on a plate.
I see at least one per mile on the 30 mile ride from Natural Bridge to my cabin in Eagle Rock. I would suspect to see more in rural VA than in NC.
There is a HUGE Confederate Flag flying off of I-95 north of Fayetteville. I am sure there are oceans of tears and comical anger when the tolerant ones see it. I bet it is awesome!
The local chapter of the SCV keeps it flying. WRAL made a big deal of it being taken down before Christmas. Said it was a sign of the changing times...actually, it was a sign of the season; remember that hurricane?
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It's weird.. the ones that claim to be tolerant get their panties in a bunch about everything and I'm a strong conservaive but really dont get bent out of shape about what others like.
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It's weird.. the ones that claim to be tolerant get their panties in a bunch about everything and I'm a strong conservaive but really dont get bent out of shape about what others like.
Yeah... "strong conservatives" are tolerant of everything. That's a true pillar of conservatism- Tolerance of diversity.
You mean you have difficulty meeting people who are tolerant of religious-based bigotry and white supremacy?

I'm sick of language police, and political correctness.

Is "religious-based bigotry and white supremacy" the only thing floating around in that oddly shaped skull of yours? It appears you are not even tolerant of my opinion of not meeting a tolerant liberal.
Is "religious-based bigotry and white supremacy" the only thing floating around in that oddly shaped skull of yours? It appears you are not even tolerant of my opinion of not meeting a tolerant liberal.
If intolerant means calling-you-out on your bullshit, then I guess I am. Maybe you lack an understanding of what is actually meant by intolerant! "Why won't they tolerate me beating my wife and kids and driving when I'm drunk as a soup sandwich? Fvcking intolerant liberals!!!"
Is "religious-based bigotry and white supremacy" the only thing floating around in that oddly shaped skull of yours? It appears you are not even tolerant of my opinion of not meeting a tolerant liberal.

Oh no, there more!! There's the white guilt eating a hole in his soul. He just cant stand himself and does his best to prove he is tolerant and understands the misunderstood, feeeeeels the plight of the poor and suppressed, the pain that "they" feel, the entire "everything is against them" rhetoric.

He's just about got the pity party supplied with all their needs!!
Oh no, there more!! There's the white guilt eating a hole in his soul. He just cant stand himself and does his best to prove he is tolerant and understands the misunderstood, feeeeeels the plight of the poor and suppressed, the pain that "they" feel, the entire "everything is against them" rhetoric.

He's just about got the pity party supplied with all their needs!!
You and your buddy are the whiners in here. It's hard being an old, white, Christian, male conservative in America. You've had it rough for a very long time.

How are you currently being oppressed and what visceral need and/or behavior is not being tolerated?
It appears you are not even tolerant of my opinion of not meeting a tolerant liberal.

Lol you just made a broad sweeping negative generalization about well over half of the population. So maybe you should tone back the finger pointing about tolerance.
Surely there are tons of Rebel Flag bumper stickers! And, I have no doubt there is an abundance of Rebel FLAGS you can fly on your car, your home lawns, your pickup, your bicycle, motorcycle. The state is simply not offering the symbol on its state-issued public... scenery... anymore.

The South lost the war. If they hadn't won the peace, we probably wouldn't be still dealing with this shit 150 years later, but they did.
If intolerant means calling-you-out on your bullshit, then I guess I am. Maybe you lack an understanding of what is actually meant by intolerant! "Why won't they tolerate me beating my wife and kids and driving when I'm drunk as a soup sandwich? Fvcking intolerant liberals!!!"

I do believe those two examples are against the law.
You and your buddy are the whiners in here. It's hard being an old, white, Christian, male conservative in America. You've had it rough for a very long time.

How are you currently being oppressed and what visceral need and/or behavior is not being tolerated?

I wonder why some white people go out of their way to prove to others that they are not racist.