FBI reopening investigation into Clinton email scandal

And once again, Trump was right. Check the date.

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Hillary is going to get shit canned by her top aide's pedophile husband.

A perfect ending to the Clintons
While I agree that would be a perfect ending, I don't think this will bring her down. Prepare yourself for that. I don't like it but I'm prepared for this to get swept under the rug too. There are just some people who no matter what they do or how bad they are, they ALWAYS come out smelling like a rose! It sucks.
You won't be alone, I don't expect this to change any of her other hardcore left base members either.

Yeah, but outside of Lyles and Billy, I don't know of any hardcore Democrats- most people are voting for her because she's not Trump.
Official: New emails in FBI review not from Clinton server

FILE - In this July 14, 2016 file photo, FBI Director James Comey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington. The FBI informed Congress Friday, Oct. 28, 2016, it is investigating whether there is classified information in new emails that have emerged in its probe of Hillary Clinton's private server. The FBI said in July its investigation was finished. (AP Photo - Evan Vucci)
From Associated Press
October 28, 2016 2:12 PM EST
WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. official says newly discovered emails that have prompted a fresh FBI review in the Hillary Clinton email case did not come from her private email server.

FBI Director James Comey told members of Congress on Friday that it is investigating whether there is classified information in new emails that have emerged in its probe of Clinton's server. Comey says the emails surfaced during an unrelated FBI case.

A U.S. official with knowledge of the case said the emails were uncovered very recently and did not arise during the federal investigation into Russian hacking of the presidential election. The official was not authorized to discuss details publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Yeah, but outside of Lyles and Billy, I don't know of any hardcore Democrats- most people are voting for her because she's not Trump.

I keep telling you that Mr. Lyles is not a democrat.
Official: New emails in FBI review not from Clinton server

FILE - In this July 14, 2016 file photo, FBI Director James Comey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington. The FBI informed Congress Friday, Oct. 28, 2016, it is investigating whether there is classified information in new emails that have emerged in its probe of Hillary Clinton's private server. The FBI said in July its investigation was finished. (AP Photo - Evan Vucci)
From Associated Press
October 28, 2016 2:12 PM EST
WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. official says newly discovered emails that have prompted a fresh FBI review in the Hillary Clinton email case did not come from her private email server.

FBI Director James Comey told members of Congress on Friday that it is investigating whether there is classified information in new emails that have emerged in its probe of Clinton's server. Comey says the emails surfaced during an unrelated FBI case.

A U.S. official with knowledge of the case said the emails were uncovered very recently and did not arise during the federal investigation into Russian hacking of the presidential election. The official was not authorized to discuss details publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

That Russian hacking story is a bunch of bullshit too- Podesta fell for a phishing scam and voluntarily gave up his email password. Oh and he left his phone in a cab and a bathroom too.

But Russians.
Political and religious freedom in the good old USA . . . ain't it a bitch.

What diff does it make what Mr. Lyles is or how he chooses to vote . . ?

Makes no difference whether he is a dem or a pub. It makes all the difference when a person, be it Lyles or anyone else, votes for the most corrupt person to ever run for president.
Political and religious freedom in the good old USA . . . ain't it a bitch.

What diff does it make what Mr. Lyles is or how he chooses to vote . . ?
I'm on the right of 90% of the regulars here. I bet I'm on the right of 71 if he knew what it meant.
Makes no difference whether he is a dem or a pub. It makes all the difference when a person, be it Lyles or anyone else, votes for the most corrupt person to ever run for president.

Or the f*cking stupidity of a Trump supporter . . ?
Lyles- weren't you disputing that elections are rigged?

Audio came out today of Hillary lamenting that she didn't rig the Palestinian election. Here's her quote:

“I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake,” said Sen. Clinton. “And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.”

Should we tell her its not possible to rig an election?
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Nah- I checked him yesterday too- I know he is registered GOP. I am just pounding on him because he is helping to elect Hillary and should know better.
I know, but it's just kind of scary to know that not only can I find out party affiliations I could also change anyone's voter registration info and they would never know it until it was time to vote.
If you are a Republican/Independet/Conservative It's one thing to not vote for Trump , It's another all together to vote for Hillary

Yep . . just moving the country forward. Some risks are just not worth taking . .
Nah- I checked him yesterday too- I know he is registered GOP. I am just pounding on him because he is helping to elect Hillary and should know better.
If I recall, 71 was a Bernie supporter. Out of the 3 people I would never vote for if I had a choice, #1 would be Trump, #2 would be Clinton and #3 would be Sanders. I respect the man but he is just too far to the left for me. He has some good ideas but they all require a lot more government than I want here in the US.
I'm probably registered as a republican too. I get plenty of crap from The Donald in the mail but I am NOT a republican nor am I a democrat. So I'd say whatever you find on the internet is not that valuable of information.
Well, it allows me to gather enough information to change registrations. If I wanted to take the time I could probably get enough info to change the registration of 75% of the people on this board to @UNC71-00's house. How's that for scary? Perfect example of why we should have a law requiring a photo id to vote.
If I recall, 71 was a Bernie supporter. Out of the 3 people I would never vote for if I had a choice, #1 would be Trump, #2 would be Clinton and #3 would be Sanders. I respect the man but he is just too far to the left for me. He has some good ideas but they all require a lot more government than I want here in the US.

He only acted like a Bernie supporter. Rich is a right wing hard line
party member, always has been *

* and IMHO, theres nothing wrong with that.
Well, it allows me to gather enough information to change registrations. If I wanted to take the time I could probably get enough info to change the registration of 75% of the people on this board to @UNC71-00's house. How's that for scary?
That's very frightening actually. If you can do it but don't actually do it, who is to say a dishonest person hasn't or won't????

I don't even want to bother voting now. smh. It is rigged!
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If I recall, 71 was a Bernie supporter. Out of the 3 people I would never vote for if I had a choice, #1 would be Trump, #2 would be Clinton and #3 would be Sanders. I respect the man but he is just too far to the left for me. He has some good ideas but they all require a lot more government than I want here in the US.

Bernie was the first democrat Potus candidate for whom I ever voted, simply because my objective in the primary was to do everything possible to keep Hillary out of the White House.
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He only acted like a Bernie supporter. Rich is a right wing hard line
party member, always has been *

* and IMHO, theres nothing wrong with that.
I agree. There's one characteristic that several Trump/extreme right wingers have and he definitely has it! lol

(Don't cuss me out either, Rich! I didn't say you are a bad person!)