FBI reopening investigation into Clinton email scandal

Hillary is a little too cozy with the big banks for me. My point was that men are clearly a huge problem and I do think a woman could do a better job just not Hillary.
I love how Anthony's wiener obsession has possibly caused the presidential election to go to the guy that screamed "New York doesn't want Perverts!" during Weiner's mayoral campaign.The irony is like a phallic rainbow!
LOL . .you are freaking delusional, Rich.

Here's a short video you might like Billy. It is a Teamster Rep admitting he lies to his members about which candidates take certain positions?

You know this guy? He's from Philly, I think.

Here's a short video you might like Billy. It is a Teamster Rep admitting he lies to his members about which candidates take certain positions?

You know this guy? He's from Philly, I think.

Don't know him . . and like the sports fans of Philly, he's prolly just as big an idiot. Philly folks are the worse . .
There are hundreds of corporations named after the founder. Are those founders all narcissists too? Bell? Ford? Kimberly-Clark? Les Gibson? Clinton Foundation?

Your argument is weak and that is a complement.

And Hillary has no humilty or morals. She thinks laws do not apply to her, she has a drinking problem, an anger management problem and laughs at those less fortunate.
Also lies for Sport.
I'm beginning to think this will turn out like Bush/Gore. Trump with the majority vote and Hillary with the electorial.
Can anyone else see this country has turn for the worse? The past 16 years or so has changed dramatically. Full terms by the Dems and full terms by the pub's. Both setting us back more than moving us forward.

My old man has walked the party line for his whole life. Blue collar dem. He would never vote pub in the national election. The past 2 elections, voted pub. Even changed his affiliation. He told me that of he knew bill would end up like he did, he would not have voted for him in the second term. It all lies in policies and decisions they made. He sees it much like I do. Liberalism is destroying this country. And it really doesn't matter which side the fence you are on. And this election is a culmination of said liberalism. I really feel it's almost out of the common man hands now. Will we ever get an honest candidate to run again?
When I see the hate spread on this site, and what I see in my part of the world, it saddens me. No one is willing to work together. The lines have been drawn. It shouldn't be my side against your side. We the people, a lost concept
I don't have a link yet but just heard a report that the FBI is opening an investigation into Trump's tax returns as it seems he may have fudged his way out of paying 100 million in taxes.

Sighhhhhh, will THIS ever end??? It's like having to choose between Satan and his sister.
I don't have a link yet but just heard a report that the FBI is opening an investigation into Trump's tax returns as it seems he may have fudged his way out of paying 100 million in taxes.

Sighhhhhh, will THIS ever end??? It's like having to choose between Satan and his sister.


(The IRS investigates tax issues, not the FBI.)
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I'm beginning to think this will turn out like Bush/Gore. Trump with the majority vote and Hillary with the electorial.
Can anyone else see this country has turn for the worse? The past 16 years or so has changed dramatically. Full terms by the Dems and full terms by the pub's. Both setting us back more than moving us forward.

My old man has walked the party line for his whole life. Blue collar dem. He would never vote pub in the national election. The past 2 elections, voted pub. Even changed his affiliation. He told me that of he knew bill would end up like he did, he would not have voted for him in the second term. It all lies in policies and decisions they made. He sees it much like I do. Liberalism is destroying this country. And it really doesn't matter which side the fence you are on. And this election is a culmination of said liberalism. I really feel it's almost out of the common man hands now. Will we ever get an honest candidate to run again?
When I see the hate spread on this site, and what I see in my part of the world, it saddens me. No one is willing to work together. The lines have been drawn. It shouldn't be my side against your side. We the people, a lost concept

I'm optimistic that Trump can be that guy. I don't think he is nearly as bad as the media, led by the Clintons, portrays him to be. We will know soon enough if I am right or not.

And Hillary isn't winning either vote.
Liberalism is destroying this country. And it really doesn't matter which side the fence you are on. And this election is a culmination of said liberalism. ...

When I see the hate spread on this site, and what I see in my part of the world, it saddens me. No one is willing to work together. The lines have been drawn. It shouldn't be my side against your side. We the people, a lost concept

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That says nothing about an FBI investigation or even a current IRS audit.

The method was legal because, as your link says, Congress later outlawed.

This type of article is a vintage example of the traditional media doing everything they can for Hillary. And it is why they have no credibility- this election has been the canary in the coal mine on their continued long term existence.
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That says nothing about an FBI investigation or even a current IRS audit.

The method was legal because, as your link says, Congress later outlawed.

This type of article is a vintage example of the traditional media doing everything they can for Hillary. And it is why they have no credibility- this election has been the canary in the coal mine on their continued long term existence.

The FBI part was said on the news. It's probably nothing but some attempt to deflect from Hillary just like he does. This is one big circus and we are the damn monkeys anyway. We all are losing regardless.
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If you didn't believe that the media was trying to influence the election before this article, then this article should make you believe. What kind of reputable news organization puts out an article that says he might have broken the law, but we don't have enough information to find out? What a joke.
I don't trust the media either. I'm really more amazed at watching people who are cheerleading these two nut jobs on and arguing over which idiot is worse than the other AND at the same time admitting their idiot is bad just not AS bad! I'm gonna need a chiropractor soon from shaking my damn head so much at you nuts!
The odds I've seen point to Hillary winning the popular vote with Trump winning the electoral - but your main point still stands.
Where have you seen those odds? I've seen the exact opposite. In fact, I've seen that Trump is going to struggle to get anywhere near the necessary electoral votes. I'd be interested to see your sources.
Where have you seen those odds? I've seen the exact opposite. In fact, I've seen that Trump is going to struggle to get anywhere near the necessary electoral votes. I'd be interested to see your sources.
Not sure what he's using but 538 says greater chance Hilary wins popular and not electoral college in the event of a spit.

"Thus, as of early Monday evening, our polls-only model gave Hillary Clinton an 85 percent chance of winning the popular vote but just a 75 percent chance of winning the Electoral College."
Yes the 538 site, as well as actual betting lines is what I was using. Greater chance of Hillary winning the popular than the electoral is what I was going for there.

Okay, so Trump has a 15% chance of winning the popular vote and a 25% chance of winning the electoral college.

That's according to the polls only forecast. The polls-plus forecast is slightly more in Trump's favor on both fronts. Plus - the polls they are based on could very well be wrong/biased/skewed as well.
That's according to the polls only forecast. The polls-plus forecast is slightly more in Trump's favor on both fronts. Plus - the polls they are based on could very well be wrong/biased/skewed as well.
Sooo, this whole polling phenomena is something to cling to while you wait for the election results.
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Both setting us back more than moving us forward.

Moving forward? I'm voting for Trump in large part because I want as little done as possible. I don't want to go backwards. I don't want to go forwards. I like when my government does little to nothing. That's what's best for America. Trump's 4 years will come and go with very little getting done. Hillary on the other hand, will move us forward - right to the brink of globalism.

So,...I'm rooting for nothing. Nothing is right. Nothing is best for America.
Moving forward? I'm voting for Trump in large part because I want as little done as possible. I don't want to go backwards. I don't want to go forwards. I like when my government does little to nothing. That's what's best for America. Trump's 4 years will come and go with very little getting done. Hillary on the other hand, will move us forward - right to the brink of globalism.

So,...I'm rooting for nothing. Nothing is right. Nothing is best for America.

I actually like that way of thinking but I have a hard time seeing Trump as being the one to bring that. Maybe so??? hmmm interesting thought ;)