FBI reopening investigation into Clinton email scandal

I think I've been pretty clear on how I view Trump. I recognize his shortcomings. And if it wasn't the anti-Christ running against him, I could understand why people wouldn't vote for him. Qualifications go completely out the window when those qualifications have yielded only corruption, habitual poor decision making and deaths of Americans. That is why I see this election as only one choice. The idea of anyone voting for Clinton is beyond fathomable to me.
I guess if things go from worse to worse ( and I'm afraid they will), I can see the government controlling Clinton more than they could control Trump if it came to that but who knows?
That's the equivalent of buying a car because you like the color of the instrument lights.
And if you're looking for humility, Hillary is not a place to find any.
It's not even remotely an accurate equivalent. Buying a car is a totally different process.

However, some people do buy cars because of the color.

Humility is not as indistinct as, say, integrity. Humility is the ability to admit you made a mistake.
I somehow doubt that Larry Flynt supports Hillary.

I think it's funny how Howard Stern is backing Hillary.
The FBI has the 33,000 emails Shrillary deleted. You know the ones about Chelsea's wedding and Yoga(LMMFAO) and such. They have had them since late 2015 and they got them from the company that the mom-n-pop server company provider contracted out to. This is the kicker : they haven't looked at them yet. Also there were 650,000 on Carlos and Huma's computer. Hillary wants the FBI to lay them all out , presumably so she can wipe them with a cloth.
I have to agree with you gun. I'm sure the man has some good qualities. It's just that I really dislike the man, but I have respect for you and the others who see good qualities in him. I would never try to change your mind. And, for what it's worth I dislike Clinton even more but she scares me less.

What's the point in these political threads if not to attempt to change someone's mind?
Look at his staff and you say he has strong males following him. His whole business career has been a con. If he didn't have daddy's money he would be selling shoes on 42nd st. at best.

No, his whole business career has not been a con. He had money and he invested it into a company that builds things. Would you have more respect for him if he had just taken Dad's money and gone straight to politics (like Kennedys, Bushes, etc)

So what if he was born into money. He has used his inheritance to provide a lot of jobs for a lot of people. How is that a con?
I'm pretty sure we are all here to insult each other over their political preferences lol

You speak for yourself. And given that you don't take a side, you have given yourself carte blanche to insult everyone.

I have a lot better things to do than insult people for 6 months. But if I can convince people to vote for Trump or at least not vote for Hillary, then it is worth coming on here to deal with those who only want to insult people.
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How is that list any more or less "fine" than the ones I could poast that are in support of Hillary?

Amy Schumer
Sarah Silverman
Elton John
Lady Gaga
Samuel Jackson
George Clooney
Jamie Fox

What's the difference? They're all out-of-touch celebrities that care little about people like you and me. In fact, I'd say the Hillary list is more like that than the Trump list. No?
Tila Tequila(would) is supporting Trump and that's good enough for me. Don't forget Morgan Freeman's tired old ass supporting Shrillary as is P-boy Springsteen.
You speak for yourself. And given that you don't take a side, you have given yourself carte blanche to insult everyone.

I have a lot better things to do than insult people for 6 months. But if I can convince people to vote for Trump or at least not vote for Hillary, then it is worth coming on here to deal with those who only want to insult people.
I was joking. You're doing a fine job. You've convinced me not to vote!
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