Former Tar Heel Jason Capel Felt 'Disrespected' By UNC Tweet

andrew jones

Hall of Famer
Jul 21, 2014

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His comments and behavior, and his brother's "explanation", ain't gonna help much.
It amazes me how some people let something so small bother them, I know he felt disrespected I guess because he felt like putting lebo in his jersey and showing it on social media was a slap in the face they should not have done that I agree he played for us pick another player who didn't play for the heels. With that being said what a cry baby he learned from his Dookie brother it wasn't like he was a Fricken all American or something, and then jump on Doherty like he saved our team or something, I have lost respect for him also.
I like Capel, always has.. I felt the boo's from the crowd were classless and unwarranted and his rant outside the Pitt locker room was also classless. I think his connection to the Dook program via his brother leaves the door open for fans to crap on him but it shouldn't. He's a Tar Heel. Never seen our crowd boo a former tar heel player until last night. Should never happen unless its Larry Drew II.
I like Capel, always has.. I felt the boo's from the crowd were classless and unwarranted and his rant outside the Pitt locker room was also classless. I think his connection to the Dook program via his brother leaves the door open for fans to crap on him but it shouldn't. He's a Tar Heel. Never seen our crowd boo a former tar heel player until last night. Should never happen unless its Larry Drew II.
Don’t forget McCants…
I like Capel, always has.. I felt the boo's from the crowd were classless and unwarranted and his rant outside the Pitt locker room was also classless. I think his connection to the Dook program via his brother leaves the door open for fans to crap on him but it shouldn't. He's a Tar Heel. Never seen our crowd boo a former tar heel player until last night. Should never happen unless its Larry Drew II.

I crap on him because he was the ringleader on the worst teams I can ever remember. Oh, and Jason Capel was largely responsible for Joe Forte leaving after 2 years. He needs to never return to Chapel Hill.

From the link:

But it’s hard to feel sorry for Capel, since this is exactly what he wanted. Last year, when Capel was the team’s second or third option, he was unhappy, directing his displeasure toward Joseph Forte, the team’s sophomore guard and undisputed star. Capel fussed when Forte missed a shot; he made biting remarks to reporters about Forte after games; there were rumors of locker-room confrontations between the two. Even when Carolina was rolling—winning 18 games in a row and sitting atop the national polls—Capel was steamed he wasn’t the man. (A newspaper article that described him as an “indispensable role player” left him fuming.) There were a number of reasons Forte decided to jump to the NBA after his sophomore season (see this Sports Nut for a few of them), but Capel’s unpleasantness made his exodus from Chapel Hill that much more attractive.
Every family has some outcasts that no one wants over for Thanksgiving, but we have to invite them because they are "family".
Yes, but while they are at my table I can question them and point out things I might not necessarily like. I also do not hire them to manage my finances just because they are family especially if there might be others more qualified for the position.
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A lot of this is a simple misunderstanding...apparently Steve kirschner puts every player in a tweet pre game. This happened to be Lebos turn he was totally unaware that Jason wore that same number and meant no disrespect.
Capel overreacted..his brother also mentioned an incident while he coached at okl....said Carolina fans treated his brother shi!!y at a game.

Pitt is rapidly developing into a real nasty rival in both football And roundball
A lot of this is a simple misunderstanding...apparently Steve kirschner puts every player in a tweet pre game. This happened to be Lebos turn he was totally unaware that Jason wore that same number and meant no disrespect.
Capel overreacted..his brother also mentioned an incident while he coached at okl....said Carolina fans treated his brother shi!!y at a game.

Pitt is rapidly developing into a real nasty rival in both football And roundball

Good. I hope we treat those 2 asshats the way they deserve every time they come to Chapel Hill.,
I don't pretend to know the situation, so I should probably just shut up ... but whiny little bitch sounds about right.
A lot of this is a simple misunderstanding...apparently Steve kirschner puts every player in a tweet pre game. This happened to be Lebos turn he was totally unaware that Jason wore that same number and meant no disrespect.
Capel overreacted..his brother also mentioned an incident while he coached at okl....said Carolina fans treated his brother shi!!y at a game.

Pitt is rapidly developing into a real nasty rival in both football And roundball
Zero chance it was accidental regardless of what he said publicly. Puff was used in the tweet when we played at Pittsburgh. It was just a harmless little joke that he should have laughed at instead of freaking out.
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Zero chance it was accidental regardless of what he said publicly. Puff was used in the tweet when we played at Pittsburgh. It was just a harmless little joke that he should have laughed at instead of freaking out.
TBH, it could've been meant as a nod to Capel that we recognized his number. But he's such a whiny thin skinned biotch that he took it as a slight. I guess Creighton should bitch about capel dissing him then, eh?
totally agree. Jason was the best player on the worst team in the history of the school, and it was exactly what he wanted as he made it clear, that it was his time to shine. Unfortunately, the light was pretty bright and showed how mediocre he really was. That's the facts.
totally agree. Jason was the best player on the worst team in the history of the school, and it was exactly what he wanted as he made it clear, that it was his time to shine. Unfortunately, the light was pretty bright and showed how mediocre he really was. That's the facts.
Joe Forte was 100% right about that pu$$y.
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I like Capel, always has.. I felt the boo's from the crowd were classless and unwarranted and his rant outside the Pitt locker room was also classless. I think his connection to the Dook program via his brother leaves the door open for fans to crap on him but it shouldn't. He's a Tar Heel. Never seen our crowd boo a former tar heel player until last night. Should never happen unless its Larry Drew II.
Dude, Jason Capel is the first Carolina player I couldn't stand when HE WAS STILL PLAYING FOR UNC!.
He used to primp and yell after made baskets, and do those stupid deer antler things after made 3' s, I would hell at the TV for him to " Shut the F#&k up! You are down by 25!"
He is a D bag
What happened exactly? Article is not very clear. A tweet showing Lebo's jersey upset him? Or is there some kind of additional joke/context involved?

I don't get why someone would be offended otherwise.

That is exactly what happened, much to the amazement of most people. The thinking is he was looking to be offended, so he was.
What happened exactly? Article is not very clear. A tweet showing Lebo's jersey upset him? Or is there some kind of additional joke/context involved?

I don't get why someone would be offended otherwise.

Yes. He was upset because UNC official Twitter featured Creighton Leno for this game, and he wears the same # that Capel did.

The irony is that Creighton Lebo, simply by being Jeff’s son, is more relevant to Carolina basketball than Capel
He is Family so I welcome him home whenever he wants to return! He is also whiny, thin-skinned, and a bit immature so I will take anything he complains about with a huge block of salt! I was at the game and didn't even hear peeps booing him personally! What I heard was the same boos we do for every visiting team when they enter the court! My biggest gripe is the way Pitt's players are encouraged to play thug ball and how the coaches support them even when they cross the line into really dangerous behaviors! The last two games have soured any respect I might have one day had for pukie Capel as a head coach! Once a pukie, always a pukie!
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Never cared for Caleb. And I think he has issues, always has, with his lack of being able to compare to his brother. Both as a player, and as a coach, where that career flamed out pretty quick. Always thought when he was in Chapel Hill that he was one of the most overrated players ever recruited. He can do whatever he wants. Don’t care
Never cared for Caleb. And I think he has issues, always has, with his lack of being able to compare to his brother. Both as a player, and as a coach, where that career flamed out pretty quick. Always thought when he was in Chapel Hill that he was one of the most overrated players ever recruited. He can do whatever he wants. Don’t care
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Capel was a decent player during his time at Carolina. Scored over 1,400 points, 800+ rebounds and 300+ assists. Was a part of the surprise 2000 team that went to the Final Four and was a senior on Doherty’s 8-20 team that most UNC fans want to forget about. I believe most of this started in 2009 when Jeff's Oklahoma team played the Tar Heels for a trip to Final Four and UNC fans jeered Jason for supporting his brother by wearing an Oklahoma shirt. Remember Roy and his Kansas sticker?
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I crap on him because he was the ringleader on the worst teams I can ever remember. Oh, and Jason Capel was largely responsible for Joe Forte leaving after 2 years. He needs to never return to Chapel Hill.

From the link:

But it’s hard to feel sorry for Capel, since this is exactly what he wanted. Last year, when Capel was the team’s second or third option, he was unhappy, directing his displeasure toward Joseph Forte, the team’s sophomore guard and undisputed star. Capel fussed when Forte missed a shot; he made biting remarks to reporters about Forte after games; there were rumors of locker-room confrontations between the two. Even when Carolina was rolling—winning 18 games in a row and sitting atop the national polls—Capel was steamed he wasn’t the man. (A newspaper article that described him as an “indispensable role player” left him fuming.) There were a number of reasons Forte decided to jump to the NBA after his sophomore season (see this Sports Nut for a few of them), but Capel’s unpleasantness made his exodus from Chapel Hill that much more attractive.
There is a good bit more to the story that isn't being told fairly here.

Jason was recruited to play for UNC by Dean and Gut and Jason wanted to play for Dean but as we all know Dean stepped away and Gut took the gig (took a lot to talk him in to it, Gut did not want to be the head coach, he wanted to retire with Dean). When Gut stepped away, Capel did not take it real well, the 2 coaches he wanted to play for BOTH stepped away from the game and in comes Matt, who Capel knew little about. Matt was determined to wipe out the old and bring in his new version of Carolina basketball, this is well known how Matt made so many changes. But of those changes one of huge ones was to not retain any of the former staff, all former UNC players, bring in his own staff that had no former UNC players other than himself. Not at very least retaining Phil Ford caused a LOT of ill will right out the gate. But the largest problem was Matt's coaching "style".

Clearly Forte was a star but the problem was that Matt tended to point out the short comings of the rest of the players and pointed to Forte as the only real player on that team. Well as you can imagine, that pissed off that team toward Forte. Make sure I say this, it was matt that used Forte, it was not some Forte proclaiming himself to be great. Then out of the blue Matt would erupt at Forte, assume all have heard of the chair throwing incident.

Now Jason Capel, felt he was at least as big a star as Forte was, Capel was wrong about that, he was not as great a player as he felt he was. But being compared in a negative light for so long to Forte Capel formed a strong dislike for Forte, I can understand that. So yes, there was a lot of friction between the 2 but it was Matt that started that as a way in his mind to inspire his players, dumb for sure but that is what went down. Capel upset with Matt was to him as well to be upset with UNC as a whole.

When Capel left UNC he took issue with the school as well as the UNC fans for their supporting Forte more than him. Now of course Jeff fed in to that a lot with his UNC hatred and it just became one of those things that was never settled so over the course of time Jason's ill feelings about UNC as well as the fans ill will toward Capel has us where we are now.

Yes, how he handled this latest deal was not mature and he never really looked to clear up the situation either so I have no pity for him or his bruised feelings. I just wanted to share there was reason for those ill feelings that are not totally on Capel as cause.
^In other words 99% of the things being said about him(Capel) are true. :rolleyes:

He's 43 years old, time to grow up. The "tough guy" routine didn't fit 23 years ago and it certainly doesn't fit him now.

He's exactly how Forte's described him, a soft pu$$y.