George Floyd death


Hall of Famer
May 26, 2005
Wilmington NC
I lean heavily on giving police the benefit of the doubt in these type of situations where we don’t see what led up to the events and so on, but damn this is a bad look. Just take the race out of the equation, an American citizen got strangled to death in the street in broad daylight by the cops after being falsely accused of a crime. That’s horrible.
I lean heavily on giving police the benefit of the doubt in these type of situations where we don’t see what led up to the events and so on, but damn this is a bad look. Just take the race out of the equation, an American citizen got strangled to death in the street in broad daylight by the cops after being falsely accused of a crime. That’s horrible.

Yeah that cop should be charged with murder. Guy was already cuffed and the cop had a hand in his pocket while kneeling on his neck. Clearly he didn’t feel threatened. He is just a psychotic prick.
I lean heavily on giving police the benefit of the doubt in these type of situations where we don’t see what led up to the events and so on, but damn this is a bad look. Just take the race out of the equation, an American citizen got strangled to death in the street in broad daylight by the cops after being falsely accused of a crime. That’s horrible.
Yes, this is an awful situation. Hopefully starting some fires and picking up a few free goods at the Target will help these folks feel better.
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The people who complained about Kaepernick taking a knee will be the exact same people who try to change the subject from police brutality to rioting.

People tried to peacefully protest and were hit with rubber bullets and tear gas. Can't really act surprised when that leads to riots.
Hard to understand the mindset of an officer doing this knowing he is being filmed and knowing this will not end well for him if this guys lives much less if he dies.
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Hard to understand the mindset of an officer doing this knowing he is being filmed and knowing this will not end well for him if this guys lives much less if he dies.
Yeah he was so nonchalant about it even knowing he was being filmed. my only guess is that he’s done it a lot of times and it’s never been an issue, not killing somebody, but doing the knee on the neck and ignoring the guys pleas.
I know a couple of folks that could use a good knee to the neck.

But that crap that happened to Floyd is nothing short of criminal homicide. If that were my son or loved one some people in Minnesota would have to deal with me on a very personal level, cops or not. This stuff has gone too far and it needs to end now.
Heard Floyd died of an overdose from swallowed drugs. The officers aren't being charged with murder. A lot of takes are going to look really foolish...
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There are good cops out there. Good for him for taking a stand. Every police chief in the country should be saying the same thing.

A police chief in Tennessee said on Wednesday that officers who “don’t have an issue” with the arrest of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died earlier this week after a Minneapolis police officer pinned him to the ground by kneeling on his neck, should turn over their badges.

“There is no need to see more video,” Chattanooga Police Chief David Roddy tweeted on Wednesday. “There no need to wait to see how ‘it plays out.’ There is no need to put a knee on someone’s neck for NINE minutes. There IS a need to DO something.

“If you wear a badge and you don’t have an issue with this...turn it in,” he continued.
The only interesting thing about this entire circumstance is why these incidents, out of all others, receive massive media and social attention. Specifically referring white on black, or police (police being seen as a stand-in for the white community) on black.

We know for a fact that, after accounting for their increased interaction with police, black people aren't victims of police violence at rates any different than any other race. We know for a fact that white on black violence happens at a far lower rate than other types of interracial violence.

So why the outcry? Why do unlucky black felons on the wrong end of violence from the state become folk heroes? Why does BLM protest the type of violence that least impacts the black community?

My guess is that a form of anti-white racism was allowed and encouraged to thrive in the wake of police shootings in the early 2010s, and yes, even in the wake of the civil rights movement itself. Hating whitey has become a regular cottage industry for these folks, and they are given a platform to spread their views. As a result, any incident is blown substantially out of proportion.
I know a couple of folks that could use a good knee to the neck.

Found one.

The only interesting thing about this entire circumstance is why these incidents, out of all others, receive massive media and social attention. Specifically referring white on black, or police (police being seen as a stand-in for the white community) on black.

We know for a fact that, after accounting for their increased interaction with police, black people aren't victims of police violence at rates any different than any other race. We know for a fact that white on black violence happens at a far lower rate than other types of interracial violence.

So why the outcry? Why do unlucky black felons on the wrong end of violence from the state become folk heroes? Why does BLM protest the type of violence that least impacts the black community?

My guess is that a form of anti-white racism was allowed and encouraged to thrive in the wake of police shootings in the early 2010s, and yes, even in the wake of the civil rights movement itself. Hating whitey has become a regular cottage industry for these folks, and they are given a platform to spread their views. As a result, any incident is blown substantially out of proportion.
The only interesting thing about this entire circumstance is why these incidents, out of all others, receive massive media and social attention. Specifically referring white on black, or police (police being seen as a stand-in for the white community) on black.

We know for a fact that, after accounting for their increased interaction with police, black people aren't victims of police violence at rates any different than any other race. We know for a fact that white on black violence happens at a far lower rate than other types of interracial violence.

So why the outcry? Why do unlucky black felons on the wrong end of violence from the state become folk heroes? Why does BLM protest the type of violence that least impacts the black community?

My guess is that a form of anti-white racism was allowed and encouraged to thrive in the wake of police shootings in the early 2010s, and yes, even in the wake of the civil rights movement itself. Hating whitey has become a regular cottage industry for these folks, and they are given a platform to spread their views. As a result, any incident is blown substantially out of proportion.

I don’t think you can blow out of proportion an incident where an unarmed peaceful law abiding citizen is ordered out of his car and strangled to death by the police in the middle of the day in the middle of the fuking road.
I don’t think you can blow out of proportion an incident where an unarmed peaceful law abiding citizen is ordered out of his car and strangled to death by the police in the middle of the day in the middle of the fuking road.

You can.

See: Last night
The only interesting thing about this entire circumstance is why these incidents, out of all others, receive massive media and social attention. Specifically referring white on black, or police (police being seen as a stand-in for the white community) on black.

We know for a fact that, after accounting for their increased interaction with police, black people aren't victims of police violence at rates any different than any other race. We know for a fact that white on black violence happens at a far lower rate than other types of interracial violence.

So why the outcry? Why do unlucky black felons on the wrong end of violence from the state become folk heroes? Why does BLM protest the type of violence that least impacts the black community?

My guess is that a form of anti-white racism was allowed and encouraged to thrive in the wake of police shootings in the early 2010s, and yes, even in the wake of the civil rights movement itself. Hating whitey has become a regular cottage industry for these folks, and they are given a platform to spread their views. As a result, any incident is blown substantially out of proportion.

We get it dude, you hate black people.
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I can see some of the point he is making. Bad cops do bad things to black and white people all the time. We just see more of situations like this. Its today's culture. Anyway, that cop needs to be strung up for this crime.

I also think the looters are criminals who are taking advantage of civil unrest to get a free freaking TV. Both sides are very wrong. However, gonna put murder way above looting here as most would.

I also think it's horribly shitty to only defend people who support you when you're President. The best Presidents tried to understand those who dislike them, the worst tried to further that divide.

History will see Trump as the latter.
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I heard this earlier today and it struck a chord...there is pain in those flames.

The looting and burning is wrong, we all know that. But the anger that they are born from is understandable, at least to me. People who honestly believe they have no voice will find a way to be heard.
I think the people who are upset about the situation are a different group than the looters. The people looting are just trying to take advantage of the situation for personal gain.
I had a very close friend who is black tell me that black people are entitled to riot and burn things down
He said this after the Trevon deal. What about those people who had absolutely nothing to do with any of it. Destroying livelihood is not OK. Lets all face it, black folks have it better today than at any other point in history. And for that, I am thankful. Racism is still deeply rooted in society on all sides. But not to the levels it has been in the last 60 years.

Also, its unfortunate that LEO misbehavior on this level still exist. Make an example out of this. Maybe the stigma that the law hates blacky will die down some.
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The cop that kneeled on his throat got arrested. Curious to see if the others do. Seems it would be hard to prosecute them, maybe as accessories, but I don’t think anyone wants to hear that.
I haven't watched the video, but why was it necessary for the cop to have the man pinned down for 8 - 9 minutes, especially if he wasn't resisting. And just the way the cop is looking so comfortable in what he is doing is disturbing. It looks like something he's done before (maybe a lot of times); and he doesn't respond to George Floyd, or any bystanders telling him the man can't breathe.
3rd Degree Murder!!! I didn't even know that was a thing. Evidently only 3 states have it.

I thought this bit was particularly interesting:

The autopsy revealed
no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.
Mr. Floyd had
underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The
combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any
potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.

He died of a heart attack, and had potential "intoxicants" in his system. He was not strangled to death.
Alright here's a question for the libs on here. We need some kind of consistent metric.

How many square miles of burned and looted buildings are acceptable per black perp who dies of a heart attack in police custody? Does said burned out wasteland have to be contiguous with the location of the incident?

Given that older systems of right wrong seemingly have no relevance, it's important to draw up some new guidelines to govern behavior.
The cop was using excessive force, obviously. There was no need to do what he was doing, and the audacity of continuing with the severity while he knows he's being recorded.

Another thing I noticed; If you can't breathe, then, physically, it's probably going to be difficult (I think) to continue to yell out: "I can't breathe!"
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3rd Degree Murder!!! I didn't even know that was a thing. Evidently only 3 states have it.

I thought this bit was particularly interesting:

The autopsy revealed
no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.
Mr. Floyd had
underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The
combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any
potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.

He died of a heart attack, and had potential "intoxicants" in his system. He was not strangled to death.
I wonder why he had a heart attack?
3rd Degree Murder!!! I didn't even know that was a thing. Evidently only 3 states have it.

I thought this bit was particularly interesting:

The autopsy revealed
no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.
Mr. Floyd had
underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The
combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any
potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.

He died of a heart attack, and had potential "intoxicants" in his system. He was not strangled to death.

You can’t dodge and talk your way into believing something else happened here. The cop is responsible for killing this man whether by strangulation or whether that excessive force caused him to die of a heart attack.
The officer rightfully deserves to charged with murder. And he should spend the rest of his life in jail. Clearly, something needs to be done to establish better relations and trust between the police and the black community, because the relationship has never been good in the first place.

That being said, many of my friends and people my age are doing their best to be as 'woke' as possible about this. All this stuff on privilege, the online memorials, yada, yada, yada. Look, this is how you lose people that might otherwise be on your side and take the issue in a whole other direction it doesn't need to go in. I don't need a lecture on 'white privilege' and why the onus is on me to uplift voices of color. Whatever that means.

Like the aftermath of incidents like this back in the early to mid 2010s, I'm worried that the extremes are going to get too loud and nothing positive will come of this tragedy.