$hillary's Discussion of Nuclear Codes and Response Times...

Nuk'EM Heels

Hall of Famer
Jan 1, 2010

Speaking at the presidential debate Wednesday night, Clinton noted that it takes four minutes from the time the president makes the call to use nuclear weapons to their actual launch. The remark came amid questions about the fitness of Clinton and GOP candidate Donald Trump to hold the nation’s nuclear codes, but critics, including former intelligence operatives, told Fox News that level of detail about nuclear response times is “protected information.”

“The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed,” Clinton said. “There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.”

OMG! It doesn't matter if the information exists in the public domain! You never confirm or legitimize such public information if that information is IN FACT TOP SECRET!!! What a STUPID BITCH!!!
And, it doesn't end there. She also sent US Intelligence community information to John Pedestal, whose account has been hacked!

Clinton sent a lengthy Middle East intelligence breakdown in an email to longtime ally and lobbyist John Podesta while he was working in the White House.

“With all of its tragic aspects, the advance of ISIL through Iraq gives the U.S. Government an opportunity to change the way it deals with the chaotic security situation in North Africa and the Middle East,” Clinton wrote to Podesta in an August 2014 email obtained by WikiLeaks.

Clinton’s email, sent from a private account she began using after leaving the Department of State, gives Podesta a breakdown of the political situation in the Middle East following the rise of the Islamic State. Clinton says her email and advice is based on various intelligence sources.

“Note: Sources include Western intelligence, US intelligence and sources in the region,” Clinton wrote.

Later in the email, Clinton adds this note: “A source in Tripoli stated in confidence that when the U.S. Embassy was evacuated, the presence of two U.S. Navy jet fighters over the city brought all fighting to a halt for several hours, as Islamist forces were not certain that these aircraft would not also provide close ground support for moderate government forces.”
Thanks for keeping us all up to date on Clinton's shenanigans . . . you got anything on Tramp . . ? Or have we pretty much covered it all . . ?
Trump's stuff was covered in the other 3,276 threads about him.
Here's the scary part. I have not seen one post on here about Clinton that is not at least a little true, and most are all true, but still, she is less of a risk to America than Trump.
Here's the scary part. I have not seen one post on here about Clinton that is not at least a little true, and most are all true, but still, she is less of a risk to America than Trump.
I guess that depends on your interpretation of risk. Regardless I'm not voting for either one of those disasters. I'll vote for my local and state representatives, but I can't vote for one of them without regurgitating on the machine.
Here's the scary part. I have not seen one post on here about Clinton that is not at least a little true, and most are all true, but still, she is less of a risk to America than Trump.

Less of a risk to America?

By that, do you mean the corrupt political establishment that has perverted democracy, rigged the system to keep itself enriched?

The establishment is in full blown panic. It fears that the people for whom Trump speaks no longer accept its political legitimacy or moral authority.

It may rule and run the country, and may rig the system through mass immigration, massive voter fraud, a mammoth welfare state that has enslaved the inner-city minorities and trapped them in everlasting poverty, and fixed it so that Middle America is never again able to elect one of its own. But that establishment, disconnected from the people it rules, senses, rightly, that it is unloved and even detested.

Having fixed the future, the establishment finds half of the country looking upon it with the same sullen contempt that our Founding Fathers came to look upon the overlords Parliament sent to rule them.

Establishment panic is traceable to another fear: Its ideology, its political religion, is seen by growing millions as a golden calf, a 20th-century god that has failed.

Among many in the silent majority, the Obamian/Clintonian democracy is not an improvement upon the old republic; it is the corruption of it.

Consider: Six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November.

And if felons decide the electoral votes of Virginia, and Virginia decides who is our next U.S. president, are we obligated to honor that election?

If that is democracy, many will say, to hell with it.
McAwful is a corrupt Clinton crony. He is under FBI investigation. He should go to jail.


Might wanna set yourself for a big disappointment there Nukee. It ain't gonna happen.

Dems in Virginia don't need 200, 000 felons to vote to keep the Commonwealth blue . .
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I mean, some felons need to be able to vote. I know I've done some things in my time that if I got busted doing I would now not be voting (here in Tennessee if I understand it correctly). I bet I'm not the only one on this board who has been lucky in that regard.
$hillary was lecturing State Department employees about cyber security in 2010 mandatory training videos, yet all the while she was conducting official State Department business as SoS on her non-secure, unauthorized, private, home-brew server which was likely hacked by hostile nation states or other entities... The DNC's cyber-security vulnerabilities allowed hacking which has put $hill's campaign on its heels.... ObamaCare is an imploding disaster... Our national elections really do matter, an if we elected a pathological lying, reckless crook like the $hill, we will deserve whatever flows from that mistake.