I went over to Crack Ride


Hall of Famer
Aug 15, 2008
to see what the average insane Wuf is thinking. My favorite post is the one in which a typcqil Mooer says he thinks Swofford gave a kidney to his brother, the singer Oliver, and nopw he hopes that Swofford gets kidney disease.

No trash like NC State trash. Having grown up in SEC country and dealing with Vols especially but also UK and Auburn and Miss St fans, it was hard for me to acknowledge that.
My 3nd favorite Crack Ride post: "As Bengals cvoach marvin lewis said about Jimmy Graham, 'Unfortunately, it cost us a penalty, but I think ... it took a little bit out of him for the rest of the football game.' We need to have that thought about the holes QB and Switzer. If we are going to get a penalty, make it count!"

No trash like NC State trash.

As I have said before, getting shed of Moo forever is the only reason to want to join the SEC.

This post was edited on 11/21 8:26 AM by WoadBlue
Want more: "Can we have Audi Cole come teach our LBs the 'renner Swing?'"

Wufs live to see UNC players injured and out for the year.

No trash like NC State trash.
wait until we smoke that ass next Saturday , then you will see an epic melt down.
Read the "So what's it going to take to beat the Cheats [sic]?" thread.

Skip to page 4 or 5, wherever the posts start rolling in during/after our game last night. Lots of Wolpfies are terrified of this game. I sure hope the Heels reaffirm their fears and then some
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
Read the "So what's it going to take to beat the Cheats [sic]?" thread.

Skip to page 4 or 5, wherever the posts start rolling in during/after our game last night. Lots of Wolpfies are terrified of this game. I sure hope the Heels reaffirm their fears and then some
'And then some' in spades.

I abhor Dook, but I have a basic repect for Dook and its teams and even its fans. But Moo fans are worse than any SEC fan base. They are utterly repulsive. They have no honor and no decency, no redeeming near-virtue of any kind. They should be treated as the trash they are.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:

I abhor Dook, but I have a basic repect for Dook and its teams and even its fans. But Moo fans are worse than any SEC fan base. They are utterly repulsive. They have no honor and no decency, no redeeming near-virtue of any kind. They should be treated as the trash they are.
Nailed it.

It's a shame, because there are a few decent Pack fans out there. Even after the epic 12-inning 4-hour ACC Baseball tournament game in Greensboro in 2012, a handful of guys in red waited around outside the UNC dugout just so they could congratulate the Heels players on the win. Sadly, they seem to be the strays from the herd rather than the other way around.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:

Originally posted by WoadBlue:

I abhor Dook, but I have a basic repect for Dook and its teams and even its fans. But Moo fans are worse than any SEC fan base. They are utterly repulsive. They have no honor and no decency, no redeeming near-virtue of any kind. They should be treated as the trash they are.
Nailed it.

It's a shame, because there are a few decent Pack fans out there. Even after the epic 12-inning 4-hour ACC Baseball tournament game in Greensboro in 2012, a handful of guys in red waited around outside the UNC dugout just so they could congratulate the Heels players on the win. Sadly, they seem to be the strays from the herd rather than the other way around.
It's so true. I have a couple of really good friends who went to State and they are as normal as any fans can be. One has a great tailgate spot and tickets and has invited me to CF for any number of games but has warned me to never wear any UNC gear if I go because as he puts it- "our fans are the biggest bunch of redneck idiots on the face of the Earth- you will get a bottle or something thrown at you."
While I believe every fan base has its share of fanatical loons, I also believe that state has much MUCH larger percentage of their fan base that fits that description. What reasonable adult would spend time pouring over court dockets trying to find out if 18-22 yr old young men of their rivals athletic teams has received a speeding ticket or some other violation? Or spend hours on the internet looking for negative articles so they can run to other teams message boards to share them with people who for the most part do not give a damn. These scumbags have no problem just flat out making up crap or sharing crackride lies about UNC players, but then throw a little hissy fit and destroys a friendship when a UNC fan counters with a viable rumor about one of their beloved wuffies.

Two wuffloons who used to post here are guilty as hell of what I described above. These selective memory hypocrites and their ilk are an embarrassment to their fan base, but they see themselves as heroes.
Need more on the level of Wiffie insanity? The thread on Swofford being the 1st Commish to call for the ;layoff to go to 8 teams with filled with posts saying how much Swofford is hated.

Whatever the subject might be, Wuffies will turn it into a paranoid delusion fest, filled with lowest common denominator calls for injured players and UNC alums dying of cancer.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:

Whatever the subject might be, Wuffies will turn it into a paranoid delusion fest, filled with lowest common denominator calls for injured players and UNC alums dying of cancer.
Literally, LITERALLY, not an exaggeration.

I've read it with my own two eyes on PP many times.
I would never pull for a kid to get hurt but i'm not above praying that the vast majority of their fans leave Kenan severely concussed.