Mr. Obama . . Welcome To Chapel Hill . . !

Obama has rock star/celebrity status. I don't know of many incumbent two-term presidents who could campaign for their party's nominee like him. Clinton? Nope. GWB? Nope! I don't know if Reagan did or not. Nixon wasn't campaigning for Ford. Johnson wasn't campaigning for Humphrey.
Worst. President. Ever.

He's f*cked this country up 9 ways from Sunday. I'm sorry, but slick talkin' and the ability to read a teleprompter aren't all I look for in a President. I know he's been busy race-baiting and doing college basketball pick 'ems, but you would figure that after 8 years, he'd be able to bring people together.

In short, he sucks. And I wish him nothing but failure after his term ends.
President Obama is just killing it in Chapel Hill . .


Its on to Charlotte and then Fayetteville . . getting the vote out.
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Obama is as popular as FDR. He could be elected for a 3rd term. Again, very few presidents since FDR can say that. Then again, FDR had a lot of haters, too. But, regardless, his presidential legacy is seen as vary favorable, historically.

I don't care for many things he did, but he's been the least offensive President since Carter, to me.
I'd love to know what he has done that has directly effected your life, all of you who think he is that bad. He f'd up my life but I don't hate him. I'll just brush the dust off my jeans, get up and keep going. There's no room for hate. I don't even hate Trump. I just don't like his hatefulness at all and will not vote for him either. I pray he can handle when karma does visit him though.
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I'd love to know what he has done that has directly effected your life, all of you who think he is that bad. He f'd up my life but I don't hate him. I'll just brush the dust off my jeans, get up and keep going. There's no room for hate. I don't even hate Trump. I just don't like his hatefulness at all and will not vote for him either. I pray he can handle when karma does visit him though.
Yeah... you had your job and income impacted DIRECTLY, and heavily! The ACA literally cut-off your livelihood. These guys are wondering how to invest their 401k's and how to micro-manage their stock portfolios! I'm sure they're really struggling! They hate Obama because... who-knows-why!
"Yeah... you had your job and income impacted DIRECTLY, and heavily! The ACA literally cut-off your livelihood. These guys are wondering how to invest their 401k's and how to micro-manage their stock portfolios! I'm sure they're really struggling! They hate Obama because... who-knows-why!"

I lost my doctor of 20 years. I lost my insurance plan. My premiums doubled, my deductible trebled. My primary caretaker is now a PA as opposed to a doctor. I've just been notified that my plan will not be offered next year because Aetna is no longer participating in the Unaffordable Care Act. That leaves me one option in NC, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, meaning my insurance is going to go up even more. That means I won't be able to afford it, putting me in violation of the law.

Yeah, I despise the man who proposed socialized medicine and ramrodded it through his democratic Congress. To accommodate 10% of the population, they have screwed half the population. Now over half of the state exchanges are bankrupt, leading to an inevitable single payer system, which is what Obama said he wanted from the git go. And that single payer will be our government, giving them complete control over our health.

I despise the man.
Best President? hmmmm let's go to the stats.

Heading towards 20 trillion in debt (Odumbo has accumulated more than all predecessors combined)

1 in 7 U.S. citizens(and probably a lot of non-citizens too).on Food Stamps

Record 94.7 million not in labor force (Don't give me the gubmits unemployment rate LMMFAO).

Race relations absolutely terrible.

LEO's being shot at alarming rates

U.S. industry being regulated to death.

Not one single quarter of GDP growth > or = to 3% even last quarter was only 2.9 and that because of unusually large exports of Soybeans.

Best? Not Likely. Worst? hands down.
An absolute disaster as President. 58 forgot the single WORST foreign policy deal in American history.. the Iran nuclear deal which gives them $100 billion to fund terror networks all over the world and virtually guarantees a nuclear confrontation with Israel within 10 years. yeah he is so charismatic!!! What a friggin mess this community organizing thug has gotten us into
Best President? hmmmm let's go to the stats.

Heading towards 20 trillion in debt (Odumbo has accumulated more than all predecessors combined)

1 in 7 U.S. citizens(and probably a lot of non-citizens too).on Food Stamps

Record 94.7 million not in labor force (Don't give me the gubmits unemployment rate LMMFAO).

Race relations absolutely terrible.

LEO's being shot at alarming rates

U.S. industry being regulated to death.

Not one single quarter of GDP growth > or = to 3% even last quarter was only 2.9 and that because of unusually large exports of Soybeans.

Best? Not Likely. Worst? hands down.
But WHAT HAS HE DONE DIRECTLY TO YOU????? We all know those stats. The question is what has directly effected YOU?
An absolute disaster as President. 58 forgot the single WORST foreign policy deal in American history.. the Iran nuclear deal which gives them $100 billion to fund terror networks all over the world and virtually guarantees a nuclear confrontation with Israel within 10 years. yeah he is so charismatic!!! What a friggin mess this community organizing thug has gotten us into
What has he done to YOU though?? Just you and your life.

I love how you guys throw out statistics on how he has effected others lives like you actually care! I'm wiping a tear right now lol
But WHAT HAS HE DONE DIRECTLY TO YOU????? We all know those stats. The question is what has directly effected YOU?
do you not think the debt will directly hurt all of us?
Do you not think taxes will continue to rise to support all the social benefits???
Do you not think all the people not in the work force affects sales people?
How about the terrible race relations?
THINK Chicky think it's so damn obvious.
He met with the basketball team but not the football team. I guess Obama is a basketball-only fan just like most of Radar???

The football team went out to vote, unfortunately most of them were stuck in line over in Guilford County . . wonder which way they voted . . ?

An absolute disaster as President. 58 forgot the single WORST foreign policy deal in American history.. the Iran nuclear deal which gives them $100 billion to fund terror networks all over the world and virtually guarantees a nuclear confrontation with Israel within 10 years. yeah he is so charismatic!!! What a friggin mess this community organizing thug has gotten us into

May God Bless Mrs. Keysersosay . . she's a great woman.
do you not think the debt will directly hurt all of us?
Do you not think taxes will continue to rise to support all the social benefits???
Do you not think all the people not in the work force affects sales people?
How about the terrible race relations?
THINK Chicky think it's so damn obvious.
I know you're right about that, dear but all presidents bring that crap. I guess I was just wondering if anyone else was directly effected like I've been.
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