Players taking a knee during The Song


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 25, 2003
have we had a thread about this yet? I personally don't care although I do understand why it pisses some people off.
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I don't like it. But I don't have to like it. Somebody that takes a knee I'd hang out w tomorrow. Life's too short (imo) to worry about petty stuff (imo) like that. People say they're making no point w taking a knee. Guess what. That's all that's being talked about anymore. I'd say they're being heard clearly.

I miss the days when football came up we could all just point at the Browns and laugh. Oh well.
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One of the most benign, inoffensive displays of civil disobedience I can ever recall witnessing.

The freedom to do something like that is exactly what our fighting men and women have fought and died to preserve through the centuries.

People may disagree with it, they may not understand how it will make a difference, they may even despise the players who do it. But, it's their right and they're not hurting a soul by doing it.
have we had a thread about this yet? I personally don't care although I do understand why it pisses some people off.

Not only does it piss me off, but l think it is the height of disrespect for our nation and those who served and esp those who gave their lives.
l promise you those of us who served and gave did not do so in order that some far left jackass like C. Kapersnik could express his civil rights by kneeling and not standing respectfully for our
national anthem! Wedidnot give and serve for any so called leftist rights .... like lgbtq rights!!!

I would never like to be in a fox hole with some of these chicken shts, who would cut and run in the face of fire. I sure am glad that those who defended our nation in our wars we're not c kap and the like. We'd be Russia by now! The left .... no balls, no guts
One of the most benign, inoffensive displays of civil disobedience I can ever recall witnessing.

The freedom to do something like that is exactly what our fighting men and women have fought and died to preserve through the centuries.

People may disagree with it, they may not understand how it will make a difference, they may even despise the players who do it. But, it's their right and they're not hurting a soul by doing it.

Exactly how I feel.
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That's all that's being talked about anymore. I'd say they're being heard clearly.
I'd say they are not being heard clearly. It's supposed to be about equality, but the vast majority of people are just talking about the action of them taking a knee. It's counterproductive to their cause. Apparently Kap has been doing a lot of volunteer work, but no one talks about that. They are just talking about him taking a knee and pissing people off.

One of the most benign, inoffensive displays of civil disobedience I can ever recall witnessing.
There seems to be a lot of people who are offended.
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Well it's being talked about. A lot. That's what I mean. Anybody who seeks information can google why they're doing it.

And I don't think it's counterproductive at all. People are gonna get pissed at what people get pissed at. I think being talked about is a first step for their cause.
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Trump saying what he said is going to make it more popular now. A baseball player has already joined it. Good job, DT.
Apparently Kap has been doing a lot of volunteer work, but no one talks about that. They are just talking about him taking a knee and pissing people off.

To be fair, he has a lot of spare time on his hands
I will preface my comments with this... I appreciate every veteran that has served or is currently serving. In fact, about the only time I ever post on Facebook is to personally thank every veteran I know on Veterans Day.

That being said, they DID NOT serve this country so that every citizen HAD to stand and respect the flag. They served, fought and died for this country so that all Americans have the right to decide whether or not they want to stand. While you or I may not agree, it is our right as Americans to state our disagreement, or protest against injustices.

For trump to say that NFL fans should stay home if they are offended by the protests, is fugging idiotic! If I had shelled out hundreds for tickets to a game, I'll be damned if I'm going to throw those away because a few players took a knee during the Song.
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I'd say they are not being heard clearly. It's supposed to be about equality, but the vast majority of people are just talking about the action of them taking a knee. It's counterproductive to their cause. Apparently Kap has been doing a lot of volunteer work, but no one talks about that. They are just talking about him taking a knee and pissing people off.

Exactly. The entire story is always who took a knee, it never follows with "So let's talk about the issues they're attempting to raise awareness for". The fact they're doing it doesn't piss me off, by all means go for it. What pisses me off is the coverage it's getting. Who knelt/stood for the anthem is becoming more prevalent in the news than what happened in the actual game.

South Park did a great episode on this that's worth a watch. People showed up for games to see who knelt/stood, and then left before the game even started. That's what we're regressing to.
Today may be an interesting day on the NFL's playing fields at Anthem time . . whole teams taking a knee . . ?

What would happen if the person singing the NA were to take a knee at the beginning . . ? Or Stevie Wonder singing from both knees . .

Oh, say can you see
i don't care either, but i do like the solidarity by the players...i do agree with carolina not going to the white house, though.

i do care more about the leader of the free world acting like an idiot on social media...he's completely out of touch with this.
i don't care either, but i do like the solidarity by the players...i do agree with carolina not going to the white house, though.

i do care more about the leader of the free world acting like an idiot on social media...he's completely out of touch with this.

I know. There is no way he will possibly win again. He's through for sure this time.
I know. There is no way he will possibly win again. He's through for sure this time.

i don't see where i said that...oh, you're being sarcastic...i get it, good one.

i don't care either, but i do like the solidarity by the players...i do agree with carolina not going to the white house, though.

i do care more about the leader of the free world acting like an idiot on social media...he's completely out of touch with this.
ESPN reporting that the Steelers will stay in the locker room for the anthem . .
I deeply resent the utter disrespect shown our flag and NA by these scums.

I served in the US Marines and lost many of my buddies.l was a Captain and Company Commander. Let me assure you we did not fight for any so called gay rights, lgbtq rights not any other perversion! We fought for America, the Bill of Rights, for our families, for the American way of life, for our founding fathers. Many gave their lives ... their livelihoods, their rights, their all.

How many of you chicken shts would do so for your country? I thought so!!!!!!!
I deeply resent the utter disrespect shown our flag and NA by these scums.

I served in the US Marines and lost many of my buddies.l was a Captain and Company Commander. Let me assure you we did not fight for any so called gay rights, lgbtq rights not any other perversion! We fought for America, the Bill of Rights, for our families, for the American way of life, for our founding fathers. Many gave their lives ... their livelihoods, their rights, their all.

How many of you chicken shts would do so for your country? I thought so!!!!!!!

I went to the Virginia Military Institute and am friends with many career officers in all 4 branches. You are the first officer I have ever heard speak this way.

My point is that I just don't care whether these players wish to stand or kneel, if the point of kneeling is to speak out against a perceived injustice. I would much more rather that happen than for someone to sit out of laziness.
I deeply resent the utter disrespect shown our flag and NA by these scums.

I served in the US Marines and lost many of my buddies.l was a Captain and Company Commander. Let me assure you we did not fight for any so called gay rights, lgbtq rights not any other perversion! We fought for America, the Bill of Rights, for our families, for the American way of life, for our founding fathers. Many gave their lives ... their livelihoods, their rights, their all.

How many of you chicken shts would do so for your country? I thought so!!!!!!!

yeah, first time i've ever heard anyone speak this way...i disagree with what you wrote, but i completely respect your service and your opinion.
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30+ post so far. No one has talked about their cause. Counterproductive.

I understand your point. I would assume everyone posting ITT already knows their cause. What I'm saying is 'any publicity is good publicity'. If someone doesn't know anything about football. Doesn't watch football but hears people talking about NFL players taking knees during the Anthem then I think it would raise their curiosity enough to ask "why". And that's a win for their cause IMO bc it's being talked about. I'm just not referring to all of us jerkoffs on a message board. I'm not saying anything is getting better bc of what they're doing bc I honestly don't know.

I would assume the people who are honestly doing this for social injustice would rather me and you be having this conversation right now then for their 'actions' to be overlooked and not talked about at all.

Like I said I see and understand your point. We just disagree on the whole counterproductive part.
The protest went from a few players displaying their unhappiness over race relations to almost the entire NFL organization taking a stand for the 1st amendment rights of everyone. The players are being very patriotic. Trump has actually succeeded in creating a solidarity in opposition to his remarks. Well done, Don!
The protest went from a few players displaying their unhappiness over race relations to almost the entire NFL organization taking a stand for the 1st amendment rights of everyone. The players are being very patriotic. Trump has actually succeeded in creating a solidarity in opposition to his remarks. Well done, Don!
And, I'd be willing to bet that Kap will have a job in a few weeks, now as owners are standing up for their players.
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The protest went from a few players displaying their unhappiness over race relations to almost the entire NFL organization taking a stand for the 1st amendment rights of everyone. The players are being very patriotic. Trump has actually succeeded in creating a solidarity in opposition to his remarks. Well done, Don!
It will be interesting to see what happens next week. There's been some boos from the fans.

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