Republican Debate

So you think homosexuality is the really and I mean really big issue voters are concerned with, and by golly, how in the world did they even let evangelicals into the party and vote for them.


How old are you? You sound like someone still naive, in college and lacking a depth of understanding of the world and people, basically sophomoric. Don't tell me, you just started your 3rd yr in college this year?
I mean they are alienating themselves more and more. Wanting to amend the Constitution to "define marriage." Just generally being stuck in the past.
There's another issue that is going to sink Republicans if they refuse to drop it- homosexuality. It is becoming (or has become) an accepted aspect of human behavior. Republicans, because of their decision to let evangelicals into their political tent, are now unable to show any advocacy or tolerance, openly, for homosexuality. It's really a shame because what was once a true Republic-an party, is now becoming a party of religious zealouts, homophobes, xenophobes, and people who are always ready to go to war with a Middle Eastern country. They have no problem spending and growing government, especially if it is to instill some fundamentalist agenda.

The GOP that existed in 1964 is gone. Fiscally responsible, small government, non-interventionist has given way to the disgrace that the GOP has become. After the last GOP convention, where they literally voted away everything that resembles a Republic, and voting through delegates, I changed my status from registered Republican to Independent.

Let me just help you with some facts:

1. Homosexuality is a near non-issue as far as elections. Those like you would vote democrat regardless and for the rest, it doesn't matter except for a teeny, teeny slice of Americans.

2. The reality is the democrats only win via ginning up very large percentages of the minority vote, usually via race-baiting and fear. In fact, the black voter is generally more anti-gay than the rest of the country. So the gay thing has nothing to do with why the gems win the minority vote.

3. The GOP wins as high percentage of the white vote as Reagan did, and he had landslide victories. Obviously, being anti-gay marriage is not harming the GOP with these voters.

4. The democrats have been losing big on the State and Congressional level in a major way. The way to break them for presidential elections is to cut into the minority vote. The Reps don't always get it. They think maybe we need to pander. That's what the pundits say but if it's based on pandering, the gems pander more. Trump and Carson both poll at a significant portion of the minority vote to sink the democrats, more than Bush or Rubio, et al..... Why? Because they are not pandering in the same way, and so they gain more respect.
I mean they are alienating themselves more and more. Wanting to amend the Constitution to "define marriage." Just generally being stuck in the past.

Alienating from whom? let's break it down....the GOP wins a higher percentage of the white voter than in the past 40 years.

Where do they lose? Well, among black voters and black voters are the most anti-gay group of voters out there. Clearly the GOP is not hurting themselves then with being too hard on the gay marriage issue.

So your beliefs don't wash with reality.
Alienating from whom? let's break it down....the GOP wins a higher percentage of the white voter than in the past 40 years.

Where do they lose? Well, among black voters and black voters are the most anti-gay group of voters out there. Clearly the GOP is not hurting themselves then with being too hard on the gay marriage issue.

So your beliefs don't wash with reality.
Fine... keep on keepin' on.
Fine... keep on keepin' on.

Is logic and reason so difficult for you? Obviously the gay issue hasn't hurt the GOP too much since they are winning the largest majorities ever among one group most likely to favor gay marriage and are losing among minorities most hostile to it.
Is logic and reason so difficult for you? Obviously the gay issue hasn't hurt the GOP too much since they are winning the largest majorities ever among one group most likely to favor gay marriage and are losing among minorities most hostile to it.
Awesome. Keep on going in that direction!
How does the GOP win those seats? Gerrymandering and doing everything in their power to cut voter turnout. You'd think if their ideas were so popular they'd want more people to vote...
How does the GOP win those seats? Gerrymandering and doing everything in their power to cut voter turnout. You'd think if their ideas were so popular they'd want more people to vote...

Well, at least they didn't use the IRS and other federal agencies to suppress voters and activists as Obama did with the tea party folks. Bet he still he is, in fact.
I know you intended that as an insult, but the only gay guy I know personally is one of the smartest and coolest guys I know. I'd rather be compared to him than you every day of the week.

Funny how many people who like to use the word "homo" and the like as an insult, tend to have some kind of suppressed homo-erotic tendencies themselves. But hey, you wouldn't be the first fundamentalist christian with those suppressed tendencies... You'd fit right in at the Vatican
Wow, you know a gay guy? You are just steeped in life experiences, aren't you? It's easy to see how you acquired your vast wisdom and breadth of knowledge.

Sarc off.
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I think its obvious that the immigration issue is way bigger with voters than anyone anticipated. Its even trumping (heh heh) the economy and isis. Gays guns and god dont seem to be a focal point this go round. Trump has really tapped into something with this plus the animosity voters seem to have for the media.
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So you think homosexuality is the really and I mean really big issue voters are concerned with, and by golly, how in the world did they even let evangelicals into the party and vote for them.


How old are you? You sound like someone still naive, in college and lacking a depth of understanding of the world and people, basically sophomoric. Don't tell me, you just started your 3rd yr in college this year?
I think 'boy is still in junior high, maybe first year of high school... Hard to tell...
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Wow, you know a gay guy? You are just steeped in life experiences, aren't you? It's easy to see how you acquired your vast wisdom and breadth of knowledge.

Sarc off.

Somebody must be a catholic. Did I bring up bad memories?
I like how this use of 'boy is used to try to insult, too. These guys are even threatened by age! Age, sexual orientation, religion, political views... interesting. I must be a boy, too!
I like how this use of 'boy is used to try to insult, too. These guys are even threatened by age! Age, sexual orientation, religion, political views... interesting. I must be a boy, too!

It's pretty amusing at this point. It does make you wonder if they know how silly they look though...
It's pretty amusing at this point. It does make you wonder if they know how silly they look though...
To me, it seems to almost imply something like... the older you get, you eventually give up. This whole "I used to be idealistic, then I lived a long time and it wore me down." That's a shame.
To me, it seems to almost imply something like... the older you get, you eventually give up. This whole "I used to be idealistic, then I lived a long time and it wore me down." That's a shame.
If you had anything substantive to offer regarding the merits of the OP, then maybe you would be worthy of anyone paying attention to what you post... The real shame is that neither you nor your alter-ego 'boy have anything to add other than insult peoples' beliefs... The lack of idealism you sense is not ours. It's yours, and that is the shame...
If you had anything substantive to offer regarding the merits of the OP, then maybe you would be worthy of anyone paying attention to what you post... The real shame is that neither you nor your alter-ego 'boy have anything to add other than insult peoples' beliefs... The lack of idealism you sense is not ours. It's yours, and that is the shame...
Well, if I insulted your beliefs, I'm sorry. It's nothing personal. Maybe it was because you held everyone else to the standard of your beliefs?

I must be offering substantive dialogue because you never miss a chance to respond... if only to insult me. You act as if you never do that yourself. I'd say 90% of what you "offer" is just that- insults and rigid partisanship. So, again, hold your mirror up a little higher.
Well, if I insulted your beliefs, I'm sorry. It's nothing personal. Maybe it was because you held everyone else to the standard of your beliefs?

I must be offering substantive dialogue because you never miss a chance to respond... if only to insult me. You act as if you never do that yourself. I'd say 90% of what you "offer" is just that- insults and rigid partisanship. So, again, hold your mirror up a little higher.
Again, you offer nothing substantive to the conversation, no value added. More of the same... Moving on...