Roy/team may skip White House visit

Don't be surprised if this happens.
He should let the kids decide. They won as a team so it should be their decision as well. There are not a lot of people who get to say they have been on a private tour of the white house. If they vote to go, Roy can always stay home and let them go by themselves.

Didn't he choose not to go in '05 when Bush was in office?
Correct, they didn't go. I actually didn't know that until I read it yesterday.
whatever the kids prefer i'll support them. trump is changing all the rules. if the first lady doesn't have to live in the white our players don't have to visit there.
Yes, One thing Roy learned from Dean.....Stand up for what you believe in and treat all people as equal. Dean would not go......Trust Roy to do the right thing and not go. The way things are going it might be Pence that invites the team.
LOL - what color is the sky in your world? There are so many things that are false / wrong about your comments:
1) it shouldn't be Roy's decision for all the kids, IMO. If Roy doesn't respect the office of president or White House, fine, but its not his call to deprive others
2) "the way things are going" - you mean like impeachment? Good luck with that. If you pay attention at all its more likely Barry and his band of criminal hacks like Rice that should be and will be prosecuted, and convicted of felonies
He should let the kids decide. They won as a team so it should be their decision as well. There are not a lot of people who get to say they have been on a private tour of the white house. If they vote to go, Roy can always stay home and let them go by themselves.
Agreed. As much as I don't like the current president, it should always be up to the players. I actually wish they had introduced Roy before the players at the Dean Dome welcome back last night as well. The coach should not be the star of the team.
I agree with coach that political affiliation aside, you let the kids decide, but nonetheless, the experience is one they should take in. I'm also not a big fan of people continuing to associate not going to the white house as the "right" thing to do. Because you don't agree with somebody's politics (specifically President Trump), doesn't make your opinion the "right" thing to do
I don't think Coach will go. IMO, since Coach Williams is a true Dean discipline and if his Team is a extension of Coach then I'm pretty sure some players will agree not to go. To each his own. But it's that what's make America so Great, the freedom to do or not do, speak or not speak. Beside, it seem that is ok to not be PC anymore but from some of the comments I guess it's ok for some and not for others. lol
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[/QUOTE]2) "the way things are going" - you mean like impeachment? Good luck with that. If you pay attention at all its more likely Barry and his band of criminal hacks like Rice that should be and will be prosecuted, and convicted of felonies[/QUOTE]

As of today the majority of people in this country disagree with the way Trump is running a wide margin. Lets wait and see when the Russia smoke, now fire, is over and see what shakes out. But I would not want my kids to speak to a man who brags about grabbing women by the P-word.
It'd be interesting to see / hear - on what grounds or factual basis would Roy (or the players) say he doesn't want to go and is deciding for the whole team that they can't go.

Would Roy say, "I just don't like DJT." Fine - I get it, about half the people probably don't. Even the people that voted for him weren't necessarily huge fans. I don't think that is a valid reason to deprive the whole team of a cool historic opportunity very few have a chance to ever experience.

But if Roy were to throw around something like "well, its because is racist, sexist, xenophobe, anti-Semite, etc" vague mischaracterizations and slander, with ZERO factual evidence for any of these slanders, that would really bother me. And it should embarrass Roy as being not very intelligent or having integrity regarding judging other people's character or actions, (vs. just being a simpleton buying into the fast and loose ambiguous slander-mongering of the media and The Resistance).

Roy should have to be specific: "we are not going because DJT actually said or did X to person or group Y."
2) "the way things are going" - you mean like impeachment? Good luck with that. If you pay attention at all its more likely Barry and his band of criminal hacks like Rice that should be and will be prosecuted, and convicted of felonies[/QUOTE]

As of today the majority of people in this country disagree with the way Trump is running a wide margin. Lets wait and see when the Russia smoke, now fire, is over and see what shakes out. But I would not want my kids to speak to a man who brags about grabbing women by the P-word.[/QUOTE]

your village is missing it's idiot.
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2) "the way things are going" - you mean like impeachment? Good luck with that. If you pay attention at all its more likely Barry and his band of criminal hacks like Rice that should be and will be prosecuted, and convicted of felonies[/QUOTE]

As of today the majority of people in this country disagree with the way Trump is running a wide margin. Lets wait and see when the Russia smoke, now fire, is over and see what shakes out. But I would not want my kids to speak to a man who brags about grabbing women by the P-word.[/QUOTE]
But you'd be OK with the kids hanging with and talking to Bill Clinton who ACTUALLY DID stuff in the White House with people who work for him, that I can't type here, they are so graphic?
Trivial and childish if they don't go. Could you imagine the backlash if a team chose not to go when Obama was in office? Idiotic. Grow up and respect the Office and Tradition even if you don't agree with the political party or person in office.

So glad we don't live in a world where your opinion matters. Leave it up to the kids. If they don't want to go, then don't go. I'm not going to cheer for them one day and then call them stupid the next because they disagree with me on issues outside of basketball.
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The prob is u instantly make yourself a hypocrite when u cherry pick businesses, movies, STATES, or politicians for boycotting. I guarantee u i can dig up a dz examples of coach supporting something through his patronage that represents an idea or concept much more deplorable than trump (who i didnt vote for and do not like) either through its ownership or business practices or charities it supports.
If they're invited, I think it would be better to respect the tradition and go.

I'd go. I would go if the invite was from nixon, kennedy, clinton or trump. i'd go cause i'm secure enough in my identity to withstand being around people i dont agree with or may even dislike. I do it every thankgsgiving.
If they're invited, I think it would be better to respect the tradition and go.
I agree with last time I checked college was still about learning, exploring, answering questions no matter what side you are on...this very likely will be the only time that most of these young men get a chance to do this..let them experience the tradition of our Nations Capital!

When you are a pro and get invited...make your choice as you see fit...have no problem with that!!!
Who wouldn't want to pull a Forrest Gump and as you are shaking T-Rumps hand tell him you got to pee and ask where the bathroom is!!!!
Fact, Trump's approval rating as of today 35%

Fact , This is publication that gave him the man of the year 2016.
Fact, majority of americans disagree with his work

You guys are a minority, like or not.

BTW, the way Roy roasted him a couple weeks back, they may not get an invite.

Sorry to disappoint you but you can cherry-pick polls all you want to but a real polling firm says this...
They got the invite late and a couple of the players were already in NBA draft process , so they just elected not to go.

On Mike & Mike yesterday Roy flat out said "hell in 2005 we didn't even get invited."