Rule changes in sports you'd like to see


Hall of Famer
Nov 5, 2002
In college football I'd like to see 2 feet inbounds required for a catch, and ball carrier must be down by contact. Also please everybody get on the same page regarding advancing fumbles, muffed punts, etc. College OT is a a joke, as is the NFL to a lesser degree. Put 10 minutes on the clock, coin toss and play football, REAL football! If still tied after 10 minutes, it's a tie, unless it's a playoff game.
NCAA men's basketball should play 4 quarters like everyone else, and shot bonus (2 shots) starting on the 5th foul of the quarter, with fouls being reset for the 2nd & 4th quarters, like NCAA women, and new this year in NFHS (high school).
If instant replay is used, make it all inclusive! If looking for a fumble, and an obvious face mask, targeting, etc is seen that wasn't called, enforce it! The penalty could have helped cause the fumble. There are probably other examples where this "hindsight" would be beneficial, but this one really irritates me. I hate to hear, 'they can't enforce that, not part of the process" or something similar! If
replay is going to be used, use it to 100%, or get rid of it!
Allow a courtesy runner in baseball if batter is hit by pitch, and reentry if forced to leave game for treatment. Why should defense benefit from hitting Aaron Judge or Ohtani?
Build MLB parks where HRs are obvious and can be easily identified as such!
Get rid of Angel Hernandez!😁😁😁
Thoughts, suggestions?
most definitely two feet in for a catch at all levels

i don’t mind the college ot rule, so i’d make the nfl the same
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most definitely two feet in for a catch at all levels

i don’t mind the college ot rule, so i’d make the nfl the same
I like the ten minute OT thing, OR no OT at all. I don't mind that two teams have fought each other to a tie. If not that, then two things...starting at midfield in college allows the defense to more realistically come into play. And sudden death in the NFL without allowing the other team a possession is ridiculous. Don't let the coin toss decide a game.

So far as other differences, Vive la difference. More interesting that there are differences.

But on both levels, get a grip on what pass interference is and start making calls on that basis. The hand-to-hand combat has gotten out of...well, hand.
But on both levels, get a grip on what pass interference is and start making calls on that basis. The hand-to-hand combat has gotten out of...well, hand.
this is a problem and it’s making it incredibly difficult to trust any official…first, it’s interpreted differently on every level for some reason…second, as the official rule stands now, the defender has almost zero chance by rule to defend the pass…again, based on the rule…however, since it’s obviously become subjective between crews, leagues, and levels, it’s terrible for all invested.

and what happened at the end of the chiefs/jets game should be investigated…i didn’t have a dog in the fight, thank goodness…it appears as though the league is so in love with the chiefs that they get the benefit of every call…and now, the league is so far in on this swelce thing that the league’s x page has her as the background.
I don’t like the pass interference call where the defender on a long pass play is obviously beat for a TD or a long completion. So the defender intentionally grabs the receiver and is then is rewarded for doing it with only a fifteen yard penalty. I think the penalty should be the longer of spot of the foul or fifteen yards, whichever is greater. Like it was previously in college.
this is a problem and it’s making it incredibly difficult to trust any official…first, it’s interpreted differently on every level for some reason…second, as the official rule stands now, the defender has almost zero chance by rule to defend the pass…again, based on the rule…however, since it’s obviously become subjective between crews, leagues, and levels, it’s terrible for all invested.

and what happened at the end of the chiefs/jets game should be investigated…i didn’t have a dog in the fight, thank goodness…it appears as though the league is so in love with the chiefs that they get the benefit of every call…and now, the league is so far in on this swelce thing that the league’s x page has her as the background.
I can see them mentioning that she is attending a game if they feel the need to announce that little bit of goo gaa, but for God's sake let it go at that. The celebrity worship that exists in our society shouldn't be encouraged any more than the deviant sexusl behavior should be. I can't express how much it sickens me that we dwell on certain people and artificially elevate their importance in society, and like @gunslingerdick said, it's the freaking NFL...act like it has some to speak. Har har..

So far as the controversial play, when a ref waits for the result of a play to throw a flag, there's something rotten in Denmark. ( I've been hearing that phrase since I was a kid, seems like they would have found it by now ). But anyway, I think we should listen to Bobby Knight, who referred to IIRC a connection between Vegas and officiating in sports across the board. But maybe that one ref was just incompetent. Who knows, but to me poor officiating greatly degrades the game.
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I don’t like the pass interference call where the defender on a long pass play is obviously beat for a TD or a long completion. So the defender intentionally grabs the receiver and is then is rewarded for doing it with only a fifteen yard penalty. I think the penalty should be the longer of spot of the foul or fifteen yards, whichever is greater. Like it was previously in college.
Isn't that the way it still is in college?
Gallagher had the idea to let baseball batters keep the bat as they rounded the bases after a hit. If the ball came toward the base they were approaching, they can hit it again. :D
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Isn't that the way it still is in college?
I guess I should have been clearer. Right now the penalty is a maximum 15 yards. I was referring to the interference occurring for example 35 yards downfield. The penalty should be the ball placed at the spot where the interference occurred since the completion likely would have been successful if not for the interference. I’m pretty sure that’s the way it was before college went to the NFL version of the penalty.
I guess I should have been clearer. Right now the penalty is a maximum 15 yards. I was referring to the interference occurring for example 35 yards downfield. The penalty should be the ball placed at the spot where the interference occurred since the completion likely would have been successful if not for the interference. I’m pretty sure that’s the way it was before college went to the NFL version of the penalty.
I'm very confused. When did the college rule not stipulate the current maximum 15 yard PI penalty? And if college went to the NFL version, that would be spot of the PI wherever it occurred, and automatic first down. Then, you're more or less saying that the college rule used to be spot of the foul, until it went the way of the NFL...which is spot of the foul.

Am I just reading you wrong? Unless you correct me, it's my belief that you're trying to say college should be like the NFL is now, spot of the foul wherever it occurs.
of course you’re correct @bluetoe. Please forgive me for experiencing a senior moment. Yes I want college to have the same rule as the NFL. Thanks for getting me back to reality.
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of course you’re correct @bluetoe. Please forgive me for experiencing a senior moment. Yes I want college to have the same rule as the NFL. Thanks for getting me back to reality.
no problem, nothing to forgive...I have many of those myself. Many times I go back and re-read one of my posts and am embarrassed at how confusingly it is worded. I hope I didn't come off as critical, I definitely wasn't; I just wanted to understand.

And for the record, I would have no problem with that rule changing as would many others. I'm OK with either but it does seem downright ridiculous that a touchdown is prevented by a foul, and only fifteen yards is the penalty. Here's one to interception is just as blatantly prevented. Should there be some larger penalty for that? Hmmm.

Like I indicated in another post, intentional fouls to prevent large gains for the opposition maybe should merit special consideration.
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Rules regarding NIL could use a change. I like the ability of players to make $ off their name & image, but.... :
the combination of NIl and supposedly amateur student-athlete is like mixing oil and water. There are bound to be countless abuses of the intent to allow college athletes to profit from their image and likeness, especially with no black and white rules in place to prevent them.

The question to ask is, were these images and likenesses being exploited so extensively before the athletes were allowed to claim profits from them? I don't know but I don't think so. The beads and shells being thrown at them now is really just pay for play in a form that can't be disallowed or proven.

Maybe what should happen is that an entity uses the NIL and doesn't pay the players as an expense, but rather pays the players from the profits made from the use, which would have to be shown in an accounting manner.
One I forgot to mention that I hate, a fumble that goes out of the opposing team's end zone resulting in a touchback for the defense! Why? Give it back to fumbling team at spot of fumble!
I agree that with college OT needing to change in some capacity… worst case move it to midfield but I’d rather see another 10 minute period and then it can end in tie..

On a side note I’ve turned UNC off twice cause that’s how much I hate the rule(NCST 2022 and App 2023).. Also went to Ole Miss/Arkansas a couple weeks ago and was getting ready to leave if Arkansas would of tied game up on their last possession down 7..

The NC High School rule is even worse with the teams starting at the 10
Very few things in sports annoy me more than a tie. It's basically the official version of a participation trophy. Well Timmy, you played really hard today and everyone is a winner.
Very few things in sports annoy me more than a tie. It's basically the official version of a participation trophy. Well Timmy, you played really hard today and everyone is a winner.
but if the teams played each other that evenly, why not let the tie say so? A tiebreaker in whatever form it takes amounts to flipping a coin to determine who won...just to satisfy people who can't stand a tie. I hate having a chance bounce of a ball or a poorly officiated play determine the winner of a game that was in reality a draw. Might as well have the captains come out to midfield and draw straws.

Plus, the idea that the game will end in a tie causes teams to go for broke in reg, in order to gain a win. As it is with OT, they'll sit on the ball to take it to the OT for fear of turning it over.

Just giving a different perspective.
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One I forgot to mention that I hate, a fumble that goes out of the opposing team's end zone resulting in a touchback for the defense! Why? Give it back to fumbling team at spot of fumble!
Yes - winner winner chicken dinner. This is clearly the worst rule existing in all of football. It needs to be changed.
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Here's one for hockey. After a goal is scored, the defending team can go back to when the puck and the offensive team entered the offensive zone, and if the offensive team is offsides, the goal is overturned. Granted its a power play for the team that just scored, if the challenge is overruled.

But a team can skate around for two minutes in their offensive zone, take multiple shots, finally score a goal, and then it gets overturned a couple minutes after the infraction?

What other sport does this? It'd be like a team in basketball having a posession that resulted in 3-4 shots, and they finally make a basket, but the defending team can challenge that someone stepped out of bounds before the first shot. Same with football and out of bounds a few plays earlier. Just stupid.

If we're talking about crossing the blue line less than a foot before the puck, and it isn't egregious enough for the line judge to see it real time, let it go. No real advantage. I hate this rule.
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Make NBA overtime sudden death. No one needs more minutes in an NBA game and maybe they’ll actually play defense for a possession or two.
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Make NBA overtime sudden death. No one needs more minutes in an NBA game and maybe they’ll actually play defense for a possession or two.
Good call. Who wants to watch a 5 minute OT take 30 minutes, after the last two minutes of regulation took 30 minutes, too. Unwatchable.
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Here's one for hockey. After a goal is scored, the defending team can go back to when the puck and the offensive team entered the offensive zone, and if the offensive team is offsides, the goal is overturned. Granted its a power play for the team that just scored, if the challenge is overruled.

But a team can skate around for two minutes in their offensive zone, take multiple shots, finally score a goal, and then it gets overturned a couple minutes after the infraction?

What other sport does this? It'd be like a team in basketball having a posession that resulted in 3-4 shots, and they finally make a basket, but the defending team can challenge that someone stepped out of bounds before the first shot. Same with football and out of bounds a few plays earlier. Just stupid.

If we're talking about crossing the blue line less than a foot before the puck, and it isn't egregious enough for the line judge to see it real time, let it go. No real advantage. I hate this rule.
good call, this is mine too. It's almost insane to do this. I agree, let it go, it's inconsequential. But if has to be addressed, how about let a coach challenge an offsides no call within 20 seconds of it occurring and then too bad. Or maybe only if a goal is scored within 20 seconds.
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Here's one for hockey. After a goal is scored, the defending team can go back to when the puck and the offensive team entered the offensive zone, and if the offensive team is offsides, the goal is overturned. Granted its a power play for the team that just scored, if the challenge is overruled.

But a team can skate around for two minutes in their offensive zone, take multiple shots, finally score a goal, and then it gets overturned a couple minutes after the infraction?

What other sport does this? It'd be like a team in basketball having a posession that resulted in 3-4 shots, and they finally make a basket, but the defending team can challenge that someone stepped out of bounds before the first shot. Same with football and out of bounds a few plays earlier. Just stupid.

If we're talking about crossing the blue line less than a foot before the puck, and it isn't egregious enough for the line judge to see it real time, let it go. No real advantage. I hate this rule.
another opinion. The ability to replay/review action in all sports is an awesome tool...potentially. We haven't nearly developed common sense use of it yet.
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Don't recall this one being mentioned, but one of my pet peeves is the offense only getting penalized "half the distance to the goal". If a team is backed up against the end zone on the 2, and they commit a hold, it's literally a 1 yard penalty. If the defense commits a 10 yarder, it'll move the offense out to the 12. If they are on the other 2, getting ready to score and commit the same penalty, it backs them up to the 12. That's just not consistent and it provides every incentive to false start, hold, etc. to get whatever advantage they can gain in hopes there is no yellow laundry.

If you are on the 2 and commit the penalty, call the safety that it likely prevented.
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