School bathroom decree ...


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2004
So now our public school teachers and staff get to decide who is transgender or not. That sure sounds like fun! Good luck arguing with the teenage boys as they wander into the girls locker room - and then if you tell said boy that he absolutely cannot go in, get ready for a discrimination lawsuit from liberal Mom and Dad.

"There is no obligation for a student to present a specific medical diagnosis or identification documents that reflect his or her gender identity, and equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable, according to the directive."
I was born about 15 years too early. My middle school and high school years would have been 1000x better if this was in place when I was there. To think I'd just have to tell a teacher "I feel like I should be a girl" and I'd be able to be in the same room as all my female classmates changing for gym class, or afterschool sports... wow. What could have been... :(.

Any middle/high school boy that doesn't take advantage of this rule should be examined for a case of the ghey.
Absolute overreach and meddling where they have no jurisdiction. I hope North Carolina and many other states tell them where to stick their decree. Sure, let's trample the rights of 99.7% of the students to make .3% non stigmatized.
Absolute overreach and meddling where they have no jurisdiction. I hope North Carolina and many other states tell them where to stick their decree. Sure, let's trample the rights of 99.7% of the students to make .3% non stigmatized.
Who is "trampling the the rights" of the 99%? How are their "rights" being trampled on?
Right here is how their rights are being trampled.

"equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable, according to the directive."
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Right here is how their rights are being trampled.

"equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable, according to the directive."

I guess it depends if you think privacy is a right or not. Or whether you think having 13 y.o. me in the girls locker room staring at some chick changing and later rubbing one out to the recollection of it is a violation of her rights.

I honestly don't know if privacy is a right, so I'm legitimately interested to see if it's considered a right or not.
I guess it depends if you think privacy is a right or not. Or whether you think having 13 y.o. me in the girls locker room staring at some chick changing and later rubbing one out to the recollection of it is a violation of her rights.

I honestly don't know if privacy is a right, so I'm legitimately interested to see if it's considered a right or not.
Something making you uncomfortable is not always trampling on your rights. NO ONE is violating ANYONE'S "privacy" here.

This is why I am so ashamed that this originated in North Carolina. If the legislators in NC people weren't so hung up on nudity, human reproductive organs, and natural bodily waste functions, this never would have happened and the political genius in the White House would never have had an opportunity to look like some crusader and champion of human rights. Of course, the whole HB2 thing was only about dictating minimum wage restrictions, as we now know.

Not a single soul's privacy is being violated or infringed. NO ONE! Will it make a lot of people uncomfortable that people who have legitimate biological coding that makes them feel, or identify, as the other gender, get to use a different restroom? Yes, it will. Does it suddenly ALLOW people to commit sexual crimes against someone else? NO!
I know one thing; it appears a lot of old, white men are looking to get laid, or get off in some way, in public toilets than I ever knew. Here I've been using them to poop and pee all my life.
Based on that nonsense, you're not even smart enough to be having this discussion.
Jennifer Roberts and the uber liberal Charlotte city council and THEIR overreach started this.
Ahh, yes, I'm sure every 13-year-old boy is just chomping at the bit to endure the ridicule, abuse, taunts, and physical beatings from his peers that will go along with coming out as transgender, just so he can go in the girls room where a bunch of teen girls will do even worse. Do you people not remember middle school? Most kids will do anything to avoid being painted as different.

It is just baffling to me that this is an issue. It seriously is not going to affect ANYONE except a ridiculously tiny slice of the population who feel so strongly about their gender identity that they're willing to go through pure hell to be able to be themselves.
EVERYONE knows that the transgender people aren't going to be the ones causing problems. They normally don't want to call attention to themselves. It's the others that will take advantage of it for their own purposes.
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You could make the argument that in a locker room the "right to privacy" doesn't exist because you are willingly exposing yourself to other people already.
Something making you uncomfortable is not always trampling on your rights.


NO ONE is violating ANYONE'S "privacy" here.

Disagreed. I think me staring at them while changing is an infringement on their privacy.... but again, whether the privacy is their right - I guess maybe it isn't.

And THEY will be held accountable! Just like they were, would have been, and always will be, regardless.

How would I be held accountable for staring at girls changing, and then later rubbing one out on my own time? It's not like they'll say - ok you feel like a girl so you can go in, but you have to keep your eyes closed the whole time.

Disagreed. I think me staring at them while changing is an infringement on their privacy.... but again, whether the privacy is their right - I guess maybe it isn't.

How would I be held accountable for staring at girls changing, and then later rubbing one out on my own time? It's not like they'll say - ok you feel like a girl so you can go in, but you have to keep your eyes closed the whole time.
Who is forcing you, or even expecting you, to stare at anyone? Why are you staring at other people when you go in the restroom? Do you want them staring at you? I mean, if you like that, then I guess I see why restrooms are the best place for a little action! Have you stared at the other men in locker rooms and restrooms all of your life?

If you can't control yourself in a public bathroom, then you have a problem.
Ahh, yes, I'm sure every 13-year-old boy is just chomping at the bit to endure the ridicule, abuse, taunts, and physical beatings from his peers that will go along with coming out as transgender, just so he can go in the girls room where a bunch of teen girls will do even worse. Do you people not remember middle school? Most kids will do anything to avoid being painted as different.

It is just baffling to me that this is an issue. It seriously is not going to affect ANYONE except a ridiculously tiny slice of the population who feel so strongly about their gender identity that they're willing to go through pure hell to be able to be themselves.

Is this a joke? I thought the whole point was that it wasn't cool/PC to rip on transgenders. If I said I feel like a girl to get into the girls locker room, and then in class the next day my buddies are ripping on me for it - they'd all be suspended/expelled/euthanized for daring to crack on sexual identity.

Plus, the ridicule would cease immediately anyways. Buddy: "Dude, you told the teacher you feel like a girl and changed in the girls locker room!! What are you some trannie weirdo!?!?" Me: "Nah dude, but it allowed me to see that hot chick Amy naked" Buddy: "That's genius, I'm doing it tomorrow"
Who is forcing you, or even expecting you, to stare at anyone?

No one, I would have gladly done that on my own.

Why are you staring at other people when you go in the restroom?

We're talking about locker rooms, and I'd be staring at them because I'd enjoy seeing them naked (or partially naked).

I mean, if you like that, then I guess I see why restrooms are the best place for a little action!

Now you're starting to get it....

Have you stared at the other men in locker rooms and restrooms all of your life?

No, because I'm into chicks. Which is why this hasn't been an issue when men weren't allowed in women's locker rooms.

If you can't control yourself in a public bathroom, then you have a problem.

Again, we're talking about locker rooms, but same general point. And yes, 13 y.o. me definitely had a problem. However, I think that problem is fairly common. And as you have always said, no reason to be ashamed in my sexuality (that I like to stare at naked girls).
I know one thing; it appears a lot of old, white men are looking to get laid, or get off in some way, in public toilets than I ever knew. Here I've been using them to poop and pee all my life.

That's where you went wrong. Public restrooms are never to be used for pooping unless imminent threat of soiling your britches.
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Plus, the ridicule would cease immediately anyways. Buddy: "Dude, you told the teacher you feel like a girl and changed in the girls locker room!! What are you some trannie weirdo!?!?" Me: "Nah dude, but it allowed me to see that hot chick Amy naked" Buddy: "That's genius, I'm doing it tomorrow"

If anything, it reveals this kind of thinking. Thank you!
If the high school allows boys who present as boys to go into the girl's locker room because the boy "identifies as a girl", I imagine there will be serious and dedicated pushback that will send the gays back to rules that will make Saudi Arabia look tolerant.

Although, this is all good news for Trump's numbers, so there is at least something positive here.
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Sorry, but I just don't buy that teachers everywhere are going to suddenly abandon all common sense and let any boy in the girls' room on a whim. That whole notion is a red herring.
That's where you're not getting it. It says administrators are not allowed to question or attempt to verify. It's all subjective. They can't stop anyone from going any where they please.
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No one, I would have gladly done that on my own.

We're talking about locker rooms, and I'd be staring at them because I'd enjoy seeing them naked (or partially naked).

Now you're starting to get it....

No, because I'm into chicks. Which is why this hasn't been an issue when men weren't allowed in women's locker rooms.

Again, we're talking about locker rooms, but same general point. And yes, 13 y.o. me definitely had a problem. However, I think that problem is fairly common. And as you have always said, no reason to be ashamed in my sexuality (that I like to stare at naked girls).
WTH are you even talking about? You're a male, you identify as a MALE. Why would you be in the Ladies Room?


Nothing has changed here!

If your fear is that men, boys, whatever, are going to exploit the situation then you must have that inclination in yourself... pretty strongly, I might add. But, hopefully you're capable of keeping yourself under control so as to not be arrested. This isn't difficult. If boys try to violate this as a joke, or as some other behavior that violates the statute, then they'll be held accountable.
Hey, what's going on in this thread?


Oh, never mind. I'll see myself out
Sorry, but I just don't buy that teachers everywhere are going to suddenly abandon all common sense and let any boy in the girls' room on a whim. That whole notion is a red herring.

That's where you're not getting it. It says administrators are not allowed to question or attempt to verify. It's all subjective. They can't stop anyone from going any where they please.

OMG can you imagine if a teacher tried to stop someone from doing this!?!? They'd be fired (if not shot) on the spot - and banned from all teaching positions in the state for life. Forever branded a bigot. You think anyone would take that risk just to try to stop some 13 y.o. kid from getting his rocks off?
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That's where you're not getting it. It says administrators are not allowed to question or attempt to verify. It's all subjective. They can't stop anyone from going any where they please.

"Under the guidance, schools are told they must treat transgender students according to their chosen gender identity as soon as a parent or guardian notifies the district that that identity "differs from previous representations or records."

Sounds to me like the parents have to notify the district before kids can start using a different locker room.

Still, I don't care. If you have a penis- go to the boys locker room. If you have a vag, go to the girls locker room. Why is this so freaking difficult?
Apparently some of these people never matured much beyond 7th grade.

We are talking about an opportunity to see bewbs. I fail to see how maturity level is germane to the discussion, and I am being sincere. We are guys- we will almost always take advantage of any legal opportunity that allows us to see naked women.
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WTH are you even talking about? You're a male, you identify as a MALE. Why would you be in the Ladies Room?


Nothing has changed here!

This is just plain false. The whole point of this discussion and decree is to state that Men (boys) are allowed in the Ladies room if they feel that's where they belong.

If your fear is that men, boys, whatever, are going to exploit the situation then you must have that inclination in yourself... pretty strongly, I might add. But, hopefully you're capable of keeping yourself under control so as to not be arrested. This isn't difficult. If boys try to violate this as a joke, or as some other behavior that violates the statute, then they'll be held accountable.

It's not a fear... just a belief (but there you go being a fear monger again - telling everyone they're afraid of something). I absolutely would have had the inclination to exploit it if I had the opportunity in middle/high school - and I have no qualms about saying that. Again, how can they be held accountable for this? They'd do nothing out of the ordinary. They'd go into the locker room, stare at all their naked female classmates, and leave (the rubbing one out would happen later on their own time, I'd hope - otherwise they'd be busted).
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We are talking about an opportunity to see bewbs. I fail to see how maturity level is germane to the discussion, and I am being sincere. We are guys- we will almost always take advantage of any legal opportunity that allows us to see naked women.
Well, if that is your inclination, fine. There are far better places to see tits than in the public restroom. Women are probably not taking off their bras to take a piss.

As far as locker rooms, they are not going to let boys that KNOW they identify as boys to suddenly dress in drag and go in the girls locker room for the rest of their lives in public school! That should be fun. I have to wear a dress and make up for the next 4 years in school, but at least I saw tits!

ETA: Do you think the girls in the school and locker room are having orgies in there? You think they're going to tell the "new girl with a dick" to come in and join the lesbian f*ckfest party?
This is just plain false. The whole point of this discussion and decree is to state that Men (boys) are allowed in the Ladies room if they feel that's where they belong.

It's not a fear... just a belief (but there you go being a fear monger again - telling everyone they're afraid of something). I absolutely would have had the inclination to exploit it if I had the opportunity in middle/high school - and I have no qualms about saying that. Again, how can they be held accountable for this? They'd do nothing out of the ordinary. They'd go into the locker room, stare at all their naked female classmates, and leave (the rubbing one out would happen later on their own time, I'd hope - otherwise they'd be busted).
I'm not "fear-mongering" at all. I'm just calling it when I see it. Are you afraid of THAT, too?

You would have gone through your entire 4 years of high school pretending to be a girl so you could see girls in the locker room? You've got problems, dude!
Well, if that is your inclination, fine. There are far better places to see tits than in the public restroom. Women are probably not taking off their bras to take a piss.

It has to do with ease of opportunity. And we are talking about locker rooms, not bathrooms. Same rule applies to both, according to these new laws.

As far as locker rooms, they are not going to let boys that KNOW they identify as boys to suddenly dress in drag and go in the girls locker room for the rest of their lives in public school! That should be fun. I have to wear a dress and make up for the next 4 years in school, but at least I saw tits!

Well, that is exactly what this rule is about. The school administrators are not allowed to use their own judgement- it is up to the student to determine how that student identifies.

ETA: Do you think the girls in the school and locker room are having orgies in there? You think they're going to tell the "new girl with a dick" to come in and join the lesbian f*ckfest party?

No, I don't think they are having orgies. But I don't want some sexually frustrated teenage male (which is to say most of them) being able to take advantage of some rule to be able to go change in the girl's locker room. Do you?
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Based on that nonsense, you're not even smart enough to be having this discussion.
Jennifer Roberts and the uber liberal Charlotte city council and THEIR overreach started this.
You people that are obsessed with "Left vs. Right" should be proud of yourselves.
I'm not "fear-mongering" at all. I'm just calling it when I see it. Are you afraid of THAT, too?

You would have gone through your entire 4 years of high school pretending to be a girl so you could see girls in the locker room? You've got problems, dude!

I don't see anywhere that I would have to pretend to be a girl all throughout high school. Does it say in the decree that I have to date boys, wear dresses/skirts, or act like a girl in any way at all in order to get access? I don't think so. I believe it just specifies that I would have to self identify with a girl - which their one test for that is what I say. Seems pretty easily circumvented.
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I don't see anywhere that I would have to pretend to be a girl all throughout high school. Does it say in the decree that I have to date boys, wear dresses/skirts, or act like a girl in any way at all in order to get access? I don't think so. I believe it just specifies that I would have to self identify with a girl - which their one test for that is what I say. Seems pretty easily circumvented.

Strum has better things to do than look at naked women, so this all seems far fetched to him.
No, I don't think they are having orgies. But I don't want some sexually frustrated teenage male (which is to say most of them) being able to take advantage of some rule to be able to go change in the girl's locker room. Do you?
If a teenage male is so "sexually frustrated" that he's decided to pose as a female for the rest of his life in his high school, then his frustration is deeper than just "I can't get laid."

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