See you somewhere else


Hall of Famer
Mar 7, 2003
Chapel Hill, NC
It's time. Not gonna draw it out too long but felt my departure warranted a word. This just isn't fun anymore. Loved all the good times here but those simply are days gone by. I see so much negativity here and every single place these days where supposed fellow supporters are no longer enjoying each other but finding ways to tear at and belittle one other. Mostly I find it impacting me... seeking out this utterly artificial substitute for human interaction and time and again it falling short me feeling disappointed in myself. Life is too short to rob myself and my family by wasting time arguing about a sport I'm supposed to love with like minded fans whom I'm supposed to respect and have the respect of just because we bleed Carolina blue. That's just not the way it is anymore. My dad instilled the Carolina Way into me, he's gone. Carolina basketball had it's blue sky days and glory- that's gone. Everything has a season, time for Geth to retire.
Be kinder to others than you think you should be, let stupid and petty things go, don't feel the absolute need to spew your opinion every single time you have a chance. Just live in the world that exists beyond your phones, tablets and laptops... those things are destroying our humanity and our interactions.

Take care all of you and Go Heels.
I made the same decision, for some different reasons, but didn't feel like any good would come from a departure speech. Not criticizing your post, just agreeing with you. Maybe I'll see you on another sight more inclined to talk Carolina sports than ego flexing.
Awe come on back home bro….we’re all just having fun ranting and raving about Carolina Basketball. It’s the same stuff you would hear talking to your friends……but much worst. Im from North Carolina and what I see on this board is nothing compared to what die hard Carolina fans say after a loss to each other face to face or over the telephone. We usually want to fire the coach after a bad game, curse a player or kick a player off the team. Then we turnaround and praise the coach and players after a win. Some of us are old school coaches who learned the game from old tough mean as hell old school coaches So we rant and rave about passing the ball to the open man, playing hard nose defense, making your free throws, whiney parents etc… Don’t take this stuff too seriously or personally. I have been called names a few time up here….I usually respond with the “thank you sir for you opinion!”
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I see the point. But it comes with the state of where things are in UNC athletics at the moment. I think the fan base as a whole is frustrated. Great expectations in football this year, and then it just blew up in our faces. But the biggest frustration is basketball. UNC folks could always count on that to carry the flag. Now it appears that ever since that beat down we took at the hands of Texas A&M in Charlotte, that UNC basketball has been pretty mediocre. Far from the level of play we have been accustomed to over the years. And everybody feels that frustration and wants to find a reason. One person, or one thing, they can blame. I am as guilty of that as the rest of the folks on here. It is almost like we are in desperation mode. Suddenly it is like UNC had nothing to get excited about. And I hate to say it, but UNC basketball was always appointment TV for me. Or a drive from Charlotte to CH for a big game. Now I find myself recording games on DVR and whipping through them. And if things aren't going the way we would like, just turning it off altogether. Hopefully, the right answers can be found to get things back on track and bring back the excitement all have been used to over the years.
Geth, I did the same thing last Spring. I read this board from time to time but rarely post and do not pay for premium because I was tired of being attacked. I don't need this negativity in my life.
We will struggle until we figure out what we as a program what to be. We are use to the Carolina Way….the system….the system that use to get Carolina players drafted by the mere fact that they were fundamentally sound.
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It's time. Not gonna draw it out too long but felt my departure warranted a word. This just isn't fun anymore. Loved all the good times here but those simply are days gone by. I see so much negativity here and every single place these days where supposed fellow supporters are no longer enjoying each other but finding ways to tear at and belittle one other. Mostly I find it impacting me... seeking out this utterly artificial substitute for human interaction and time and again it falling short me feeling disappointed in myself. Life is too short to rob myself and my family by wasting time arguing about a sport I'm supposed to love with like minded fans whom I'm supposed to respect and have the respect of just because we bleed Carolina blue. That's just not the way it is anymore. My dad instilled the Carolina Way into me, he's gone. Carolina basketball had it's blue sky days and glory- that's gone. Everything has a season, time for Geth to retire.
Be kinder to others than you think you should be, let stupid and petty things go, don't feel the absolute need to spew your opinion every single time you have a chance. Just live in the world that exists beyond your phones, tablets and laptops... those things are destroying our humanity and our interactions.

Take care all of you and Go Heels.
I hope you come back soon, and refreshed.

I think of you as one of the good guys.
I agree in principle with almost 100% of your post! I hate to see you go as you seem to be a true Family member (you also seem to understand what this means). I have toyed with leaving myself since we are inundated with obvious (and less obvious) trolls and fair weather fans. I remember the days when we were different, but youngsters don't actually have those experiences and it is increasingly difficult to get them to understand what makes us special. I will most likely stay but I do have an extremely long "Ignore" list and I never post or read for a few days after losses! I also don't ever read the game day threads because of the emotional responses in the moment! I wish you luck and can only send you along with a hearty,

Go Tar Heels!
I see the point. But it comes with the state of where things are in UNC athletics at the moment. I think the fan base as a whole is frustrated. Great expectations in football this year, and then it just blew up in our faces. But the biggest frustration is basketball. UNC folks could always count on that to carry the flag. Now it appears that ever since that beat down we took at the hands of Texas A&M in Charlotte, that UNC basketball has been pretty mediocre. Far from the level of play we have been accustomed to over the years. And everybody feels that frustration and wants to find a reason. One person, or one thing, they can blame. I am as guilty of that as the rest of the folks on here. It is almost like we are in desperation mode. Suddenly it is like UNC had nothing to get excited about. And I hate to say it, but UNC basketball was always appointment TV for me. Or a drive from Charlotte to CH for a big game. Now I find myself recording games on DVR and whipping through them. And if things aren't going the way we would like, just turning it off altogether. Hopefully, the right answers can be found to get things back on track and bring back the excitement all have been used to over the years.
Yeah, I think you are on the mark with the over all frustration UNC fans are dealing with right now. While we have been accustomed to UNC football disappointment UNC basketball was always able to carry the torch. What we have lacked is individual players that form teams are not meeting expectations much less exceeding expectations, it is a constant what feels like coming in short of expectations for the individual players which of course leads to teams returning less than expected results. Looking at this basketball team so far the only 2 guys that to me have exceeded expectations are Ant, who I do not think gets the credit he is earning and Leaky, neither of which will lead us scoring. Guys like Hansbourgh, Joel Berry, Theo, JJ, Cam, Luke, Danny ect, examples of guys that greatly exceeded incoming expectations. Who is the last UNC player that has exceeded expectations offensively, I thought maybe that guy would be Kerwin but so far this season he has not come close to expectations for this season, he has been more liability than a guy that has stepped up.

That to me indicates a lack of player leadership, a lack of taking ownership of this thing. The coaches can only do so much and the NCAA has the coaches times to work with players so restricted that the players have to take it from where the coaches are forced to leave off. It is as if everyone is looking to the coaches for answers but it is the players that need to provide those answers and I am not sure this group is willing to put in the work that has to happen for the questions to not need asking? ?
Come on back… are about to miss the greatest Carolina comeback ever…..and we can all discuss right here on this forum
I don't know about greatest comeback ever but this team is improving and should get even better as the season progresses. I imagine we'll have a few more head-scratchers, and maybe a couple of loses where we played hard but just weren't the best team that day. But I still think this team could make it to the Sweet Sixteen, or beyond.

For now, I just hope we don't get cocky and think we don't have to take Ga Tech seriously.

This will be the first rematch game of the Hubert Davis era. Rematches should tell us more about HD's coaching ability. It's one thing to game plan from scouting reports; it's another when you've actually faced the team.

We have to assume Pastner will fix as much of what went wrong for his guys last time as he can. So our previous game plan will also need adjustment. It should be fun to watch. Glad it's on our court.
Thanks Geth, agree with and apprciate your post.
I am much the same as you & TPF, just don't post as much as I ued to nor do I come around after games.
I have been enjoying another site for a long time which is loaded with UNC stuff and other related topics, professional and NO boards.
I don't know about greatest comeback ever but this team is improving and should get even better as the season progresses. I imagine we'll have a few more head-scratchers, and maybe a couple of loses where we played hard but just weren't the best team that day. But I still think this team could make it to the Sweet Sixteen, or beyond.

For now, I just hope we don't get cocky and think we don't have to take Ga Tech seriously.

This will be the first rematch game of the Hubert Davis era. Rematches should tell us more about HD's coaching ability. It's one thing to game plan from scouting reports; it's another when you've actually faced the team.

We have to assume Pastner will fix as much of what went wrong for his guys last time as he can. So our previous game plan will also need adjustment. It should be fun to watch. Glad it's on our court.
History should have taught us not to underestimate GaTech
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