Showenuff from DI


Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
So, I visited the duke board yesterday to take delight in them licking their wounds from the Miami beatdown. I saw a thread where Showenuff stated he was leaving the board because he essentially couldn't take all the whining that some fans were doing because "Coach K has lost it" (which is indeed an absurd notion). He went on to say that he's leaving the board because he's ruffled too many feathers.

So the troops rally and start pleading, "Oh no, please don't go. What will we ever do without you?", and other lame validation of which I thought Showenuff was seeking. I thought that was the root of his post - that he wanted everyone there to tell him how awesomely douchey he was.

Well, he returned to the thread to give further explanation. Get a load of this:

I'll admit i have not been 100% honest in my
decision for leaving for a while, it's not that I made someone mad. I'm
finding it extremely hard to support Iron Dukes and this University due
to some of it's recent religious decisions. I'm sure most of you know
what I am speaking of. My heart is breaking. How far does America have
to go to show compassion? I know this will piss some of you off and that
lifestyles and religion should be wide open for anyone but it's just
gone too far here. I spoke with Iron Dukes this morning, she informed me
that calls are raining down on them this morning from Iron Dukes
threatening to pull all of their financial support if the Muslim call to
Prayer echoes from Duke Chapel every Friday morning. Those of you who
do not have sons , daughters, brothers and sisters abroad , perhaps you
do not understand. My bottom line is simply, I am against Tyranny,
murder, evil. I am also against a religion used to hide such things.
Perhaps I am wrong, but my beliefs are my beliefs. I'm offended that MY
religion has been ground down, hidden, decreased and frowned upon as
hurtful to others with different beliefs while differing religions seem
to be beginning to be rubbed in my face. I'm an American do I have any
rights anymore? At any rate, you guys are awesome and sorry I put this
up at the hoops board, but had to get it off my chest. I'm struggling,
maybe I'll get through this.

Your friend,


Well of course most of you would assume I agree with his sentiment. I do. But I was curious as to if the school doing this was UNC, how many of you would take this stance? On one hand, I think many of us are drawn to sports as a hideaway from such. But on the other hand, I respect that his convictions are so strong that not even his love for duke athletics can make him turn a blind eye. It's an interesting conundrum.

I guess I could have put this in the other thread discussing the duke muslim prayer thingy. If a mod would like to combine my thread with that one, please feel free to do so. I had seen that thread but I thought it was on a different board.

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
So, I visited the duke board yesterday to take delight in them licking their wounds from the Miami beatdown. I saw a thread where Showenuff stated he was leaving the board because he essentially couldn't take all the whining that some fans were doing because "Coach K has lost it" (which is indeed an absurd notion). He went on to say that he's leaving the board because he's ruffled too many feathers.

So the troops rally and start pleading, "Oh no, please don't go. What will we ever do without you?", and other lame validation of which I thought Showenuff was seeking. I thought that was the root of his post - that he wanted everyone there to tell him how awesomely douchey he was.

Well, he returned to the thread to give further explanation. Get a load of this:

I'll admit i have not been 100% honest in my
decision for leaving for a while, it's not that I made someone mad. I'm
finding it extremely hard to support Iron Dukes and this University due
to some of it's recent religious decisions. I'm sure most of you know
what I am speaking of. My heart is breaking. How far does America have
to go to show compassion? I know this will piss some of you off and that
lifestyles and religion should be wide open for anyone but it's just
gone too far here. I spoke with Iron Dukes this morning, she informed me
that calls are raining down on them this morning from Iron Dukes
threatening to pull all of their financial support if the Muslim call to
Prayer echoes from Duke Chapel every Friday morning. Those of you who
do not have sons , daughters, brothers and sisters abroad , perhaps you
do not understand. My bottom line is simply, I am against Tyranny,
murder, evil. I am also against a religion used to hide such things.
Perhaps I am wrong, but my beliefs are my beliefs. I'm offended that MY
religion has been ground down, hidden, decreased and frowned upon as
hurtful to others with different beliefs while differing religions seem
to be beginning to be rubbed in my face. I'm an American do I have any
rights anymore? At any rate, you guys are awesome and sorry I put this
up at the hoops board, but had to get it off my chest. I'm struggling,
maybe I'll get through this.

Your friend,


Well of course most of you would assume I agree with his sentiment. I do. But I was curious as to if the school doing this was UNC, how many of you would take this stance? On one hand, I think many of us are drawn to sports as a hideaway from such. But on the other hand, I respect that his convictions are so strong that not even his love for duke athletics can make him turn a blind eye. It's an interesting conundrum.

It's a different scenario. UNC is a public school where as Duke is a private Methodist school. But if UNC were private and they wanted to play a mooslim call to prayer, then it wouldn't bother me much. In fact, that sort of flies in the face of Christianity to me as I believe.

I did tell the 3 UNC entities which call me for money that they wouldn't get a dime from me as long as Jay Smith was employed or at the very least, publicly, definitively and repeatedly denounced.
As I said in the Duke Muslim thread, I'm just so glad UNC isn't the school doing this (for now...) because such an action has UNC written all over it.

I've made it fairly clear on this board and the football boards, to those that "know me" enough to pay attention to my ramblings, that I only donate money to the athletics side of UNC and not a dime to the academic side; I do not donate to the academic side because of my political beliefs and because of the overly left-leaning slant of the University, a large chunk of its faculty, and a large chunk of its student body. I get it -- universities skew left. But 95% of universities in the country, let alone the Southeast, do NOT skew nearly as far left as UNC. I view it as a gross failure to truly represent the state of North Carolina -- UNC-CH's stated goal. North Carolina is a "purple" state, that's a tad more red than blue. As the flagship state university, UNC should do its best to reflect that ratio. I welcome political diversity, but it should mirror, as much as possible, the overall political climate of the state.

So getting back to this Muslim thing, if such a thing happened at UNC, I wouldn't suspend my giving to the Rams Club, but I would absolutely double down on never, EVER, donating a cent to the academic portion of UNC.

My main issue with UNC is that, as an institution -- professors, departments, administration, student publications, student societies and clubs, etc. -- the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill tries TOO HARD to show political/religious/sexual tolerance, so much so that they piss off the 'majority' or non-oppressed. Tolerance and diversity are certainly good things to strive for, but UNC grossly overdoes it. Whether it's the liberal students rioting and trampling on the College Republicans and Tom Tancredo's First Amendment right to speak his beliefs, or the hopelessly liberal faculty pinheads like Jay Smith publicly berating (and even actively helping attempts to destroy) university athletics, or any of the other loony examples of UNC tolerating/promoting needless political correctness to such an extent that it damages students, coaches, the state of N.C., and the university.....well I just can't tolerate that. That's just my beliefs.

As of now, I have serious doubts that I would ever let my son or daughter -- if God sees fit to grand me any in the future -- attend UNC, but we shall see. But back to the point of the thread, I would be absolutely irate if UNC broadcast a Muslim prayer every week........but it wouldn't surprise me one bit. As for me ever donating to the academic side of the University, UNC will need to demonstrate to me that it is serious about developing a culture of BALANCED political ideas and identities.....not just every liberal professor they can find.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
I'm offended that MY religion has been ground down, hidden, decreased and frowned upon as hurtful to others with different beliefs while differing religions seem to be beginning to be rubbed in my face. I'm an American do I have any rights anymore?
I wonder if similar requests by Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. groups have been honored by the university. If so, then I would have no problem with it. All I would hope for is equal treatment for all religious groups.

Originally posted by UNC71-00:
I did tell the 3 UNC entities which call me for money that they wouldn't get a dime from me as long as Jay Smith was employed or at the very least, publicly, definitively and repeatedly denounced.
[/QUOTE]I'm going to print a copy of this and keep it next to my phone.
doesn't anyone else remember what happened when UNC tried to make the Quran required reading for freshmen one year following 9/11?
Originally posted by bluetoe:
doesn't anyone else remember what happened when UNC tried to make the Quran required reading for freshmen one year following 9/11?
Never happened. They were assigned to read Approaching the Qur’án by Dr. Michael Sells. Not really the same thing.

And that's 30K.

This post was edited on 1/15 3:38 PM by tarheelbybirth
your quibble is noted

This post was edited on 1/15 4:12 PM by bluetoe
Originally posted by tarheelbybirth:

And that's 30K.
Thanks. Your admission is duly noted - though the difference between reading the Qur'an and reading a book that puts the suras of the Qur'an into historical and cultural context is really not a "quibble".

You should always be so gracious.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
I'm offended that MY religion has been ground down, hidden, decreased and frowned upon as hurtful to others with different beliefs while differing religions seem to be beginning to be rubbed in my face. I'm an American do I have any rights anymore?
I wonder if similar requests by Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. groups have been honored by the university. If so, then I would have no problem with it. All I would hope for is equal treatment for all religious groups.

Same here. If it's an effort to try and educate, or familiarize, the student body, or faculty, staff or anyone else, into a better understanding the Islamic faith, religious beliefs, etc., then that's great. That would do wonders for any and all Non-Islamic people. Not to convert you, but to make you better aware of how the religion and belief system is nothing to be afraid of.

I don't subscribe to any religious social club and I think that peoples' inability to let one another worship or know God through any of these different man-made groups is one of the biggest social hurdles we face as a race and species. To me, his actions (showenuff) show a strong prejudice. I respect that he was able to be public about it. That took some balls, but it's still an admission of prejudice, to me. To me it's like renouncing your membership to a church because they allow blacks, circa 1962. Or, allowing homosexuals circa 2015. If I were a member of the dookie group, I'd say "Stay away until you can learn more about what you fear." Islam is not a threat to me, nor anyone else, as a belief system or a conduit to better understanding God. Too many Americans(ones of general western European descent, especially in the South) are scared of everything not Protestant anyway. So, the more it bothers people who refuse to better understand other beliefs on their own, and instead capitulate to believing media and other misleading sources, the happier I am. The sooner they all die-off or leave the herd, the better.

Religions and Faith are separate things. The barbaric actions of a tiny radical few does not justify discriminating against the incredibly-peaceful majority. Religions, by themselves, are great. When people get involved with them, that's when they're potentially dangerous and destructive. I would encourage everyone to go out of their way and meet and get to know as many Muslims as they possibly can. I am as certain as the sun will rise that with each acquaintance, your fear will diminish and your appreciation and respect will grow. The same goes for ANY alternate religious affiliation than the one you adhere. If you're a Presbyterian, go and make friends with as many Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, etc. as you can find! They'll learn more about yours and you'll learn more about theirs. And, I bet you'll realize more similarities than differences. And, maybe, in time, you'll all just drop the club memberships and worship as one.

Originally posted by tarheelbybirth:
Thanks. Your admission is duly noted - though the difference between reading the Qur'an and reading a book that puts the suras of the Qur'an into historical and cultural context is really not a "quibble".

You should always be so gracious.
I graciously acknowledge your propensity for claiming the irrelevant and insignificant as meaningful victories for yourself. I'm more than happy to help with your self-esteem problems by not bothering to contest the vanishingly important distinctions on which your little victories are based.

I'll even let you define quibble as however it helps you collect your imaginary little trophies, while you simplemindedly sidestep the original point that there was an uproar over required reading at UNC based on the Quran.
Originally posted by bluetoe:
Originally posted by tarheelbybirth:
Thanks. Your admission is duly noted - though the difference between reading the Qur'an and reading a book that puts the suras of the Qur'an into historical and cultural context is really not a "quibble".

You should always be so gracious.
I graciously acknowledge your propensity for claiming the irrelevant and insignificant as meaningful victories for yourself. I'm more than happy to help with your self-esteem problems by not bothering to contest the vanishingly important distinctions on which your little victories are based.

I'll even let you define quibble as however it helps you collect your imaginary little trophies, while you simplemindedly sidestep the original point that there was an uproar over required reading at UNC based on the Quran.
You were sloppy or misinformed. You got called on it. That's all.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
I'm offended that MY religion has been ground down, hidden, decreased and frowned upon as hurtful to others with different beliefs while differing religions seem to be beginning to be rubbed in my face. I'm an American do I have any rights anymore?
I wonder if similar requests by Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. groups have been honored by the university. If so, then I would have no problem with it. All I would hope for is equal treatment for all religious groups.

Originally posted by UNC71-00:
I did tell the 3 UNC entities which call me for money that they wouldn't get a dime from me as long as Jay Smith was employed or at the very least, publicly, definitively and repeatedly denounced.
I'm going to print a copy of this and keep it next to my phone.

Agreed, and agreed. It's all about equality.
Originally posted by strummingram:

Originally posted by Raising Heel:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
I'm offended that MY religion has been ground down, hidden, decreased and frowned upon as hurtful to others with different beliefs while differing religions seem to be beginning to be rubbed in my face. I'm an American do I have any rights anymore?
I wonder if similar requests by Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. groups have been honored by the university. If so, then I would have no problem with it. All I would hope for is equal treatment for all religious groups.

Same here. If it's an effort to try and educate, or familiarize, the student body, or faculty, staff or anyone else, into a better understanding the Islamic faith, religious beliefs, etc., then that's great. That would do wonders for any and all Non-Islamic people. Not to convert you, but to make you better aware of how the religion and belief system is nothing to be afraid of.

I don't subscribe to any religious social club and I think that peoples' inability to let one another worship or know God through any of these different man-made groups is one of the biggest social hurdles we face as a race and species. To me, his actions (showenuff) show a strong prejudice. I respect that he was able to be public about it. That took some balls, but it's still an admission of prejudice, to me. To me it's like renouncing your membership to a church because they allow blacks, circa 1962. Or, allowing homosexuals circa 2015. If I were a member of the dookie group, I'd say "Stay away until you can learn more about what you fear." Islam is not a threat to me, nor anyone else, as a belief system or a conduit to better understanding God. Too many Americans(ones of general western European descent, especially in the South) are scared of everything not Protestant anyway. So, the more it bothers people who refuse to better understand other beliefs on their own, and instead capitulate to believing media and other misleading sources, the happier I am. The sooner they all die-off or leave the herd, the better.

Religions and Faith are separate things. The barbaric actions of a tiny radical few does not justify discriminating against the incredibly-peaceful majority. Religions, by themselves, are great. When people get involved with them, that's when they're potentially dangerous and destructive. I would encourage everyone to go out of their way and meet and get to know as many Muslims as they possibly can. I am as certain as the sun will rise that with each acquaintance, your fear will diminish and your appreciation and respect will grow. The same goes for ANY alternate religious affiliation than the one you adhere. If you're a Presbyterian, go and make friends with as many Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, etc. as you can find! They'll learn more about yours and you'll learn more about theirs. And, I bet you'll realize more similarities than differences. And, maybe, in time, you'll all just drop the club memberships and worship as one.


Pollyanna want a cracker?
I think we know who needs to better understand Islam if you think they are willing to coexist with people of other religions. THEY AREN'T. Read the freaking news, man. Pay attention.
Lennon was a dreamer- and a naïve one at that.
Originally posted by DeanFor President:
Originally posted by strummingram:

Originally posted by Raising Heel:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
I'm offended that MY religion has been ground down, hidden, decreased and frowned upon as hurtful to others with different beliefs while differing religions seem to be beginning to be rubbed in my face. I'm an American do I have any rights anymore?
I wonder if similar requests by Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. groups have been honored by the university. If so, then I would have no problem with it. All I would hope for is equal treatment for all religious groups.

Same here. If it's an effort to try and educate, or familiarize, the student body, or faculty, staff or anyone else, into a better understanding the Islamic faith, religious beliefs, etc., then that's great. That would do wonders for any and all Non-Islamic people. Not to convert you, but to make you better aware of how the religion and belief system is nothing to be afraid of.

I don't subscribe to any religious social club and I think that peoples' inability to let one another worship or know God through any of these different man-made groups is one of the biggest social hurdles we face as a race and species. To me, his actions (showenuff) show a strong prejudice. I respect that he was able to be public about it. That took some balls, but it's still an admission of prejudice, to me. To me it's like renouncing your membership to a church because they allow blacks, circa 1962. Or, allowing homosexuals circa 2015. If I were a member of the dookie group, I'd say "Stay away until you can learn more about what you fear." Islam is not a threat to me, nor anyone else, as a belief system or a conduit to better understanding God. Too many Americans(ones of general western European descent, especially in the South) are scared of everything not Protestant anyway. So, the more it bothers people who refuse to better understand other beliefs on their own, and instead capitulate to believing media and other misleading sources, the happier I am. The sooner they all die-off or leave the herd, the better.

Religions and Faith are separate things. The barbaric actions of a tiny radical few does not justify discriminating against the incredibly-peaceful majority. Religions, by themselves, are great. When people get involved with them, that's when they're potentially dangerous and destructive. I would encourage everyone to go out of their way and meet and get to know as many Muslims as they possibly can. I am as certain as the sun will rise that with each acquaintance, your fear will diminish and your appreciation and respect will grow. The same goes for ANY alternate religious affiliation than the one you adhere. If you're a Presbyterian, go and make friends with as many Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, etc. as you can find! They'll learn more about yours and you'll learn more about theirs. And, I bet you'll realize more similarities than differences. And, maybe, in time, you'll all just drop the club memberships and worship as one.

Pollyanna want a cracker?
I think we know who needs to better understand Islam if you think they are willing to coexist with people of other religions. THEY AREN'T. Read the freaking news, man. Pay attention.
Lennon was a dreamer- and a naïve one at that.
[/QUOTE] So Strum is anti-protestant which makes him intolerant of my religion! I thought that he was tolerant of everyone..guess not! You ask how I know that....well just read his 2nd paragraph where he hopes that all Protestants die off (which is another example of him being 2 faced as he hates war and ridiculed me for saying I could take someones life.....he just did the same thing by wishing death on us...wonder if he will call himself out? Probably not)

In his 3rd paragraph he thinks that religions can get along and even lists them...funny how he leaves out Protestants! Wonder my paragraph above! So Strum is NOT everything he pretends to be....he is actually intolerant...just against Protestants! I understand him better now!
Originally posted by GACMAN:

Originally posted by DeanFor President:
Originally posted by strummingram:

Originally posted by Raising Heel:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
I'm offended that MY religion has been ground down, hidden, decreased and frowned upon as hurtful to others with different beliefs while differing religions seem to be beginning to be rubbed in my face. I'm an American do I have any rights anymore?
I wonder if similar requests by Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. groups have been honored by the university. If so, then I would have no problem with it. All I would hope for is equal treatment for all religious groups.

Same here. If it's an effort to try and educate, or familiarize, the student body, or faculty, staff or anyone else, into a better understanding the Islamic faith, religious beliefs, etc., then that's great. That would do wonders for any and all Non-Islamic people. Not to convert you, but to make you better aware of how the religion and belief system is nothing to be afraid of.

I don't subscribe to any religious social club and I think that peoples' inability to let one another worship or know God through any of these different man-made groups is one of the biggest social hurdles we face as a race and species. To me, his actions (showenuff) show a strong prejudice. I respect that he was able to be public about it. That took some balls, but it's still an admission of prejudice, to me. To me it's like renouncing your membership to a church because they allow blacks, circa 1962. Or, allowing homosexuals circa 2015. If I were a member of the dookie group, I'd say "Stay away until you can learn more about what you fear." Islam is not a threat to me, nor anyone else, as a belief system or a conduit to better understanding God. Too many Americans(ones of general western European descent, especially in the South) are scared of everything not Protestant anyway. So, the more it bothers people who refuse to better understand other beliefs on their own, and instead capitulate to believing media and other misleading sources, the happier I am. The sooner they all die-off or leave the herd, the better.

Religions and Faith are separate things. The barbaric actions of a tiny radical few does not justify discriminating against the incredibly-peaceful majority. Religions, by themselves, are great. When people get involved with them, that's when they're potentially dangerous and destructive. I would encourage everyone to go out of their way and meet and get to know as many Muslims as they possibly can. I am as certain as the sun will rise that with each acquaintance, your fear will diminish and your appreciation and respect will grow. The same goes for ANY alternate religious affiliation than the one you adhere. If you're a Presbyterian, go and make friends with as many Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, etc. as you can find! They'll learn more about yours and you'll learn more about theirs. And, I bet you'll realize more similarities than differences. And, maybe, in time, you'll all just drop the club memberships and worship as one.

Pollyanna want a cracker?
I think we know who needs to better understand Islam if you think they are willing to coexist with people of other religions. THEY AREN'T. Read the freaking news, man. Pay attention.
Lennon was a dreamer- and a naïve one at that.
So Strum is anti-protestant which makes him intolerant of my religion! I thought that he was tolerant of everyone..guess not! You ask how I know that....well just read his 2nd paragraph where he hopes that all Protestants die off (which is another example of him being 2 faced as he hates war and ridiculed me for saying I could take someones life.....he just did the same thing by wishing death on us...wonder if he will call himself out? Probably not)

In his 3rd paragraph he thinks that religions can get along and even lists them...funny how he leaves out Protestants! Wonder my paragraph above! So Strum is NOT everything he pretends to be....he is actually intolerant...just against Protestants! I understand him better now![/QUOTE] Oh, soooo sorry I left out your club. I said Presbyterians! Are they not Protestant? I can't keep you all straight. Is it possible YOU don't know which is which? Calvinists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Moravians, Amish, Dunkers Baptists, Methodists, Brethren, A.M.E. Zion, the ones who wear the purple hats on Thursdays when the bells ring.

I'm intolerant of prejudice and self-imposed ignorance. But, I'm trying to overcome that since I know you probably mean well. These religious clubs are all fertile ground for ignorance and intolerance based on each group's current interpretation of what they THINK God intends for everyone. They're more preoccupied with everyone else and not their own understanding. When these Muslim radicals go postal and chop-off heads, most of your reactions are always "Eye For An Eye." Which, from where I'm sitting makes you no better than them. You're actually quite equal. God apparently tells you people to fight, kill and hate a lot. God doesn't tell me that at all.

There is a difference between an eye for an eye and defending yourself against people who want to kill you. How can you not see this?
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

There is a difference between an eye for an eye and defending yourself against people who want to kill you. How can you not see this?
No one wants to kill ME, okay? If they do, I'll know about it when it happens, I guess. I don't react or respond like you guys do to this crap. I don't conceptualize "as a country." I'm not into nationalism, or religions, or hardly any kind of group-think, herd mentality or jingoist-type ideology. I don't wave flags and engage in Tribalism very much, if any, if I can possibly help it. Being a Tar Heels fan and Redskins fan is as close as I come to belonging to any Tribe... seriously. So, sorry if I'm not on pins and needles worrying about how to even the score or quell the rebellions. The impetus for these peoples' actions goes way back. No one here wants to accept ANY blame on the part of American and other Western influence going back to the late 40's and early 50's up to the present. Everyone prefers to put all the blame on them and their crazy religion. Well, you're wrong for thinking that way and they're wrong for acting-out as they do. So, for me, it's more of a spectator that makes occasional commentary. I'm a disappointed idealist who has removed himself from the outcome.
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

There is a difference between an eye for an eye and defending yourself against people who want to kill you. How can you not see this?
He sees it. But he gets off on attempting look like some intellectual here with his constant contrarian views of comparing defense against tyranny with the evil doers. Whatever. It's a tired act.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

There is a difference between an eye for an eye and defending yourself against people who want to kill you. How can you not see this?
He sees it. But he gets off on attempting look like some intellectual here with his constant contrarian views of comparing defense against tyranny with the evil doers. Whatever. It's a tired act.
I get off on bothering you. That never gets old. I LOVE knowing these views and posts bug you. I can count on posts like above like I can count on the tides. I never "attempt to look like some intellectual", asshole. I am an intellectual. I am a critical thinker. It bugs the piss outta you, too. I love knowing that my presence threatens, or at least bothers, you. I love it. I revel in it. And, you can deny it, but it's in vain because your effort above (and the dozens and dozens prior) refute any and all attempts to deny it.
Originally posted by strummingram:
No one wants to kill ME, okay?
Two things.

1- Why don't you walk down the street in a town in Syria occupied by ISIS and see if anyone wants to kill you and get back to us. There are lots of people who want to kill you Strum- just because you can't see them doesn't make them real.

2- What if someone tried to beat up or mug the woman who lives across the street from you and you saw it happening. Would you go help or would you say " F' it. No one is bothering me."?
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

Originally posted by strummingram:
No one wants to kill ME, okay?
Two things.

1- Why don't you walk down the street in a town in Syria occupied by ISIS and see if anyone wants to kill you and get back to us. There are lots of people who want to kill you Strum- just because you can't see them doesn't make them real.

2- What if someone tried to beat up or mug the woman who lives across the street from you and you saw it happening. Would you go help or would you say " F' it. No one is bothering me."?
1 - He doesn't even have to go Syria. Draw a cartoon of Muhammad and put it out on the internet and see. No really, I think he should. Seriously, I dare him.

2 - No, he'd be too busy being sympathetic towards the poor radical muslims that are getting beaten up by Americans on message boards.

Everything is rainbows and sunshine everybody!!

This post was edited on 1/16 4:35 PM by gunslingerdick
Originally posted by UNC71-00:
Originally posted by strummingram:
No one wants to kill ME, okay?
2- What if someone tried to beat up or mug the woman who lives across the street from you and you saw it happening. Would you go help or would you say " F' it. No one is bothering me."?
That's what I'm wondering, too. How close does it have to get to you before you care, strum? A neighbor? A friend? A family member?

And GSD, just stop it. I like the way strum's mind works, even if I don't agree with what he has to say. I think you two just like provoking each other.
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

Originally posted by strummingram:
No one wants to kill ME, okay?
Two things.

1- Why don't you walk down the street in a town in Syria occupied by ISIS and see if anyone wants to kill you and get back to us. There are lots of people who want to kill you Strum- just because you can't see them doesn't make them real.

2- What if someone tried to beat up or mug the woman who lives across the street from you and you saw it happening. Would you go help or would you say " F' it. No one is bothering me."?
Why would I ever go to f*cking Syria??? It's pretty simple. You leave potential danger alone. I don't go hiking and look for bears to bother and see if they will attack me either. That's part of the problem! Maybe if I went into my neighbor's yard and started using their barbeque grill without asking, it might piss them off, too. And, I do not live in that "Lot's of people want to kill you, you just don't see them." That is a fantasy. That is the product of media/TV indoctrination. A lifetime of it, in fact.

If I walk out into my neighborhood and see a crime or offense like #2, then yes, my instincts take over and I try to help. THAT is a reality! That is actuaally happening. That is empathy and a real situation for me. Worrying about mf'ers 10,000 miles away is foolish to me. Especially when I know the US Govt has been bothering them for 60+ years that started this crap. I'm more empathetic to those being invaded than I am the invader.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:

And GSD, just stop it.

That's just not gonna happen.

Everything is rainbows and sunshine!! Whooo!!! Yay, there is no evil in the world!! Hooray for everybody.

I did not ask if you wanted to go to Syria. You stated that no one wanted to kill you. I disagreed and provided an example of such people. Either explain to me why I am wrong or accept that there are people who would kill you simply because of you are an infidel.

It is also a reality that innocent people are being slaughtered every day solely in the name of Allah. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not real. And without people 10000 miles away, you would not have the computer you type upon for starters. So do you actually mean you just don't worry about people who have no benefit to you? What are you trying to say?
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

I did not ask if you wanted to go to Syria. You stated that no one wanted to kill you. I disagreed and provided an example of such people. Either explain to me why I am wrong or accept that there are people who would kill you simply because of you are an infidel.

It is also a reality that innocent people are being slaughtered every day solely in the name of Allah. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not real. And without people 10000 miles away, you would not have the computer you type upon for starters. So do you actually mean you just don't worry about people who have no benefit to you? What are you trying to say?
You provided an example of someone that was in danger of being killed in Syria and used ME as the subject? You need to learn to convey context better.

I have empathy for them all. In fact, I have more empathy for the peaceful Muslims that are the victims in all this! Far more Muslims (innocent, peaceful Muslims) are dying than anyone else. Am I supposed to devote my life to trying to make sure all Syrians are able to walk down the street? Innocent people are being killed in my own zip code, dude! People who lack all kinds of needs are all around us. I can't be completely accountable for anyone but me. Innocent people are maligned EVERYWHERE! I'm very empathetic to that truth, but I'm not omniscient or Superman. It's not a calculated sense of "do they benefit me or not?" I have a life. I have people near and dear to me that come first. There's an instinctive hierarchy that most people are equipped with. You said, and I quote "There are people who want to kill YOU." When I read and comprehend that, I take it literally because that is how it was written.

I know that there are malicious people and forces in this world that are always looking for opportunity to cause chaos. I do not believe that fearing an entire RELIGION is an effective measure at all. I don't believe that fearing all Muslims because some are wacky is effective either. If you think you're going to help these innocent people that you're implying I have no regard for, in the Muslim countries, by being afraid of them all and discouraging attempts to better understand them, then I think you're wrong.
I believe I convey context just fine. You just ignore reality. There are thousands of mooslims in Syria who will kill you for being Christian. Your ethnicity is irrelevant to them. This has nothing to do with being an imperialist- they are doing this to their own people who are infidels. These people want to kill you, Strum,even though they have never seen you.

Again, would you help the person across the street being mugged?

Addressing a threat does not mean that fear exists. The desire to eliminate radical Islam is not based from fear, but rather a noble goal. The desire to contain or ignore radical Islam is actually the course of action which is based in fear.
Folks, Strum is of the opinion of if he can't see it, it can't hurt him, unless it is the Fed, which should be abolished. Thus we should all live and let live and things will be Paradise. If Evil exists, well, the US is more evil and probably caused it in the first place.

I asked theme the "neighbor attacked" question 2 years ago, same weak answer so he is consistent.

Accurate assessment?
Originally posted by UNC71-00:
I believe I convey context just fine. You just ignore reality. There are thousands of mooslims in Syria who will kill you for being Christian. Your ethnicity is irrelevant to them. This has nothing to do with being an imperialist- they are doing this to their own people who are infidels. These people want to kill you, Strum,even though they have never seen you.

Again, would you help the person across the street being mugged?

Addressing a threat does not mean that fear exists. The desire to eliminate radical Islam is not based from fear, but rather a noble goal. The desire to contain or ignore radical Islam is actually the course of action which is based in fear.
I answered very clearly above about the person being mugged. READ.

Fine, they want to kill me. Happy now?

You guys offer NO solutions. All you are doing is hounding me for not shaking in fear of them. What's your solution?
So you would protect the person being mugged. What about the black person being lynched in the next town over? Is that the other town's responsibility or do you feel you should do something- anything?

My solution is to fund those who would fight against the radicals and if ever the radicals threaten or attack us, pummel them until they no longer have the resources to do so.
Originally posted by UNC71-00:
So you would protect the person being mugged. What about the black person being lynched in the next town over? Is that the other town's responsibility or do you feel you should do something- anything?

My solution is to fund those who would fight against the radicals and if ever the radicals threaten or attack us, pummel them until they no longer have the resources to do so.
Should I start driving through town knocking on doors? Go to the next town, do the same? I certainly don't WANT people to be lynched. And, yes, certain things, by LAW, are out of my jurisdiction. Why are you typing on here when someone is in distress in your proximity?

Fund whomever you like. I can assure you that the current method will guarantee more attacks and more overall hatred for anyone who is Muslim.
Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by UNC71-00:
So you would protect the person being mugged. What about the black person being lynched in the next town over? Is that the other town's responsibility or do you feel you should do something- anything?

My solution is to fund those who would fight against the radicals and if ever the radicals threaten or attack us, pummel them until they no longer have the resources to do so.
Should I start driving through town knocking on doors? Go to the next town, do the same? I certainly don't WANT people to be lynched. And, yes, certain things, by LAW, are out of my jurisdiction. Why are you typing on here when someone is in distress in your proximity?

Fund whomever you like. I can assure you that the current method will guarantee more attacks and more overall hatred for anyone who is Muslim.
You don't have to knock on doors to make a difference. You can vote, speak out, volunteer, do any number of things to affect change. And the meager funds I have are irrelevant. We are talking about governmental funding., as you well know. You try to simplify things, which is surprising considering you fancy yourself as an intellectual.
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by UNC71-00:
So you would protect the person being mugged. What about the black person being lynched in the next town over? Is that the other town's responsibility or do you feel you should do something- anything?

My solution is to fund those who would fight against the radicals and if ever the radicals threaten or attack us, pummel them until they no longer have the resources to do so.
Should I start driving through town knocking on doors? Go to the next town, do the same? I certainly don't WANT people to be lynched. And, yes, certain things, by LAW, are out of my jurisdiction. Why are you typing on here when someone is in distress in your proximity?

Fund whomever you like. I can assure you that the current method will guarantee more attacks and more overall hatred for anyone who is Muslim.
You don't have to knock on doors to make a difference. You can vote, speak out, volunteer, do any number of things to affect change. And the meager funds I have are irrelevant. We are talking about governmental funding., as you well know. You try to simplify things, which is surprising considering you fancy yourself as an intellectual.
Intellectual doesn't equal complicating things. I simplify when I feel it's best, or I employ complexity when I feel it calls for that. It's not always one or the other. I just try to make sense of what I've been given or confronted with.

We're all affecting change, all the time.
All I know is...........................Strum loses points in this thread for using the phrase "barbecue grill."

I'm unaware of what such a thing is. Is it a grill made out of pulled pork... ?

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