This Trump presser today -- pure gold

Seemed more like just a frustration rant to me.

Truth be told folks, I think that hour and 15 of babbling, lying and spouting "should have been shared with a therapist . . "

This is what happens when an intelligent President speaks from the heart instead of leaning on a teleprompter for answers. Get used to it, Haters. 304
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These guys can't stand it. They'd rather someone who can read articulately instead of getting a damn thing accomplished.

They would rather look good and lose than look bad and win. (Thanks Woody Harrelson)
These guys can't stand it. They'd rather someone who can read articulately instead of getting a damn thing accomplished.

They would rather look good and lose than look bad and win. (Thanks Woody Harrelson)
Don't forget, Obama was also clean and bright. According to Uncle Joe. LOLOLOLOL
Hahahaha. All you got?

I watched the entire PC, its all I saw or heard . .

If, you're happy with him, thats cool . . I love it that he talks in circles over and again, constantly repeating himself.

I don't know if he's in touch with himself or not, he's certainly not in touch with reality.
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I watched the entire PC, its all I saw or heard . .

If, you're happy with him, thats cool . . I love it that he talks in circles over and again, constantly repeating himself.

I don't know if he's in touch with himself or not, he's certainly not in touch with reality.

You forgot the ROFL emoji...really adds credibility to your message.

What would you say is reality? What about the last 8 years are you thrilled with, outside of gay people being allowed to...never mind.
He campaigned over a year telling people what he was going to do. Now a Politician is actually doing what they said they would do and people are pissed. GMAFB
He campaigned over a year telling people what he was going to do. Now a Politician is actually doing what they said they would do and people are pissed. GMAFB
OK, now we're getting somewhere. I didn't hear the PC, what did he say he was doing?
OK, now we're getting somewhere. I didn't hear the PC, what did he say he was doing?
It's public knowledge what he is doing. I was just making that statement. I have not seen the entire press conference. I'm just saying supposedly we elect people according to what they say they will do, one actually does it and peeps are pissed. It's not like the public didn't have fair warning of his plans ie. Extreme vetting, a wall......
He campaigned over a year telling people what he was going to do. Now a Politician is actually doing what they said they would do and people are pissed. GMAFB

Those that supported him are happy he's doing what he promised he would. There are a larger # of folks that didn't like the guy or what he said he was going to do. He will always have 44% of the country's support . . however, he's attacked enough folks in the past year and a half and made so many enemies that that # isn't likely to grow, but instead, only diminish.

He hates the media.

He hates the US IC.

Those are 2 that he should really try to get along with, even if its at an arms length that you do so. He's chosen to go down this path and its going to cost him (and us) . . the IC folks hate his ass right now, the leaks are not going to stop now. He's referred to them as Nazis and most recently, the Ruskies They Intelligence Community will fvck him whenever they get the chance . . wait 'n see.

I'm perfectly fine with the folks like Billy who will never ever be happy with anything TrumpWin does ... many of us felt the same way about B.O. I'm just thrilled that it's not the other way around and we're having to deal with Hildabeast. Trump will (like every POTUS) make many mistakes along the way, but he's better than the alternative. 304
Well he's emasculated the media. They've bent over bacwards prevent his election and now they've gone all on on trying to embarrass him. There are eleven negative stories on cnn's home page about him. 9 are just the same story rehashed from different angles.

Now the ic i agree on. He needs their cooperation. He needs a good relationship with them. As for the media hes decided they can go fk themselves and hes getting a lot of fans for that. Me included.
Those that supported him are happy he's doing what he promised he would. There are a larger # of folks that didn't like the guy or what he said he was going to do. He will always have 44% of the country's support . . however, he's attacked enough folks in the past year and a half and made so many enemies that that # isn't likely to grow, but instead, only diminish.

He hates the media.

He hates the US IC.

Those are 2 that he should really try to get along with, even if its at an arms length that you do so. He's chosen to go down this path and its going to cost him (and us) . . the IC folks hate his ass right now, the leaks are not going to stop now. He's referred to them as Nazis and most recently, the Ruskies They Intelligence Community will fvck him whenever they get the chance . . wait 'n see.

I can go along with your suggestion that he make a better effort to get along with the US IC(although, they have become political as hell). But the press, hell no. He owes the press nothing. They twist whatever they want whenever they want.
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I can go along with your suggestion that he make a better effort to get along with the US IC(although, they have become political as hell). But the press, hell no. He owes the press nothing. They twist whatever they want whenever they want.

I don't think he owes the press anything either, but, theres a more subtle, tactful way of dealing with the media (Belichek knows how to) than trying to take the media head on and in an almost, if not entirely angry manner. Some pro athletes have learned the art of dealing with the media, why can't Donald . . ? Is it really that hard . . ?

As for the IC, he's poked that bear in the eye too many times.
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I'm perfectly fine with the folks like Billy who will never ever be happy with anything TrumpWin does ... many of us felt the same way about B.O.

I'll admit I was somewhat of an Obama detractor. I just really hope I didn't look as pathetic as some of the people (poasters here and others) that grasp for anything at all to crap on the guy, and make themselves look pretty stupid in the process.
I caved and watched 90% of it online. I keep wondering why he feels this compulsive need to constantly remind us that he won the election 3 months ago. And, how Hillary got questions at the debates, how this-and-that got him elected, and how he got x- electoral votes, blah-blah-blah. Dude... we get it! You won the election! No one is going to come along and take your tremendous victory.

And, I actually watched CNN, for the first time since election day, yesterday. And, their coverage wasn't really "Anti-Trump" to me. They were just covering what has appeared to be questionable associations with Flynn and the administration's ties to Russia... ALLEGEDLY. They're not praising Trump, but they're not defaming him personally either- not that I saw. Now, I don't know to what extent they've gone beyond their presumed standards of practice when it comes to reporting on goings-on. I still find CNN to be pretty unbiased, or at least they're not flagrantly opposed to, or in-support-of, any of these parties and sub-groups.

If you're a Trump-Or-Nothing supporter, then watching or reading anything other than Fox News, or Breitbart, or Infowars, or Newsmax, or any of the talk radio shows, you're not going to hear the praise that they shower on Trump. So, by comparison, it will sound as if it's more biased because you're used to the praise and the "left-bashing" that must take place in order for the news to be legit in your mind. If you listened to any of those outlets for the last 8 years, they'd constantly be fervently bashing Obama, Hillary, and "The Left". I mean fervently, emphatically, eviscerating them and "the left" about EVERY issue that ever occurs. I heard it all the time because I listen to talk radio when I'm in my jeep doing driving errands.
Maybe I just come from a different train of thought from you guys -- these moves you guys see as "unPresidential" and "reckless"...that is because you're not used to seeing this. You WANT the status quo, even though you probably don't admit it or even like to suggest otherwise.

At the end of the day -- this kind of stuff disrupts the status quo. That is how you REALLY bring about change, not just talking about it. You're watching a collection of individuals who have enjoyed life in their little box for so're watching them squirm now, and it's awesome. Finally. And he's going to have 4 years (minimum) of this...? You guys may not like him, even hate him...but you're going to end up with a more honest media overall from're seeing guys like to point to approval ratings...the media's approval rating right now is 39% (and dropping). Ratings will drop, shows get cancelled,'re going to see networks having to go through complete overhauls to boost ratings and there'll be a lot of internal soul can only hope they wise up...or they will die. It's Apple vs IBM, in the media world.
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Can someone tell me what he is trying to say here:

Nobody talks about that. I didn’t do anything for Russia. I’ve done nothing for Russia. Hillary Clinton gave them 20 percent of our uranium. Hillary Clinton did a reset, remember? With the stupid plastic button that made us all look like a bunch of jerks. Here, take a look. He looked at her like, what the hell is she doing with that cheap plastic button?

Hillary Clinton - that was the reset, remember it said reset? Now if I do that, oh, I’m a bad guy. If we could get along with Russia, that’s a positive thing. We have a very talented man, Rex Tillerson, who’s going to be meeting with them shortly and I told him. I said “I know politically it’s probably not good for me.” The greatest thing I could do is shoot that ship that’s 30 miles off shore right out of the water.

Everyone in this country’s going to say “oh, it’s so great.” That’s not great. That’s not great. I would love to be able to get along with Russia. Now, you’ve had a lot of presidents that haven’t taken that tack. Look where we are now. Look where we are now. So, if I can - now, I love to negotiate things, I do it really well, and all that stuff. But - but it’s possible I won’t be able to get along with Putin.
I caved and watched 90% of it online. I keep wondering why he feels this compulsive need to constantly remind us that he won the election 3 months ago. And, how Hillary got questions at the debates, how this-and-that got him elected, and how he got x- electoral votes, blah-blah-blah. Dude... we get it! You won the election! No one is going to come along and take your tremendous victory.

And, I actually watched CNN, for the first time since election day, yesterday. And, their coverage wasn't really "Anti-Trump" to me. They were just covering what has appeared to be questionable associations with Flynn and the administration's ties to Russia... ALLEGEDLY. They're not praising Trump, but they're not defaming him personally either- not that I saw. Now, I don't know to what extent they've gone beyond their presumed standards of practice when it comes to reporting on goings-on. I still find CNN to be pretty unbiased, or at least they're not flagrantly opposed to, or in-support-of, any of these parties and sub-groups.

If you're a Trump-Or-Nothing supporter, then watching or reading anything other than Fox News, or Breitbart, or Infowars, or Newsmax, or any of the talk radio shows, you're not going to hear the praise that they shower on Trump. So, by comparison, it will sound as if it's more biased because you're used to the praise and the "left-bashing" that must take place in order for the news to be legit in your mind. If you listened to any of those outlets for the last 8 years, they'd constantly be fervently bashing Obama, Hillary, and "The Left". I mean fervently, emphatically, eviscerating them and "the left" about EVERY issue that ever occurs. I heard it all the time because I listen to talk radio when I'm in my jeep doing driving errands.
You do realize that it was CNN that gave Hillary the debate questions right? And, most of the outlets you mentioned are Opinion shows. I get tired of Hannity's mouth myself. At least the opinion shows invite and employ many on the left. The actual news on Fox is done by Brett Baire and Chris Wallace who seem to be quite fair.
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Can someone tell me what he is trying to say here:

Nobody talks about that. I didn’t do anything for Russia. I’ve done nothing for Russia. Hillary Clinton gave them 20 percent of our uranium. Hillary Clinton did a reset, remember? With the stupid plastic button that made us all look like a bunch of jerks. Here, take a look. He looked at her like, what the hell is she doing with that cheap plastic button?

Hillary Clinton - that was the reset, remember it said reset? Now if I do that, oh, I’m a bad guy. If we could get along with Russia, that’s a positive thing. We have a very talented man, Rex Tillerson, who’s going to be meeting with them shortly and I told him. I said “I know politically it’s probably not good for me.” The greatest thing I could do is shoot that ship that’s 30 miles off shore right out of the water.

Everyone in this country’s going to say “oh, it’s so great.” That’s not great. That’s not great. I would love to be able to get along with Russia. Now, you’ve had a lot of presidents that haven’t taken that tack. Look where we are now. Look where we are now. So, if I can - now, I love to negotiate things, I do it really well, and all that stuff. But - but it’s possible I won’t be able to get along with Putin.

This literally took me 10 seconds to search on Google -- come on man, this attempt was pretty lame.
Can someone tell me what he is trying to say here:

Nobody talks about that. I didn’t do anything for Russia. I’ve done nothing for Russia. Hillary Clinton gave them 20 percent of our uranium. Hillary Clinton did a reset, remember? With the stupid plastic button that made us all look like a bunch of jerks. Here, take a look. He looked at her like, what the hell is she doing with that cheap plastic button?

Hillary Clinton - that was the reset, remember it said reset? Now if I do that, oh, I’m a bad guy. If we could get along with Russia, that’s a positive thing. We have a very talented man, Rex Tillerson, who’s going to be meeting with them shortly and I told him. I said “I know politically it’s probably not good for me.” The greatest thing I could do is shoot that ship that’s 30 miles off shore right out of the water.

Everyone in this country’s going to say “oh, it’s so great.” That’s not great. That’s not great. I would love to be able to get along with Russia. Now, you’ve had a lot of presidents that haven’t taken that tack. Look where we are now. Look where we are now. So, if I can - now, I love to negotiate things, I do it really well, and all that stuff. But - but it’s possible I won’t be able to get along with Putin.
During Clinton's reign as SOS she approved a stupid deal to sell US uranium rights to Russia. She failed miserably at dealing with Russia. I hope I can create a better relationship with Putin, but I might not be able to. I have been very successful at making deals, so I hope I can deal with Russia.:D
Oh, I guess the left wants me to blow the Russian ship up in international waters off our coast.
No, I got that. What is he talking about shooting a ship and all the rest?

Seriously? (facepalm)

Okay...lemme break it down for ya -- the media is in a frenzy for a Russian ship hanging out off our coast right now. He is (sarcasm alert, since this likes to get misled)...he is saying that if he were to shoot the ship right now -- the media would LOVE him for it.

You understand this...?

Context clues. Sometimes I think you guys are purposely trying to knit-pick and misinterpret things.
During Clinton's reign as SOS she approved a stupid deal to sell US uranium rights to Russia. She failed miserably at dealing with Russia. I hope I can create a better relationship with Putin, but I might not be able to. I have been very successful at making deals, so I hope I can deal with Russia.:D
Haha, this is exactly what we need. A Trump to English translator.

Now can you tell me what he meant when he said the leaks were absolutely real, but the news was fake?

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