Thread about Running

Lots of downhill on that stretch. We'll see how it goes. They always say "The race begins in Foresthill..."

Yeah, the top five guys will make it super interesting if they don't blow up by then. It's going to be a really rough day for the mid/back packers. I'd guess there will be a very low finisher rate this year.
Matt Daniels could be the first casualty. Blew around the 50k mark
Yeah, the top five guys will make it super interesting if they don't blow up by then. It's going to be a really rough day for the mid/back packers. I'd guess there will be a very low finisher rate this year.
I always felt that if I could only run at the pace of the frontrunners, I wouldn't get so tired since I wouldn't be out there so long, right? 😄
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Walmsley crushing it again so far

ETA: nvm, jus a delay getting timing update. He's right on course record pace at Cal2
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Lot of attrition this year and much slower times. When I went, there were about 50 more sub-24 hour finishers than this year and far fewer drops. It wasn't quite as hot as this year, though.

I guess Walmsley decided to just cruise in for the win rather than chase the record this year. A 1.5 hour margin is incredible.
Lot of attrition this year and much slower times. When I went, there were about 50 more sub-24 hour finishers than this year and far fewer drops. It wasn't quite as hot as this year, though.

I guess Walmsley decided to just cruise in for the win rather than chase the record this year. A 1.5 hour margin is incredible.

He cracked the elite men's field like an egg. All of the guys who tried to go out with him ended up blowing up. He sat down for around five to ten minutes at pointed rocks, then pretty much cruised it in.

The small number of sub24 finishers surprised me too. I expected slower times but figured there would still be a decent number of silver buckles going out.

Almost to golden hour now.
what’s the most days in a row you guys have been on a run?

i’m heading to the obx tomorrow and want to try and run 13 straight days there...not sure if i should do mile or minute minimum.

at seabrook two weeks ago i ran four straight days and it was great. tia
I did a long run streak a few years ago. It was a terrible idea, I ended up slogging through a single mile just to keep the streak going on days when I definitely needed rest. I gained almost zero fitness and just stayed on the cusp of being injured for like a year straight. 0/10 would not recommend.

If you have a treadmill and count a mile walking as a streak day then you could make it work. But run streaks don’t become impressive until they start getting measured in years, and it’s not the best way to get more fitness, so what’s the point? Lol

I would run every day if I could stay healthy.
I did a long run streak a few years ago. It was a terrible idea, I ended up slogging through a single mile just to keep the streak going on days when I definitely needed rest. I gained almost zero fitness and just stayed on the cusp of being injured for like a year straight. 0/10 would not recommend.

If you have a treadmill and count a mile walking as a streak day then you could make it work. But run streaks don’t become impressive until they start getting measured in years, and it’s not the best way to get more fitness, so what’s the point? Lol

I would run every day if I could stay healthy.
four straight today and it feels good...have noticed my legs are more sore during other things; stairs, surfing, and just feeling calorie deficient...but i’m not logging 8-10 per, more like 3-5 at my 10k pace.

and i see you on strava, you’re working pretty hard it seems.
four straight today and it feels good...have noticed my legs are more sore during other things; stairs, surfing, and just feeling calorie deficient...but i’m not logging 8-10 per, more like 3-5 at my 10k pace.

and i see you on strava, you’re working pretty hard it seems.

About two weeks is my limit without a full rest day, even when I’m going easy. Usually I try to take one per week. Going to have to take more in the next few months as I start seriously ramping up the long training runs and back to backs.

Mainly just trying to slowly and safely build volume right now. I’ve never been a big mileage guy, so really just trying not to get myself hurt before race day. The next few months will be pretty much exclusively focused on setting myself up for long training runs on the weekend, even if that means the total weekly mileage suffers. And a lot of vert on the treadmill to get ready for the hills.

The hardest part for me is just making good decisions about mileage and effort so I stay healthy and keep progressing. I used to routinely turn easy runs into tempo efforts which becomes a real problem.
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I used to routinely turn easy runs into tempo efforts which becomes a real problem.
yep, that’s me...that mindset is slowly wearing off, but mainly because my wife is a newbie so my easy becomes a recovery or even less...probably why i’m not physically fukked up yet.
I did a long run streak a few years ago. It was a terrible idea, I ended up slogging through a single mile just to keep the streak going on days when I definitely needed rest. I gained almost zero fitness and just stayed on the cusp of being injured for like a year straight. 0/10 would not recommend.

If you have a treadmill and count a mile walking as a streak day then you could make it work. But run streaks don’t become impressive until they start getting measured in years, and it’s not the best way to get more fitness, so what’s the point? Lol

I would run every day if I could stay healthy.
Great post! Agree 100%. I know a couple people with run at least a mile each day streaks of several years, but like you said, what is the point? It doesn't on its own lead to better health, and is higher risk for energy and depletion, fatigue if you don't build in rest days. The amount you exercise, and at what varied paces, and stretching and nutrition and core strength are all more important than saying you ran at least a mile a day for X days.

It is a pure vanity play I think, something to say "look at me", but I know a lot of people who have pursued them, and to each their own.... the streaks aren't hurting anyone else. Can be sort of like shooting for a Guinness world record, I guess.
Great post! Agree 100%. I know a couple people with run at least a mile each day streaks of several years, but like you said, what is the point? It doesn't on its own lead to better health, and is higher risk for energy and depletion, fatigue if you don't build in rest days. The amount you exercise, and at what varied paces, and stretching and nutrition and core strength are all more important than saying you ran at least a mile a day for X days.

It is a pure vanity play I think, something to say "look at me", but I know a lot of people who have pursued them, and to each their own.... the streaks aren't hurting anyone else. Can be sort of like shooting for a Guinness world record, I guess.

I saw a story where some old guy had ran at least 10k every day for like 50 years. How the hell are ya gonna top that? Better yet, how could it even be verified? I think it's much more interesting just to track lifetime milage or something like that. I was fortunate enough to get into running after GPS tracking became the norm so all the work is done for us now in that regard anyways.

On that note, I recently saw a post where Camille Herron thinks she'll be the youngest woman ever to reach 100,000 career miles. Apparently there are statisticians who actually work on this kind of stuff... lol
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Hmmm running vs surfing...
How bout surfing every day for a yr?
i would love that, but certain conditions would make that suck...the enjoyment of that solitude i place in a different category than a hot, humid, ten miles in a 15 mph headwind.
Randomly bonked like a mother fu*ker on an easy run today. Currently staring at the ceiling questioning my life choices lol
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Randomly bonked like a mother fu*ker on an easy run today. Currently staring at the ceiling questioning my life choices lol
Courtney and Francois are putting on a show out at Hardrock. That’s another one that I’d love to run one day but that elevation and vert gain is no joke
Randomly bonked like a mother fu*ker on an easy run today. Currently staring at the ceiling questioning my life choices lol
This week I haven’t been able to “impact run” - and I have no idea why. Our group ran a 15 miler for marathon training last week but no part of it was hard. Last 2-3 miles I felt a little soreness on left side of tailbone. But I didn’t step wrong or twist or pull anything

after we got done and I cooled down I couldn’t even walk let alone run without looking and feeling like a grave ready cripple. It felt like I’d been shot from behind on left side of tailbone. But only when I put weight on left foot.

so this week has been biking, water running, and zero runner elliptical. And lots of stretching after I saw a run specialist chiropractor

Which is ok but frustrating - because it takes longer than I’d like to get back to normal. And I don’t think I did anything wrong to trigger it. Like you said. I know a lot of it is I am just so freaking tight and inflexible from my waist down to my knees. No amount of stretching seems like it will resolve that.

I hope you’re feeling better and didn’t bonk somewhere out on your own away from help.

The cartoon above is very accurate. You never know really when you’re going to have a garbage day - maybe followed soon by a surprising good
This week I haven’t been able to “impact run” - and I have no idea why. Our group ran a 15 miler for marathon training last week but no part of it was hard. Last 2-3 miles I felt a little soreness on left side of tailbone. But I didn’t step wrong or twist or pull anything

after we got done and I cooled down I couldn’t even walk let alone run without looking and feeling like a grave ready cripple. It felt like I’d been shot from behind on left side of tailbone. But only when I put weight on left foot.

so this week has been biking, water running, and zero runner elliptical. And lots of stretching after I saw a run specialist chiropractor

Which is ok but frustrating - because it takes longer than I’d like to get back to normal. And I don’t think I did anything wrong to trigger it. Like you said. I know a lot of it is I am just so freaking tight and inflexible from my waist down to my knees. No amount of stretching seems like it will resolve that.

I hope you’re feeling better and didn’t bonk somewhere out on your own away from help.

The cartoon above is very accurate. You never know really when you’re going to have a garbage day - maybe followed soon by a surprising good

Damn that sounds like a real pain in the ass. (Okay now that we got that out of the way... lol)

I have the same problem. My whole posterior chain is insanely tight, and so are my hips. I try to do light stretching after running but aside from that, stretching just seems to make me more likely to get injured. Strength work for glutes and quads is the one thing that seems to help, for whatever reason.

Personally I’d think about getting an x-ray just in case it’s some kind of stress fracture. That sound shitty though, hopefully you bounce back quickly and it isn’t anything serious. Being injured sucks, especially when there wasn’t really anything you could’ve done to prevent it.
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This week I haven’t been able to “impact run” - and I have no idea why. Our group ran a 15 miler for marathon training last week but no part of it was hard. Last 2-3 miles I felt a little soreness on left side of tailbone. But I didn’t step wrong or twist or pull anything

after we got done and I cooled down I couldn’t even walk let alone run without looking and feeling like a grave ready cripple. It felt like I’d been shot from behind on left side of tailbone. But only when I put weight on left foot.

so this week has been biking, water running, and zero runner elliptical. And lots of stretching after I saw a run specialist chiropractor

Which is ok but frustrating - because it takes longer than I’d like to get back to normal. And I don’t think I did anything wrong to trigger it. Like you said. I know a lot of it is I am just so freaking tight and inflexible from my waist down to my knees. No amount of stretching seems like it will resolve that.

I hope you’re feeling better and didn’t bonk somewhere out on your own away from help.

The cartoon above is very accurate. You never know really when you’re going to have a garbage day - maybe followed soon by a surprising good
A friend of mine went through a similar injury but I don't remember what he did for it or what caused it. He had a period when he seemed to have injuries that moved around to different parts of his leg/hip. The reason the injury moved, we think, was because of compensation. He'd adjust his stride to ease the pain of a knee injury and it would put more pressure on the hip--or something like that.
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update...back in cola from the obx.

did ten straight days, and 11 out of 12 days while away.

to be honest, my goal wasn’t really high volume days, just wanted to see how fit i am running multiple straight days...felt great, no issues with pain...the recovery days, which i was never really doing, were what i believe saved me...when i say recovery, i’m talkin 10-12 minute pace instead of 7-9.
update...back in cola from the obx.

did ten straight days, and 11 out of 12 days while away.

to be honest, my goal wasn’t really high volume days, just wanted to see how fit i am running multiple straight days...felt great, no issues with pain...the recovery days, which i was never really doing, were what i believe saved me...when i say recovery, i’m talkin 10-12 minute pace instead of 7-9.
Ten straight days at the coast is impressive. I ran down at Kiawah last weekend and it was so humid it was hard to breath--even at 7:00 am.
I'm looking forward to being back in person racing for a major marathon in Boston in a week from today. It will be my fourth Boston, third in person. Last year was virtual. Not much fun at all

I think next Monday may be more of a "victory lap" race, since I am not set up to run it for a fast time. Due to injury early in the training cycle (fully recovered now), I didn't get any real legit hill training in. I did get enough total miles in, though. The weather is looking sort of warm for what I'd prefer, too.

It just "worked out" that I didn't know what races would be off or on this fall, and I wanted to do some training runs with others so half marathons I've run recently:

City of Lakes Half Marathon (Minneapolis) Sep 12: 1:40:51
Fargo ND Half Marathon Sep 25: 1:36:35
St. George Utah Half Marathon Oct 2: 1:30:47 (almost entire course is downhill)

If I can peel ~ five minutes off of each next half marathon, each time out, I should be under 1:20 in just a couple more races :cool:

The three halfs above predict around a 3:30 Boston (a good rule of thumb it seems is take half marathon time, times 2, add 10 minutes). But Boston is a tricky tough course especially around miles 20-22. I'd be very happy with a finish time under 3:30.

If people are interested in destination races, St. George half or full is hard to beat IMO. Just gorgeous areas close by (Zion and Bryce National Parks, beautiful landscape), great weather, nice people. And Vegas is only two hours away if that is your thing.

Vegas isn't really my thing. A day in Vegas every five years or so is plenty for me. We did end up getting tix to a Michael Jackson "One" Cirque de Solei show. I didn't know what to expect but it was very well done.
Ran on the beach some playing frisbee over the weekend and i paid the price with knee pain. I think the miniscus is gone in both. If y’all can still run take advantage of it.
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I did a race in Bryce Canyon five years ago and I agree about it and Zion. We actually went to all five Utah national parks on the trip and they were all pretty cool. As we made our way east to west, it got hotter. We went by the Hoover dam on our way to Vegas to fly home. It was 122 that day. We didn't stay long.

Good luck on Monday. With crowds that size, I don't know how anyone other than the leaders or maybe those at the front of their wave, can run fast. I ran across this and thought it was interesting. A pace calculator that accounts for the terrain at Boston.

Did you hike "The Narrows" in Zion?
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Ran on the beach some playing frisbee over the weekend and i paid the price with knee pain. I think the miniscus is gone in both. If y’all can still run take advantage of it.
I was going to like this post, from the "never take it for granted" standpoint, but I didn't want to "like" your pain / injury. Injuries are so frustrating and I am the worst with being impatient with them. Working in biking may be an option. I wonder if you can go to a specialist doctor, if there is anything they can do to help restore / grow back miniscus tissue. Like stem cell injections, etc. Hopefully beach / trail running is a softer alternative, too, like you are doing, vs. concrete / asphalt.

Swimming is a less painful alternative, but I personally find it boring and very hard to do or to learn late in life.

Best wishes for a recovery and pain free running. My knees were hurting so bad last December. I take Joint Relief - Advanced Joint Support that you can buy on Amazon. I try to remember to take the pills every day. It could just be in my head, but it seems to help. This product does seem to be the highest rated joint relief medication over the counter, that I have found.
I did a race in Bryce Canyon five years ago and I agree about it and Zion. We actually went to all five Utah national parks on the trip and they were all pretty cool. As we made our way east to west, it got hotter. We went by the Hoover dam on our way to Vegas to fly home. It was 122 that day. We didn't stay long.

Good luck on Monday. With crowds that size, I don't know how anyone other than the leaders or maybe those at the front of their wave, can run fast. I ran across this and thought it was interesting. A pace calculator that accounts for the terrain at Boston.

Did you hike "The Narrows" in Zion?
Thanks, @WhatTheHeel? !! I didn't really hike at all this time. Tried to lay low and conserve energy, stay off my feet. We spent the day before the race driving through Zion. That was really beautiful.

My wife and our one remaining child at home (16 year old boy) hiked Zion on Thursday while I worked from the hotel. The must have done something like "The Narrows". They hiked a place called Angel Falls I think which was WAY up there from the base at the bottom of the canyon, and it did seem very narrow. A lot of it you had to hold onto a chain rail to keep from falling. It'd make me pretty queasy. I'm not very good with heights outside an enclosed building. I think it was about 4 hours of hiking total for them, 2.5 up and 1.5 down.

Regarding the heat: I've had some friends do Rim to Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon, which I think is about 45 miles round trip. None of it is running, it is speed hiking at best. And it can be over 110 pretty easy inside the canyon. They'd have to helicopter me out or leave me for dead at that temp. It can be really dangerous for people at that temperature if they don't have enough water, electrolytes, and proper skin covering.

Thanks so much for the mile pace link! I will check it out.
Thanks, @WhatTheHeel? !! I didn't really hike at all this time. Tried to lay low and conserve energy, stay off my feet. We spent the day before the race driving through Zion. That was really beautiful.

My wife and our one remaining child at home (16 year old boy) hiked Zion on Thursday while I worked from the hotel. The must have done something like "The Narrows". They hiked a place called Angel Falls I think which was WAY up there from the base at the bottom of the canyon, and it did seem very narrow. A lot of it you had to hold onto a chain rail to keep from falling. It'd make me pretty queasy. I'm not very good with heights outside an enclosed building. I think it was about 4 hours of hiking total for them, 2.5 up and 1.5 down.

Regarding the heat: I've had some friends do Rim to Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon, which I think is about 45 miles round trip. None of it is running, it is speed hiking at best. And it can be over 110 pretty easy inside the canyon. They'd have to helicopter me out or leave me for dead at that temp. It can be really dangerous for people at that temperature if they don't have enough water, electrolytes, and proper skin covering.

Thanks so much for the mile pace link! I will check it out.
I think they must have hiked "Angel's Landing." Angel Falls is what they call it for the people that get too close to the edge. We didn't do that trail, but you could see the people on it from below. Tiny dots.
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I'm looking forward to being back in person racing for a major marathon in Boston in a week from today. It will be my fourth Boston, third in person. Last year was virtual. Not much fun at all

I think next Monday may be more of a "victory lap" race, since I am not set up to run it for a fast time. Due to injury early in the training cycle (fully recovered now), I didn't get any real legit hill training in. I did get enough total miles in, though. The weather is looking sort of warm for what I'd prefer, too.

It just "worked out" that I didn't know what races would be off or on this fall, and I wanted to do some training runs with others so half marathons I've run recently:

City of Lakes Half Marathon (Minneapolis) Sep 12: 1:40:51
Fargo ND Half Marathon Sep 25: 1:36:35
St. George Utah Half Marathon Oct 2: 1:30:47 (almost entire course is downhill)

If I can peel ~ five minutes off of each next half marathon, each time out, I should be under 1:20 in just a couple more races :cool:

The three halfs above predict around a 3:30 Boston (a good rule of thumb it seems is take half marathon time, times 2, add 10 minutes). But Boston is a tricky tough course especially around miles 20-22. I'd be very happy with a finish time under 3:30.

If people are interested in destination races, St. George half or full is hard to beat IMO. Just gorgeous areas close by (Zion and Bryce National Parks, beautiful landscape), great weather, nice people. And Vegas is only two hours away if that is your thing.

Vegas isn't really my thing. A day in Vegas every five years or so is plenty for me. We did end up getting tix to a Michael Jackson "One" Cirque de Solei show. I didn't know what to expect but it was very well done.
Boston Marathon Report???
Boston Marathon Report???
ha ha! Thanks for the personal follow-up.

Boston was a wonderful experience! I was out there with about 20 people from Twin Cities MN who were running, but we were mostly scattered throughout the weekend. But I had great fun with a couple long-time friends.

They had a rolling start this year which was awesome. One of the worst things IMO is waiting out in the weather for an hour, to get in a crowded corral (like livestock) to wait another 45 minutes before you start. It is about a mile walk from where the buses dump you, to hit the porta potties, to then the start line...but this year you could do that mile walk in 20-30 minutes which was great.

The first half of the marathon is sort of a trap in that it is easy and is largely downhill. Really hard to go slow enough in first half. I think I ran it in like 1:40 or something.
The last half - especially miles 16-22 (to top of Heartbreak Hill / Newton Hills) thoroughly kicked my ass. I guess my second half was like 2:05, for a total of 3:45. I still was OK with it.

It wasn't too warm....maybe upper 60s by the time I was done, but it was quite humid, and that humidity hit a lot of people hard. I heard several people ended up in med tent or doing dry heaves after, that normally wouldn't do that.

Overall - its just such a great experience because of the pride all of the locals take in the race, and they treat the runners like heroes. The volunteers are great, and the race is top notch in terms of organization, water stops, security, etc.

And to hear stories of fellow runners you meet who just start talking to you, who were running it for the first time, or the 20th or whatever, is outstanding.

I got to hear Bill Rodgers and Amby Burfoot speak to the crowd in a session the day before the race. Both running legends, both have won Boston and NYC collectively several times....but you couldn't find more humble, funny, kind ambassadors to distance running.

Thanks again for asking, @WhatTheHeel?

PS- I have a 5:04 BQ time qualifying cushion for Boston spring 2022. I likely will sign up again. I have some friends who will be running their 10th overall, or 10th consecutive Boston, which is a big deal.
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ha ha! Thanks for the personal follow-up.

Boston was a wonderful experience! I was out there with about 20 people from Twin Cities MN who were running, but we were mostly scattered throughout the weekend. But I had great fun with a couple long-time friends.

They had a rolling start this year which was awesome. One of the worst things IMO is waiting out in the weather for an hour, to get in a crowded corral (like livestock) to wait another 45 minutes before you start. It is about a mile walk from where the buses dump you, to hit the porta potties, to then the start line...but this year you could do that mile walk in 20-30 minutes which was great.

The first half of the marathon is sort of a trap in that it is easy and is largely downhill. Really hard to go slow enough in first half. I think I ran it in like 1:40 or something.
The last half - especially miles 16-22 (to top of Heartbreak Hill / Newton Hills) thoroughly kicked my ass. I guess my second half was like 2:05, for a total of 3:45. I still was OK with it.

It wasn't too warm....maybe upper 60s by the time I was done, but it was quite humid, and that humidity hit a lot of people hard. I heard several people ended up in med tent or doing dry heaves after, that normally wouldn't do that.

Overall - its just such a great experience because of the pride all of the locals take in the race, and they treat the runners like heroes. The volunteers are great, and the race is top notch in terms of organization, water stops, security, etc.

And to hear stories of fellow runners you meet who just start talking to you, who were running it for the first time, or the 20th or whatever, is outstanding.

I got to hear Bill Rodgers and Amby Burfoot speak to the crowd in a session the day before the race. Both running legends, both have won Boston and NYC collectively several times....but you couldn't find more humble, funny, kind ambassadors to distance running.

Thanks again for asking, @WhatTheHeel?

PS- I have a 5:04 BQ time qualifying cushion for Boston spring 2022. I likely will sign up again. I have some friends who will be running their 10th overall, or 10th consecutive Boston, which is a big deal.
That's awesome. I watched on TV as the lead elite guy thought he was running a 5K and took off way ahead of the field. I missed when they ran him down, but could see him starting to slow before I had to leave. They said it was his birthday, so I guess he thought he'd give himself a gift.

I also saw the men's wheelchair winner missed the last turn and his delay in getting turned around made him miss the course record (and $50K) by seven seconds... He said he was watching the lead car and not the course and that he knew he should have turned. He'd won it like five times in a row.

My friend had a good experience pushing his son, though he too slowed toward the end and finished with about a 3:50. They didn't show the Duo runners start and we never saw him when the leaders ran by, but a local TV station made up for it by interviewing him at the finish. It's at around the 1:16 mark.
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I think they must have hiked "Angel's Landing." Angel Falls is what they call it for the people that get too close to the edge. We didn't do that trail, but you could see the people on it from below. Tiny dots.
The 'narrows' is really cool. Started a little crowded but after a knee deep section and all the spots needing poles/sticks it got peaceful and stunning. I think Zion is one of my favorites.

The forced shuttling within the park wasn't too bad.
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That's awesome. I watched on TV as the lead elite guy thought he was running a 5K and took off way ahead of the field. I missed when they ran him down, but could see him starting to slow before I had to leave. They said it was his birthday, so I guess he thought he'd give himself a gift.

I also saw the men's wheelchair winner missed the last turn and his delay in getting turned around made him miss the course record (and $50K) by seven seconds... He said he was watching the lead car and not the course and that he knew he should have turned. He'd won it like five times in a row.

My friend had a good experience pushing his son, though he too slowed toward the end and finished with about a 3:50. They didn't show the Duo runners start and we never saw him when the leaders ran by, but a local TV station made up for it by interviewing him at the finish. It's at around the 1:16 mark.
That is so impressive- hard for me to imagine- pushing someone in a rolling device - and still doing that nice time. congrats to your friend!

Not in the race - but one of my friends was on a bus that took a wrong turn and got lost and took about an extra hour to get to the start line. Actually about 8 or 9 buses followed one that took a wrong turn.

I was running by 9:30A but some people didn’t get started until after 11:00 A which makes it even worse as sun came out, it got warmer and finish times would get near 5 hours for people who’d otherwise finish in about 4 hours.
A little less than two days until Pinhoti. Wtf did I get myself into? lol

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