Trump is running again

Yeah, I saw him bragging on TV yesterday about how he's run into that school even if he didn't have a weapon to help those kids . . LOL . . yeah, I'm sure you would, 45. Go get 'em and be that white knight why don't you, he is so freaking delusional. He can't even stand up to the NRA let alone a kid with a gun.

You were right about Viet Nam, a 5 time deferment with his bone spurs . . those things don't just up and disappear. He was asked which foot it was and he responded he couldn't remember . . LOL. Such a phony POS . .

He had 4 deferments for college. Only 1 was for spurs. What medical reason did 42 have for not going?
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Trump wont make it through his term and he saf wont be able/eligible to run again. He’ll either be dead, impeached, or imprisoned. Maybe all 3 at various times. Not that any of those things are justified and i’m not condoning or calling for any if them, its just he is so hated and so prone to doing and saying stupid shit and surrounding himself with idiots who keep breaking the law.
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Exactly. We already have @tarheel0910 to make the low hanging fruit jokes and it is a position he takes seriously.

I expect better jokes out of you. That’s what Inmeant when I said you are better than that.
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Trump wont make it through his term and he saf wont be able/eligible to run again. He’ll either be dead, impeached, or imprisoned. Maybe all 3 at various times. Not that any of those things are justified and i’m not condoning or calling for any if them, its just he is so hated and so prone to doing and saying stupid shit and surrounding himself with idiots who keep breaking the law.
As long as Pence is VP, he'll never go to prison. The chances of him being impeached are small and the chance that he will be impeached and thrown out are even smaller. The system is set up to make sure high level politicians get out of trouble.
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As long as Pence is VP, he'll never go to prison. The chances of him being impeached are small and the chance that he will be impeached and thrown out are even smaller. The system is set up to make sure high level politicians get out of trouble.

Sure . . he's not gonna go to jail. That would be a great big black eye for the country, nobody is truly expecting that . . unless there is something on him and he won't step down. Money laundering is enough to get you thrown out of the WH, and I believe we've already witnessed obstruction . .
Sure . . he's not gonna go to jail. That would be a great big black eye for the country, nobody is truly expecting that . . unless there is something on him and he won't step down. Money laundering is enough to get you thrown out of the WH, and I believe we've already witnessed obstruction . .
He won't get thrown out because of money laundering. I'm not even sure he would get impeached for that. Remember, they need a two thirds vote to kick him out. As it stands now, they won't get that.
I'm not dragging you into anything. That low hanging fruit joke is not limited to this thread.
Ok. I didn't realize that's what I was known for since 90% of the jokes on OOTB are low hanging fruit. I guess my percentage is higher than average.
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White House Communications Director Hope Hicks to resign . .

. . see ya.

Resigning to spend more time with her lawyers . . ? That interview yesterday must have been a real MFer . . it's reality, honey.
White House Communications Director Hope Hicks to resign . .

. . see ya.

Resigning to spend more time with her lawyers . . ? That interview yesterday must have been a real MFer . . it's reality, honey.
I was expecting Sessions to be the next one.
I was expecting Sessions to be the next one.

He had no freaking idea what he was getting into did he . . ? If, he wasn't such a POS, I'd prolly feel sorry for him . .

Ben Carson may be the next one leaving . .
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I hope Sessions is gone now. He's awful.

Not gonna happen . . Jeff the Keebler Elf is pushing back on Trump. He's had enough of 45's BS . .

From the article linked:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared to rebuff criticism from Donald Trump on Wednesday, vowing to do his job with "integrity and honor" after the president said it was "disgraceful" that Sessions asked an internal watchdog to investigate Republicans' claims of inappropriate behavior by FBI agents.

Trump's morning tweet blasted Sessions for directing Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to investigate the FBI's activities surrounding surveillance of ex-campaign adviser Carter Page starting in late 2016.
Ben Carson should be gone in no time. Gotta love those fiscal conservatives who think they should spend five figures on a dining set for their office...

And I believe it was over 100k for "office furniture" that he requested...
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I'm sure none of you dems are bellyaching about your retirement accounts since Trump became president. I would suggest that to show your disapproval of his time in office, take all the money your accounts have increased and give it to the less fortunate. Heck, I bet if yall pooled your money together, you could build a huge estate and house some of those less fortunate.

I sure it wont happen because it easier to complain than to show your displeasure.
I'm sure none of you dems are bellyaching about your retirement accounts since Trump became president. I would suggest that to show your disapproval of his time in office, take all the money your accounts have increased and give it to the less fortunate. Heck, I bet if yall pooled your money together, you could build a huge estate and house some of those less fortunate.

I sure it wont happen because it easier to complain than to show your displeasure.

I already do that, thanks . . and btw, jftr, my retirement account was in excellent shape long before 45 took office . .


I'm 'bellyaching' over his love affair with Putin and all that Russian money he will be tied to . . and of course his efforts to obstruct justice as he feels he and his family are above the law.

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I already do that, thanks . . and btw, jftr, my retirement account was in excellent shape long before 45 took office . .


I'm 'bellyaching' over his love affair with Putin and all that Russian money he will be tied to . . and of course his efforts to obstruct justice as he feels he and his family are above the law.


Good for you. So you're saying your retirement account hasnt increased since TRUMP became your president? You must have a horrible broker.

All you're doing is making allegations that will not come to fruition. Better chance of HilLIARy getting indicted for uranium sells to NK.

Where is your estate to help the less fortunate? I'm less fortunate than most...can I move in?

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