Trump is running again

Yeah, but that's some textbook definition. I wanted some context.

If a person believes that the Earth is one big society, and that we should all strive to treat one another in-kind, I don't see that as a bad thing. I can appreciate individualism, and the importance it represents. But, I'm moving away from tribal "that's ours, not yours" kind of thinking.
Yeah, but that's some textbook definition. I wanted some context.

If a person believes that the Earth is one big society, and that we should all strive to treat one another in-kind, I don't see that as a bad thing. I can appreciate individualism, and the importance it represents. But, I'm moving away from tribal "that's ours, not yours" kind of thinking.
Strum GFY. I’m getting laid tonight n don’t have time for this shit.
45 hires the 'best people' . . add 1 more name to the long list of folks that have abandoned him to save their own reputations. I'm sure you unnerstand . .

I guess you never watched the apprentice and the Trump coin-phrase of "your fired". Don't be shocked when he uses it on your boy muller. Trumps "best people" are a far cry better than Obummers. I would rather have someone serve who was more concerned about their country, not their reputation.
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Then why did you answer a question I asked someone else?
I guess you never watched the apprentice and the Trump coin-phrase of "your fired". Don't be shocked when he uses it on your boy muller. Trumps "best people" are a far cry better than Obummers. I would rather have someone serve who was more concerned about their country, not their reputation.

Firing Mueller would be the biggest of all of 45's mistakes and a disaster for the GOP . .

Go for it, 45 . . please fire the SP, I dare ya . .

Rosenstein would have to go first, and that ain't happening . . he gave Mueller a wide authorization to investigate any wrong doing . . to fire either would be an admission of obstruction.

Why would 45 do either, if he has nothing to hide . . ?

tick tock . . tick tock . . tick tock.
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Stormy Daniels now sueing 45 . . ? Anyone have any info on this . . ?

She has some very nice ta - ta s. .

Stormy Daniels now sueing 45 . . ? Anyone have any info on this . . ?

She has some very nice ta - ta s. .

See... I don't care about what porn stars or Playboy Playmates Trump has managed to get into bed. Good for him, actually. His wife knew she was marrying a guy who habitually cheats on his wives.
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Firing Mueller would be the biggest of all of 45's mistakes and a disaster for the GOP . .

Go for it, 45 . . please fire the SP, I dare ya . .

Rosenstein would have to go first, and that ain't happening . . he gave Mueller a wide authorization to investigate any wrong doing . . to fire either would be an admission of obstruction.

Why would 45 do either, if he has nothing to hide . . ?

tick tock . . tick tock . . tick tock.
I agree in the tick tock, tick tock... for the second special council that will be investigating the illegal FISA warrants and surveillance of Carter Page. Also, the Uranium one and Clinton foundation ties to DOJ, State Dept, and yes, Muller himself.
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I agree in the tick tock, tick tock... for the second special council that will be investigating the illegal FISA warrants and surveillance of Carter Page. Also, the Uranium one and Clinton foundation ties to DOJ, State Dept, and yes, Muller himself.

The illegal FISA warrants that were approved by republican appointed judges right . . ? If, Carter Page felt he was discriminated against, he'd be fighting the charges Mueller has filed . . he knows it's a losing battle. Instead, he'll be testifying against Manafort, the same Manafort that was 45's Campaign Chairman and is currently under house detention and is considered a flight risk.

Oh and btw, Mueller has an impeccable reputation and few republican lawmakers have any problem or doubt about with his being fair. Good luck with that investigation that only Trump wants.

The illegal FISA warrants that were approved by republican appointed judges right . . ? If, Carter Page felt he was discriminated against, he'd be fighting the charges Mueller has filed . . he knows it's a losing battle. Instead, he'll be testifying against Manafort, the same Manafort that was 45's Campaign Chairman and is currently under house detention and is considered a flight risk.

Oh and btw, Mueller has an impeccable reputation and few republican lawmakers have any problem or doubt about with his being fair. Good luck with that investigation that only Trump wants.

Page has no charges filed against him. And Manaforts charges are due to crap way before Trump.
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People who are hitching their wagon to Mueller, expecting the outcome to be Trump's exit from the White House, are similar to moo fans expecting the NCAA to take away UNC's banners.
Not gonna happen.
Some on here make fun of Nuk's obsession with the Dem's and they are no different with their obsession with Trump. Maybe worse.

The deeper this Mueller investigation goes the worse this will get for the last administration. Oh sure he may dig up some financial stuff from years ago on Trump but so what. Go sniffing thru every other big business person or politician in the US and see what turns up.
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Some on here make fun of Nuk's obsession with the Dem's and they are no different with their obsession with Trump. Maybe worse.

The deeper this Mueller investigation goes the worse this will get for the last administration. Oh sure he may dig up some financial stuff from years ago on Trump but so what. Go sniffing thru every other big business person or politician in the US and see what turns up.
Democrats are certainly not above dirtying their hands with whatever method it takes to "win" or whatever. In fact, they're happy to impede other, more liberal, candidates that might win their own party's nomination in order to secure the person they've already decided to nominate.

But, with Trump and Mueller, it's mostly placating the alleged opposition to him. Keep them believing that Mueller will come out with all sorts of deviltry that will shame and guilt-i-fy Trump publicly, and send him out of town on a rail and reverse the outcome of November 2016. Nope! I'm sure Hillary Clinton and the DNC have just as many stoolies at the Kremlin who will gladly play turncoat if the price is right or the outcome is to their benefit.

Trump shames and embarrasses himself enough all by himself.
Democrats are certainly not above dirtying their hands with whatever method it takes to "win" or whatever. In fact, they're happy to impede other, more liberal, candidates that might win their own party's nomination in order to secure the person they've already decided to nominate.

But, with Trump and Mueller, it's mostly placating the alleged opposition to him. Keep them believing that Mueller will come out with all sorts of deviltry that will shame and guilt-i-fy Trump publicly, and send him out of town on a rail and reverse the outcome of November 2016. Nope! I'm sure Hillary Clinton and the DNC have just as many stoolies at the Kremlin who will gladly play turncoat if the price is right or the outcome is to their benefit.

Trump shames and embarrasses himself enough all by himself.
I can agree with your summation here. Dems and Reps are both guilty. That's why Trump pisses off both sides. Both are afraid he is upsetting their gravy train.
I'm a fan of Trump's policies, not his twitter account.
The D's have said armageddon, doomsday, the end of time, ect. was going to occur because of Trump, NOPE. R's are afraid their apple carts will be overturned, they are.
I have a different feel for this investigation than most here. There's way too much that just doesn't look good to me.

45 firing Comey for not being 'loyal' . . specifically asking Comey to let Flynn go because he's a good guy.
Flynn was so freaking dirty. Flynn also said that he "has a story to tell". Mueller let Flynn off with him only pleading guilty to a small singular count of lying to the FBI, when it could have been so much worse. In his Queen for a day interview, Flynn likely gave Mueller a ton of material to work with and was rewarded with one teeny tiny count of lying.
Mueller doesn't and isn't going to do that for somebody unless he has a star witness IMO.

45 and his family lied about that trump Tower meeting with the Russians, saying it was about Russian adoption . . there's no reason to lie if there was 'no collusion' as 45 so continually claims.

There's reason that 45 won't disclose his tax returns and it isn't because he was under an audit, for crissakes that audit should be over with by now. He's hiding his financial dealings for a better reason, and that's going to be the money laundering that he has been participating in, and that likely for a few years now.

He wants to end this investigation so badly that he's looking for a way to fire or get rid of Sessions. He was pissed that Sessions recused himself from the investigation because he wanted and likely need a back door man to thwart Comey or Mueller . .

The man is immensely worried, and it shows . . he's hiding something. He also stated a few months back that Mueller better not cross that red line into his family's business dealings. I guess he feels that he is above the law because he is rich or because he's the POTUS.

There's no doubt that Mueller is doing his work and it has expanded greatly. Of all the folks that he's requested to interview, including 45, the one that is probably wondering why Mueller hasn't contacted him to do the same is Jared Kushner, I believe Kushner is going to get fukked, and in a way that 45 will not be able to pardon him.

If, there's nothing there, then this investigation will clear 45 and family . . and for those hitching their wagons that will be the end result, I say you're dreaming. This investigation is wide and deep and isn't going away from quite some time IMO.

Russia has something on 45, there's been no effort on 45 or his State dept to do anything about the election meddling that the USA's IC says for certain that transpired.

There's much more . . but, I'm tired of typing for now.

"We'll see . . . "
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I have a different feel for this investigation than most here. There's way too much that just doesn't look good to me.

45 firing Comey for not being 'loyal' . . specifically asking Comey to let Flynn go because he's a good guy.
Flynn was so freaking dirty. Flynn also said that he "has a story to tell". Mueller let Flynn off with him only pleading guilty to a small singular count of lying to the FBI, when it could have been so much worse. In his Queen for a day interview, Flynn likely gave Mueller a ton of material to work with and was rewarded with one teeny tiny count of lying.
Mueller doesn't and isn't going to do that for somebody unless he has a star witness IMO.

45 and his family lied about that trump Tower meeting with the Russians, saying it was about Russian adoption . . there's no reason to lie if there was 'no collusion' as 45 so continually claims.

There's reason that 45 won't disclose his tax returns and it isn't because he was under an audit, for crissakes that audit should be over with by now. He's hiding his financial dealings for a better reason, and that's going to be the money laundering that he has been participating in, and that likely for a few years now.

He wants to end this investigation so badly that he's looking for a way to fire or get rid of Sessions. He was pissed that Sessions recused himself from the investigation because he wanted and likely need a back door man to thwart Comey or Mueller . .

The man is immensely worried, and it shows . . he's hiding something. He also stated a few months back that Mueller better not cross that red line into his family's business dealings. I guess he feels that he is above the law because he is rich or because he's the POTUS.

There's no doubt that Mueller is doing his work and it has expanded greatly. Of all the folks that he's requested to interview, including 45, the one that is probably wondering why Mueller hasn't contacted him to do the same is Jared Kushner, I believe Kushner is going to get fukked, and in a way that 45 will not be able to pardon him.

If, there's nothing there, then this investigation will clear 45 and family . . and for those hitching their wagons that will be the end result, I say you're dreaming. This investigation is wide and deep and isn't going away from quite some time IMO.

Russia has something on 45, there's been no effort on 45 or his State dept to do anything about the election meddling that the USA's IC says for certain that transpired.

There's much more . . but, I'm tired of typing for now.

"We'll see . . . "
Your boy KNEW what the Russians were doing and did nothing, I guess you don't ever ask that question. Oh he told them to "knock it off". What is to be done now about an election 1.5 years ago? Face it your man knew but did nothing, for, reasons!
Your boy KNEW what the Russians were doing and did nothing, I guess you don't ever ask that question. Oh he told them to "knock it off". What is to be done now about an election 1.5 years ago? Face it your man knew but did nothing, for, reasons!

What reasons . .?
What reasons . .?
Pretty sure he figured your girl would win anyway and by targeting the Trump campaign before the election through the FISA court he could assure it. Peter Strzok said they had a back up plan. She shouldn't have been in the race to begin with. If you believe the tarmac meeting between Lynch and Clinton was about grandkids you are a senile old man.
Your guy was worse than Nixon. He armed the FBI and IRS against Reps. He knew Trump would dismantle all he put in place.
Obama was scandal free for 8 years . .

45 has been in office a little over a year and has had one after another . .

Please Mr. Comey, please see that you can let Flynn go . . pretty please.

You're fired. This ain't The Apprentice, Dotard . .

Obama was scandal free for 8 years .
That says if all right there if you believe that.
IRS targets were compensated because of targeting.
Brian Terry's Family says hello on the lost gun running operation, Fast and Furious.
And they were running guns out of Libya.
It keeps going

This quote from you doesn't belong in this thread, it belongs in the jokes thread.
That says if all right there if you believe that.
IRS targets were compensated because of targeting.
Brian Terry's Family says hello on the lost gun running operation, Fast and Furious.
And they were running guns out of Libya.
It keeps going

This quote from you doesn't belong in this thread, it belongs in the jokes thread.

Trump running again is the bigger joke . . he can't run the country, he can only tweet and golf.

45 is the joke.

Thanks for playing. Now go get your shine box . .
Reports have been coming out of the White House that he is becoming increasingly unstable. I don't think this ends well for the dotard.

I'll say it again. Mueller could prove that Trump is a traitor and his supporters would still support him. They hate liberals more than they love this country.
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That says if all right there if you believe that.
IRS targets were compensated because of targeting.
Brian Terry's Family says hello on the lost gun running operation, Fast and Furious.
And they were running guns out of Libya.
It keeps going

This quote from you doesn't belong in this thread, it belongs in the jokes thread.
You left out the Solyndra kick back money
The Cash sent to Iran
VA healthcare scandal
and technically Hillary's emails were in his administration also...
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