UVA/UNC Game 2 Thread

I watched the Heels lose to UVA in lacrosse. Another blown lead by a Breschi team. That should end the season.

I sure hope baseball can get it together for a run to Omaha. Need to hold this lead and then win the series.
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I watched the Heels lose to UVA in lacrosse. Another blown lead by a Breschi team. That should end the season.

I sure hope baseball can get it together for a run to Omaha. Need to hold this lead and then win the series.

Have to learn how to hold leads and capitalize on offense
Was at the game today and it was indeed a beautiful day at The Bosh!

I have to admit, I was disappointed in the way we played much of the game. They came out hot in the first and we looked like we would get into a jam more than once, but didn’t. It was for lack of trying, though. We had some bad plays and not great pitching early on, but everyone settled down and started playing like we are capable as the game wore on. LONG stretch where neither team could do much offensively, but when Michael got on base in the 9th, I had a feeling we might manage to win. It was obvious UVA didn’t want to pitch to him, but when they walked the next 2 guys, I really felt like we had it in the bag. Obviously, clutch hitting in the end won it and I think Ashton had a little bit of a chip on his shoulder in that at bat. It paid off, too! Had they really tried, they probably could’ve gotten close to getting Michael at home as he hesitated when it was hit, thinking they might catch it, but they didn’t try. Guy in left was close enough I thought he could make the throw and it would’ve been close, but he didn’t and we won.

One thing that really bothered me today was how slow UVA played. One guy behind me commented they play like their basketball team. Pitchers waited forever before making a pitch and the team and fans were getting pretty frustrated at times. There were some bad calls at the plate, but overall it was pretty even, but I wish the ump would’ve warned them about how slow they were.

Today our pitching seemed to be pretty steady and probably kept them from going ahead of us a few times. Good plays in the field at key times helped, too. Our bats, however, disappeared for most of the game and a lot of guys seemed baffled by what they were throwing. Not sure what was going on, but in the end, they found a way to win, so I’ll take it.

All in all, it was a dang good day of baseball. Perfect weather, great crowd and a win.

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