What’s the weirdest thing you’ll admit to believing?

Wanting desperately for the U.S. to enter the war, FDR/his staff knew about the imminent Pearl Harbor attack and intentionally did nothing to prevent it.
You can pour an IPA into a mug and top it with Miracle Whip like you would whipped cream on hot chocolate. You should try it and report back to us. I'm interested to hear what your thoughts were.

Miracle Whip's deliciousness is almost limitless but you sarcastic ******** may have found those limits.
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I believe the regulars here are good and decent people and I would help you out any way I could. That said, I believe some are ill informed and have been misguided and that has resulted in damage to our country to the point that we may never recover. Please don't respond to this, it is what it is. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Oh, I forgot, I love IPA's.
^ Lyles for the win in this thread.

Believing that a few poasters on here have the ability to impact the country enough to cause damage that we may never recover from is weirder than anything else in the thread.
Yeah, I'm not seeing that. Just because @UNC71-00 owns a small business in Yadkin Valley doesn't mean he can impact the whole country. At best he can try to get the local city council to change some zoning laws. @Louigi might have some indirect impact since he donates around $10 million a year to political causes and candidates.
I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.
Whitney Houston, Children are our future.
I believe the regulars here are good and decent people and I would help you out any way I could. That said, I believe some are ill informed and have been misguided and that has resulted in damage to our country to the point that we may never recover. Please don't respond to this, it is what it is. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Oh, I forgot, I love IPA's.

I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.
Sexual Chocolate
I believe for every drop of rain that falls
A flower grows
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night
A candle glows
I believe for everyone who goes astray, someone will come
To show the way
I believe, I believe

I believe above a storm the smallest prayer
Can still be heard
I believe that someone in the great somewhere
Hears every word

Every time I hear a new born baby cry,
Or touch a leaf or see the sky
Then I know why, I believe
I believe in a thing called love. Just listen to the rhythm of the heart. There's a chance we can make it now; we'll be rockin' til the sun goes down.

I believe for every drop of rain that falls
A flower grows
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night
A candle glows
I believe for everyone who goes astray, someone will come
To show the way
I believe, I believe

I believe above a storm the smallest prayer
Can still be heard
I believe that someone in the great somewhere
Hears every word

Every time I hear a new born baby cry,
Or touch a leaf or see the sky
Then I know why, I believe
I believe every American who believes John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a group of conspirators, or by anyone other than Lee Harvey Oswald, should swear off all Oliver Stone movies from now on and should either read a few books on the subject (which of course aren't conspiracy-based; The Warren Report would be a good starting point) or simply STFU.
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On a related note, I believe it to be nothing more than coincidence the uncanny similarities in the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy. A few comparisons to ponder:

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin sought refuge in a warehouse
Kennedy's assassin shot him from a warehouse and sought refuge in a theater

Both were shot in the head, on a Friday, and both were succeeded by a vice president named Johnson

Lincoln spent the evening before his death in Monroe, Maryland
Kennedy spent the evening before his death in Marilyn Monroe
I believe every American who believes John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a group of conspirators, or by anyone other than Lee Harvey Oswald, should swear off all Oliver Stone movies from now on and should either read a few books on the subject (which of course aren't conspiracy-based; The Warren Report would be a good starting point) or simply STFU.
Yep. LHO was just a nut job that acted alone.
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I believe every American who believes John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a group of conspirators, or by anyone other than Lee Harvey Oswald, should swear off all Oliver Stone movies from now on and should either read a few books on the subject (which of course aren't conspiracy-based; The Warren Report would be a good starting point) or simply STFU.
I believe that people who believe every "official story" are just as dangerous as every nut that thinks the moon phases and tides are government conspiracies. Being blindly obedient and passive to authority is something I avoid.
I believe that people who believe every "official story" are just as dangerous as every nut that thinks the moon phases and tides are government conspiracies. Being blindly obedient and passive to authority is something I avoid.
Hence my suggestion to read up on the subject in order to make a more informed judgment. Did you miss that part?
Hence my suggestion to read up on the subject in order to make a more informed judgment. Did you miss that part?
Yeah, you suggested The Warren Report. That's "the official story" and I make it a point to never trust "official stories." If you think it happened exactly as the Warren Commission said... great. I don't.

I make it a rule to never trust what "the government" tells me. I don't trust Republicans OR Democrats. I don't trust the power structure to be honest with me about social-political matters where they are involved. That institution is famous (infamous?) for lying and pandering. So, if the government puts together a commission to investigate a potential crime that the government might have participated in, I tend to be skeptical.

I don't trust Oliver Stone, or any other filmmaker, to be a historian, especially when they are making and promoting a film they made, either. They take artistic license all the time. I believe there is some accuracy in their versions, but I often find conflicts or discrepancies later on. No big deal. They're offering their opinion.

I don't believe there is such a thing as an unbiased source. I read Howard Zinn's "A People's History Of The United States" a year or so ago and I think that should be mandatory reading for kids (middle-high school age), as well as adults. But, it's never going to be because it tells a story that is not very flattering to many of those people that are typically revered in history classes. I'm sure plenty of people have read it and thought it was total garbage. But, I'll take that version over any "history book" any day.
Yeah, you suggested The Warren Report. That's "the official story" and I make it a point to never trust "official stories." If you think it happened exactly as the Warren Commission said... great. I don't.
I suggested The Warren Report only as a good starting point, strum, a frame of reference if you will since it includes the most thorough compilation of eyewitness testimony, FBI investigation data, medical records, and more. Have you ever read the Warren Commission's account, even the single condensed volume?

I'm interested in hearing what you think is fiction rather than fact in TWR. And please, no sweeping generalizations like "they got the wrong guy." Specific details only.
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I suggested The Warren Report only as a good starting point, strum, a frame of reference if you will since it includes the most thorough compilation of eyewitness testimony, FBI investigation data, medical records, and more. Have you ever read the Warren Commission's account, even the single condensed volume?

I'm interested in hearing what you think is fiction rather than fact in TWR. And please, no sweeping generalizations like "they got the wrong guy." Specific details only.
I haven't read the entire 26 volumes, no. I had a very close friend (who is now deceased) who knew it (or claimed he did) like he knew his name. We had to travel to Philly one time and I thought I was going to lose my mind listening to his accounts of it.

I don't really have any issue with Oswald being the shooter. I don't have any doubt about the "Magic Bullet." I can see how the final shot that blew his head open came from behind.

My suspicions are more with Jack Ruby being where he was to kill Oswald, and that he killed him. That shut him right up for perpetuity. I would feel a lot more sure of the whole thing if there'd been a trial and Oswald had been able to testify. That ain't happening.
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My suspicions are more with Jack Ruby being where he was to kill Oswald, and that he killed him. That shut him right up for perpetuity.
That is one of the more valid points for raising the question of a conspiracy. However, when you stop and consider the circumstances and timeline for the morning of Sunday, November 24, 1963, it becomes obvious that the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby was a bizarre case of happenstance rather than a premeditated and successfully executed plot:

- At 6 p.m. the night before, Saturday, Nov. 23, Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry tells members of the press, who in turn inform the American public, that Oswald will be transferred from the city jail to the county jail at 10 a.m. the following morning.
- At 10:19 a.m. Sunday morning, Nov. 24, Ruby is still at home in his Dallas apartment when he receives a phone call from "Little Lynn" (actual name, Karen Bennett), one of his dancers at the Carousel Club, the strip club Ruby owns and operates. She asks for money to help pay her rent and buy groceries.
- After the phone call Ruby showers and shaves and gets dressed.
- Around 11 a.m., a full hour after Oswald was supposed to have been transported, Jack Ruby finally leaves his apartment and drives to the Western Union office downtown. He takes his dachshund, Sheba, along for the ride.
- After waiting in line at the Western Union office, Ruby transfers $25 to Little Lynn in Ft. Worth. The timestamp shows it is 11:17 a.m.
- Back outside, he notices activity at the other end of the block of Main Street outside the Dallas Police Station. He walks the 400 or so feet to the garage entrance, walks down the ramp, and takes his place among reporters and cameramen at 11:20 a.m.
- At 11:21 a.m., only one minute after Ruby's arrival, Oswald is escorted out and shot to death by Jack Ruby.

So why was Oswald and his police entourage a full hour and 21 minutes late? After additional interrogation Sunday morning by Dallas Police and the FBI, the postmaster general asked for an interview with Oswald regarding the mail-order weapons he owned, one of which he used to kill Kennedy and the other that he used to kill Officer J.D. Tippet during his getaway. But even following these inquiries, there was still plenty of time to get downstairs and into the transport vehicle before Ruby arrived. And that's when Oswald unwittingly sealed his own fate by requesting, and being granted permission, for a change of clothes which took an additional nine minutes.

If Jack Ruby was indeed a hitman for the mob and was instructed to rub out Oswald in order to silence him, you would think he would be a little more punctual in his duties. Furthermore, photographic evidence clearly shows Ruby at the Dallas Police Station -- which was completely normal for Ruby on most given days -- on the evening of Nov. 22 when Oswald was first brought out before the press, and again on Nov. 23 as he mingled with reporters along the third-floor hallway of the Dallas Police Station, almost within arm's length as Oswald was escorted multiple times throughout the day from his holding cell to the interrogation room and back. If Ruby's intentions were to silence Oswald, and during these interrogations Oswald could very well be telling his interrogators what the conspirators would be fearful of, why didn't Ruby shoot him on either of these previous occasions? After all, you never know if you'll get the opportunity again. It's likely because, as Ruby told the authorities after his arrest, he never planned on killing Oswald and simply acted on impulse when he did.

For what it's worth, in the summer of 1964, among growing public rumors that Ruby may be involved with the mob and part of a conspiracy, he insisted on taking a polygraph test. On July 18, Bell P. Herndon, a polygraph expert from the FBI lab in Washington, administered the test. Among the many questions Ruby was asked and his responses:
- Did you assist Oswald in the assassination [of President Kennedy]? "No."
- Did you shoot Oswald to silence him? "No."
- Did you first decide to kill Oswald on Sunday morning? "Yes."
- Is everything you told the Warren Commission the entire truth? "Yes."
Herndon concluded that "based on the hypothesis that Ruby was mentally competent and sound, the charts could be interpreted . . . to indicate that there was no area of deception present with regard to his response to the relevant questions during the polygraph examination."
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