Who did better in the Debate? the UN is in the tank for the Clintons now. Does Clinton Derangement Syndrome ring a bell. Might have heard it mumbled at your last psych eval.

Next up, THBB tells us the media has no bias and is to be completely trusted at all times. Also, Elizabeth Warren really does have Native American blood and that you can keep your own insurance plan if you like your insurance plan.
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His comment had nothing to do with the Clintons. Seriously, not everything in the world is connected to them. Seek help.

It has everything to do with the Clintons, you dolt. The point I was making with my tongue in cheek comment was that Hillary Clinton is such a terrible person that I could find a murderer of higher character.

If we're going to have to explain every poast to you, then it's probably better that you continue your sabbatical.
It has everything to do with the Clintons, you dolt. The point I was making with my tongue in cheek comment was that Hillary Clinton is such a terrible person that I could find a murderer of higher character.

If we're going to have to explain every poast to you, then it's probably better that you continue your sabbatical.

THBB doesn't want other people to make personal attacks. Please tone it down. OOTB is his safe space.

For @chick_bleeds_carolina_blue and @tarheelbybirth, I recommend this particular safe space. All the millenials are using it these days so you know it's been tested and approved. Great thing about this one is its mobile and can be pulled out and used immediately when someone disagrees with you. Even if you cannot find a coffee shop, occupy whatever movement or classroom, this bad boy can be propped up and working within seconds.
Trump is just not being smart about this, he should listen to his advisors because he keeps wasting perfect opportunities on minor nonsense, HRC baits him and he takes the hook and the media drills him over it. He needs to show that he is the calm head in the room but he continues to allow his inability to stay away from the petty nonsense to feed the media narrative that that he is not presidential. Example, he throw in a retort type comment on taxes, said if he didn't pay any taxes that it would make him smart. Now from a business view point he is right but that is way to easy to spin as those that are paying taxes are dumb. It was a comment that was not needed but for some darn reason he couldn't stop himself? You are running to be president against the most hated democrat candidate in modern times and ya still not beating her because you can not control what you say in front of the media?
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Trump is just not being smart about this, he should listen to his advisors because he keeps wasting perfect opportunities on minor nonsense, HRC baits him and he takes the hook and the media drills him over it. He needs to show that he is the calm head in the room but he continues to allow his inability to stay away from the petty nonsense to feed the media narrative that that he is not presidential. Example, he throw in a retort type comment on taxes, said if he didn't pay any taxes that it would make him smart. Now from a business view point he is right but that is way to easy to spin as those that are paying taxes are dumb. It was a comment that was not needed but for some darn reason he couldn't stop himself? You are running to be president against the most hated democrat candidate in modern times and ya still not beating her because you can not control what you say in front of the media?

Don't lose faith. Trump has proven since last summer that he knows what he is doing.

For @chick_bleeds_carolina_blue and @tarheelbybirth, I recommend this particular safe space. All the millenials are using it these days so you know it's been tested and approved. Great thing about this one is its mobile and can be pulled out and used immediately when someone disagrees with you. Even if you cannot find a coffee shop, occupy whatever movement or classroom, this bad boy can be propped up and working within seconds.

All we need is to isolate and contain twatheads like you and your little posse and the rest of us will be safe. In fact, the rest of us can disagree and still like each other at the end of the day o_O:p
Trump is just not being smart about this, he should listen to his advisors because he keeps wasting perfect opportunities on minor nonsense, HRC baits him and he takes the hook and the media drills him over it. He needs to show that he is the calm head in the room but he continues to allow his inability to stay away from the petty nonsense to feed the media narrative that that he is not presidential. Example, he throw in a retort type comment on taxes, said if he didn't pay any taxes that it would make him smart. Now from a business view point he is right but that is way to easy to spin as those that are paying taxes are dumb. It was a comment that was not needed but for some darn reason he couldn't stop himself? You are running to be president against the most hated democrat candidate in modern times and ya still not beating her because you can not control what you say in front of the media?

See, here's the thing, he CANNOT do any of it because he's incapable. He can only be the useless, selfish asshole that he truly is. Sorry
All we need is to isolate and contain twatheads like you and your little posse and the rest of us will be safe. In fact, the rest of us can disagree and still like each other at the end of the day o_O:p
See that's why I'm trying to help you. A safe space would keep all that hate you got in your heart in check. Lol smdh.
I think Trump needs to put Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick, Jennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey in the front row of the next debate, just in front of the cast of thousands of other women Bubba has abused sexually over the previous four decades... Emphasize $hillary's role in bullying, intimidating, threatening, and attempting to otherwise discredit any woman who would threaten $hillary and Bubba's political career... And, point out how she tried to destroy Monica Lewinsky... All of these were women who $hillary said should be believed until proven otherwise... They were actually women $hillary tried to destroy before their stories were proven true...

That wouldn't be a smart move on his part . . but then, he's done so much dumbs#it stuff already, it wouldn't surprise me one bit.
His comment has everything to do with the Clintons. Seriously, you are wrong most of the time. Seek help- I suggest talking shit to someone in person so you will get punched in that arrogant, smarmy face of yours. A good ass kicking is good for the soul, especially for a twerp like you.

LOL...why so mad? Tell you what...put on your best dress and come on to Winston...see what you can do about my soul. smh

As for Trump, he made that comment way back in the GOP primaries. Had nothing to do with the Clintons.
Next up, THBB tells us the media has no bias and is to be completely trusted at all times. Also, Elizabeth Warren really does have Native American blood and that you can keep your own insurance plan if you like your insurance plan.

So the UN is in the bag for the Clintons, eh? Do you guys ever stop to actually read the stuff you post? But then, I suppose the rantings of a maniac make sense to the maniac.
It's not hate that I feel. It's disbelief. I feel sorry for you, and it makes me sad that people are so hard hearted and stubborn. It's very sad. I could never hate you.
Oh I see. So it would be with a heavy heart that you would like "to isolate and contain twatheads" like me and my "little posse" so that the "rest of us will be safe." That is vile and very hateful speech. As a matter of fact, there were these bad people called Nazi's that used to think this very way. Hmm. Makes me wonder if you aren't a bit like them? Lol. Smdh. I got a date with the hottest person ever and am too busy for you ding dongs teehee!
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Oh I see. So it would be with a heavy heart that you would like "to isolate and contain twatheads" like me and my "little posse" so that the "rest of us will be safe." That is vile and very hateful speech. As a matter of fact, there were these bad people called Nazi's that used to think this very way. Hmm. Makes me wonder if you aren't a bit like them? Lol. Smdh. I got a date with the hottest person ever and am too busy for you ding dongs teehee!

The isolate part was my sarcastic way of poking fun at you nut brains and your crazy posts about immigration and such. Y'all buy into that crap the Donald tells you. I can isolate myself away from you guys and those like you anytime. In fact, I do often. I meet crazy, fearful people all the time that say the stupid stuff you guys say about immigration issues. I just roll my eyes and move along. Here, I can call you out on it and post sarcastic remarks reflecting/mirroring the things you have posted before to show you just how f-ing stupid you guys are for thinking that dumb crap. When you make those expected replies like that, I know you have no idea what you are talking about and just following the sheeple mentality, as usual and pretty much buying whatever Fox news has told you.

As for my date, you don't want me to post the things he said about some of this stuff when I had this app pulled up on my phone reading it to him. He thinks you guys are full of crazy too and like me feels sorry for you too. LOL I show lots of my friends how freaking nutty people are out there and that are crazy enough to post it on the internet. It's scary that we have people like you out there walking among us.
The isolate part was my sarcastic way of poking fun at you nut brains and your crazy posts about immigration and such. Y'all buy into that crap the Donald tells you.

Ok, here is your chance. Show me my crazy poasts about immigration. Don't do anything else or yap incessantly off-topic. Just show me.

I can isolate myself away from you guys and those like you anytime. In fact, I do often. I meet crazy, fearful people all the time that say the stupid stuff you guys say about immigration issues. I just roll my eyes and move along.

You can't even isolate yourself here, much less avoid or start idiotic topics. I'm sure you do meet some crazies, your lifestyle is well documented here. I can only imagine the types you must consort with.

Here, I can call you out on it and post sarcastic remarks reflecting/mirroring the things you have posted before to show you just how f-ing stupid you guys are for thinking that dumb crap. When you make those expected replies like that, I know you have no idea what you are talking about and just following the sheeple mentality, as usual and pretty much buying whatever Fox news has told you.

A lot of gum flapping here but let's get you on track. Now remember, you're talking to me so be specific about me, not what you hate about people who don't think and say what you like. To which expected reply are you referring? If you were talking about me jumping your shit for being a blow hard and saying the dumbest ish I've seen here, then ok. So here is your chance again. Show me.

As for my date, you don't want me to post the things he said about some of this stuff when I had this app pulled up on my phone reading it to him. He thinks you guys are full of crazy too and like me feels sorry for you too. LOL I show lots of my friends how freaking nutty people are out there and that are crazy enough to post it on the internet. It's scary that we have people like you out there walking among us.

Wait, what? You spent time on a date making him read a message board? Well then hell yes I do want you to poast whatever "he" said. Why stop at just your crazy? Let's see "his." If your friends are scared of anything I've ever poasted here then it's best they avoid this place. Stop subjecting them to it. That's cruel if you know it scares them. I'd also suggest you find better things to do with your social hour at the shelter rather than scaring those good people to death.
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Must have been one heluva date, Chick . . pulling up a message board for your date to read. Could this 30 something year old cutie not afford to take you to a movie . . ?

It wasn't while I was at dinner or something that I was looking at Rivals app LOL.... we were hanging out at his place. We hang out a lot now, so sometimes I check my phone. Something made me laugh and he asked what was so funny, so I said "Look at what these doofs say...." and it went from there....

We have plenty of things to do together. I pick up my phone maybe twice while we are together.... gee whiskers, I think most people do nowadays! Don't worry, I have been a good girl so far. He has not spent the night here yet! LOL (maybe tomorrow haha) And he can afford to take me wherever... I don't usually like going to the movies. We are going hiking this week and then might go rent a cozy cabin when the leaves start turning... all is well over here, not to worry. I'm just enjoying every day I get with him until he realized I really am OLD! LOL (he knows I am 51 too before anyone starts, I don't lie about my age EVER... that's foolish!)

As for what he said @UNC '92.... He made a reference to mental hospital patients being allowed to access the internet now when I read a few of 71's posts... I told him I would not insult the mentally ill by comparing them to you guys! :)

I will address your other questions later. I am leaving for the day to have fun with my new sweetie! ttfn
Wow, this is not the first time you have referenced talking to your male friends about the "guys" on OOTB. You still haven't figured out the atmosphere of this place. Do you not realize that the more you poast about being nutty, and dumb makes you a bigger target? If I were you, I wouldn't show him some of the things you tend to poast. The light may come on and your boy toy may wise up and leave
Chick, admitting that you spend your pillow talk time discussing us at OOTB isn't a good look. In fact, it's quite embarrassing. As far as that 30 year old commenting on us, ...that's one smart dog. What breed did you say he was?
my guess would be "Sooner".
Must have been one heluva date, Chick . . pulling up a message board for your date to read. Could this 30 something year old cutie not afford to take you to a movie . . ?
maybe he's a 60 second man and there was a lot of dead air time.
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LOL...why so mad? Tell you what...put on your best dress and come on to Winston...see what you can do about my soul. smh

As for Trump, he made that comment way back in the GOP primaries. Had nothing to do with the Clintons.

Mad? Not even slightly. You have been in dire need of an asskicking for years. It's even on Politifact.

Don't take that to mean that I care to bother with it though- I'm a lover, not a fighter.
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So the UN is in the bag for the Clintons, eh? Do you guys ever stop to actually read the stuff you post? But then, I suppose the rantings of a maniac make sense to the maniac.

I would bet any amount of money that Clinton was the preferred candidate by UN bureaucrats and delegate over any (including Bernie, O'Malley, etc) by a margin of 10-1.

Of course the UN is in the tank for the Clintons. Not even a question.
I'm pretty sure mike takes care of this board want to promote personal attacks including the BS your little...little...little buddy engages in - take it up with him.

THBB's Message Board Poasting Handbook

Page 1:
  1. Make a personal attack
  2. Wait for recipient to respond in kind
  3. Whine like Chick and call for mods
  4. Repeat
Do they buy that bullshit on the Iowa board?
Wow, this is not the first time you have referenced talking to your male friends about the "guys" on OOTB. You still haven't figured out the atmosphere of this place. Do you not realize that the more you poast about being nutty, and dumb makes you a bigger target? If I were you, I wouldn't show him some of the things you tend to poast. The light may come on and your boy toy may wise up and leave

Could you imagine the look on the 30 year old's face if he read the crap she has poasted? He would be torn between wanting to laugh and being worried that doing so would mean he would have to move back into Mom's basement.
I would bet any amount of money that Clinton was the preferred candidate by UN bureaucrats and delegate over any (including Bernie, O'Malley, etc) by a margin of 10-1.

Of course the UN is in the tank for the Clintons. Not even a question.
Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder can both see this, The U.N. is nothing but a shill for Globalism and long ago out lived it's usefulness.
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See, here's the thing, he CANNOT do any of it because he's incapable. He can only be the useless, selfish asshole that he truly is. Sorry

Funny thing is what you said easily applies to Hillary if you replace he with she and added in lying, money grubbing, worthless when actually in office, bought and paid for by donors and fat cats, that uses public office as a means to extort money from companies without caring if it is in the best interest of this country or not...

Now as for Trump being selfish? Unless you are referring to him wanting to be president for ego only reasons, it is hard to agree that Trump really needed to be president for selfish reasons. I mean, no matter what anyone may think of the man, he was already stinking rich, it is much more a selfless act for him considering he really didn't need to grow his wealth than it is for Hillary who has sold her services to any one willing to write a big enough check.
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It wasn't while I was at dinner or something that I was looking at Rivals app LOL.... we were hanging out at his place. We hang out a lot now, so sometimes I check my phone. Something made me laugh and he asked what was so funny, so I said "Look at what these doofs say...." and it went from there....

We have plenty of things to do together. I pick up my phone maybe twice while we are together.... gee whiskers, I think most people do nowadays! Don't worry, I have been a good girl so far. He has not spent the night here yet! LOL (maybe tomorrow haha) And he can afford to take me wherever... I don't usually like going to the movies. We are going hiking this week and then might go rent a cozy cabin when the leaves start turning... all is well over here, not to worry. I'm just enjoying every day I get with him until he realized I really am OLD! LOL (he knows I am 51 too before anyone starts, I don't lie about my age EVER... that's foolish!)

As for what he said @UNC '92.... He made a reference to mental hospital patients being allowed to access the internet now when I read a few of 71's posts... I told him I would not insult the mentally ill by comparing them to you guys! :)

I will address your other questions later. I am leaving for the day to have fun with my new sweetie! ttfn
I figured you had no answer. Hell I knew you had no answer. And why the need to wait until later? You are usually chomping at the bit to poast on here. You spend your "date" time doing it anyway so we know that's a bs excuse for you. You really do need to spend some time in front of a mirror, catch up with yourself some. You've forgotten what you are like.
LOL...why so mad? Tell you what...put on your best dress and come on to Winston...see what you can do about my soul. smh

As for Trump, he made that comment way back in the GOP primaries. Had nothing to do with the Clintons.

We'll be on the next bus.

Now as for Trump being selfish? Unless you are referring to him wanting to be president for ego only reasons, it is hard to agree that Trump really needed to be president for selfish reasons. I mean, no matter what anyone may think of the man, he was already stinking rich, it is much more a selfless act for him considering he really didn't need to grow his wealth than it is for Hillary who has sold her services to any one willing to write a big enough check.
These people don't seek the presidency for the paycheck. They are ALL already wealthy. You're right, Trump doesn't need the paltry salary this is offering. He likes the attention and publicity and attention it provides. No, he LOVES it. And, who could blame him? It is exactly as it should be.

But, please don't act like he's doing this because he has empathy and wants to help the people. He has no understanding of the American people at all.
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you didn't burst any bubble other than the one you live in.

and this is why your post has no validity. The IRS is already challenging the Clinton's self reported numbers. Imagine that the IRS challenging a dem.

As a non-profit, the finances of the Clinton Foundation are an open book...or books. It's kinda the law. The only thing the IRS is looking into is whether there was evidence of a quid pro quo for donations. There wasn't but you won't believe that when it's reported so the investigation is really a waste of time as far as you're concerned. Remember when you guys were crowing about the FBI investigation? How'd that turn out for you? The Gowdy congressional investigation (#7) of Benghazi? You really had her then, didn't you? Turns out they're all in the pocket of the Clinton's as well. Must be frustrating when every single investigative agency in the world - including a congressional committee in a GOP controlled Congress - is protecting the Clintons
THBB's Message Board Poasting Handbook

Page 1:
  1. Make a personal attack
  2. Wait for recipient to respond in kind
  3. Whine like Chick and call for mods
  4. Repeat
Do they buy that bullshit on the Iowa board?

Could you point to my first "personal attack"? TIA

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