Who did better in the Debate?

Didn't watch, but I already know the results.

Trump, but he could have done much better IMO.

I've maintained for years on here that I don't care about who is better at pandering to the crowd...I solely care about who convinces me that they will get the job done, and I think on that angle alone, their track records speak for themselves.
Didn't watch... read the reviews and saw some highlights and of course Holt was a shill and ally of Hillary.

Interrupted Trump 41 times and his queen only 7... he asked Trump 6 follow up questions and her thighness ZERO

Did not ask her about her about Benghaz,i her pvt email server and any mention of the 113 classified emails she sent...of course she has claimed all along she never sent anything classified materials

She is completely corrupt to her rotten core. and has a gaggle of shills, hacks, stooges and sycophants in the media to cover for her.

Last night was just another example of THEIR corruption as well.
Didn't watch... read the reviews and saw some highlights and of course Holt was a shill and ally of Hillary.

Interrupted Trump 41 times and his queen only 7... he asked Trump 6 follow up questions and her thighness ZERO

Did not ask her about her about Benghaz,i her pvt email server and any mention of the 113 classified emails she sent...of course she has claimed all along she never sent anything classified materials

She is completely corrupt to her rotten core. and has a gaggle of shills, hacks, stooges and sycophants in the media to cover for her.

Last night was just another example of THEIR corruption as well.

I noticed that -- the emails thing was only brought up by Trump, and the mod didn't hammer it home AT ALL. That is a huge deal and IMO the single most important reason why she cannot be POTUS. She is hounding Trump about not paying taxes when she committed a f***ing federal crime! That is amazing to me.

As an accountant, your JOB is to legally save your client as much money as is allowed by the law. Why the hell does it matter if Trump's accountants are savvy enough to accomplish this? These are completely moot points and our country is dumb enough to believe them.

How have we fallen so far that we will elect a criminal simply b/c the other choice would hurt too many feelings? Our flag should (no offense) be changed to a rainbow instead of red, white, and blue.
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I imagine there were 12-year-old members of their middle school debate team who were watching and picking Trump apart. I think a cursory report on his performance is in order:

Articulated thoughts clearly: F
Communicated effectively: D-
Stayed on-message: D-
Explained ideas logically: F
Addressed the questions asked: D
Truthfulness: F
Knowledge on the issues: F
Self-confidence: B-
Body language: D+
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Clearly the Donald didn't prepare for the debate, had he done so, he would have brought up more often the emails, Benghazi, pay for play talking points he's been doing on the campaign trail. His 25 second answers to those Holt questions allowed Lester to pursue another subject or expand on the original question. Had the Donald given a 2 minute answer, then those follow up questions never come . . so, thats on him.

He should have attacked more, but, thats hard to do when you feel the need to rebut everything that Clinton threw at him. Its hard to go forward when you're backpedalling . . and his opponent set the tone and pace last night.

Like any well coached team, having the ability of taking your opponent out of his game is half the battle to winning. DT looked flustered at times last night.

Donald didn't do his homework for the debate and his preparation was non-existent.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Benjamin Franklin
I watched it and as far as the real debate, Clinton won it in a landslide. Trump just doesn't know how to make a point without making himself look like a complete ass. He talked over Clinton, he talked over Lester and repeated things 5-6 times. On a few occasions Clinton just stood there and let him babble. We have never had 2 candidates that were as horrible as these two in the history of Presidential elections. I don't want to vote for either of them and I don't want to throw away my vote to Johnson. We are without a doubt screwed.
People focus on the dumbest things. Like Clinton hammering Trump on his allegedly not paying his fair share of taxes. Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Lol. If he's evading taxes, that's one thing, and he should be charged if that's the case - but that's not what anyone is claiming. They're just saying he has legally found loopholes to prevent him from paying exorbitant taxes. Good! Why should he be expected to donate more money than he's legally required to the country? That's called being smart! Not being frivolous with his own money makes me more likely to vote for him as he would be less likely to be frivolous with the country's money.

Seriously. People are putting the low taxes on par with the deleted emails. And voters seem to be buying it... how stupid are people?
If you wanna win the debates in the future, just let Donald ramble. That man has no idea what is necessary to be the president of the USA. He knows how to railroad people financially to make his investments prosper. He's got leverage because he is already wealthy.

That shuck-and-jive dance about his tax returns made him look more suspicious than her emails. He sounded like a Vanderbilt who has no idea what it is like to be an average American... which is the absolute truth. He has no sense of empathy with average Americans... none. Not to mention, he has never been elected to any governmental office in his entire life. NONE!

Would you hire a street juggler/mime to coach your NFL football team because he says he is great at fantasy football? If so, then you're cool with Trump being your president. It's a completely absurd notion that the man is even being considered. The GOP went full retard on themselves and the country.
he has never been elected to any governmental office in his entire life. NONE!

And therein lies the reason he has so much support. It'd be better if we could get someone a little more competent than Trump to run that hasn't been a politician before, they'd win in a landslide, but I guess we should take what we can get.
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IMO if Trump would have stuck to answering the questions, stopped talking over everyone and found a way to be less hostile in his delivery, he would do much better with people that have not decided on who they were voting for. He has his die hard supporters, but he did some damage to those that may be on the fence.
And therein lies the reason he has so much support. It'd be better if we could get someone a little more competent than Trump to run that hasn't been a politician before, they'd win in a landslide, but I guess we should take what we can get.
Again, if you want a guy who claims he has studied lots of medical books and won some lawsuits for medical malpractice to perform a hysterectomy on the Queen, go for it.

I realize the group here that have welded themselves to Donald Trump have to make it seem like he's still a good candidate, despite his glaring shortcomings. You can't back-out now. He showed just how unqualified he was last night. And, that was just the first debate. That guy went off-the-reservation several times, just rambling. But, he did manage to pimp his "businesses" throughout the show.
IMO if Trump would have stuck to answering the questions, stopped talking over everyone and found a way to be less hostile in his delivery, he would do much better with people that have not decided on who they were voting for. He has his die hard supporters, but he did some damage to those that may be on the fence.
Oh, yeah. His die-hards are not going anywhere. Those are the ones that get laughed-at in the interview videos.

The people who are torn between the two top party candidates are the ones that he alienated last night. I'm actually glad he did. I am fearful of a Clinton administration. But, at least with her as president, there will be another election in 2020.
Again, if you want a guy who claims he has studied lots of medical books and won some lawsuits for medical malpractice to perform a hysterectomy on the Queen, go for it.

When all the normal doctors will only do just enough to keep themselves certified as doctors, regardless of the quality of care - and when they've all made under the table arrangements with Play-Skool to only use their instruments in surgery - I'll take my chances with the other guy.
When all the normal doctors will only do just enough to keep themselves certified as doctors, regardless of the quality of care - and when they've all made under the table arrangements with Play-Skool to only use their instruments in surgery - I'll take my chances with the other guy.
Maybe you'll die fast and somewhat painlessly. It doesn't make the guy you're taking the chance on have even the slightest ability to carve you up and have you survive. Most people are not as likely to take risks on their leadership.

I agree that it is an ideal time for someone who is outside of the Washington mainstream to try their hand at the situation. But, Trump isn't just outside of the mainstream. He's outside of his own mind. That guy is a walking commercial for himself. He has NO sense of empathy to average Americans. NONE! That is very important, believe it or not.

And, for people on-the-fence right now? They want to see a seasoned politician who they feel safe in knowing that the game-board won't be blown-up. Like it or not, Americans are conditioned to choose the most polished politician in these shows. Trump is a vengeful, narcissistic wannabe politician who is appealing to MOSTLY low IQ people.

These elections are boiling-down to TV ratings results. If Fox has the most viewers, then their candidate will win. If not, they won't. And, they keep alienating more people with each cycle and invigorating the wrong kind of people at the same time.
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IMO if Trump would have stuck to answering the questions, stopped talking over everyone and found a way to be less hostile in his delivery, he would do much better with people that have not decided on who they were voting for. He has his die hard supporters, but he did some damage to those that may be on the fence.

I agree. But what I'm hoping will happen is that people might say "I'd never vote for Trump", but when that curtain closes and no one can see them, they'll pull the lever against the current path to destruction that we are on. As I've recognized in the past here, The Donald could put us on a new path towards destruction as well. But at least it's new. I'll roll the dice on new and unproven destruction versus known destruction.
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Whenever his "manhood" or competency is threatened, he will lie if necessary. ANd, comes-off looking like a fool. We ALL KNOW he was sniffling and it was awkwardly obvious. But, rather than say he was sniffling, he lies about it.

Donald Trump early Tuesday dismissed speculation that he was sniffling during the first presidential debate, saying a microphone with an "issue" picked up his breathing.

"No, no sniffles. You know, the mic was very bad, but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing," Trump said on "Fox & Friends."

"But no sniffles. No cold."

Trump caught attention on social media during Monday night's debate for what appeared to be audible sniffing.

Earlier in the Fox show on Tuesday morning, Trump said his mic was failing and seemed to suggest that someone had sabotaged it.

"I had a problem with a mic that didn't work. My mic was terrible. I wonder if it was set up that way on purpose," Trump said.

"I don't want to believe in conspiracy theories, of course."
Another part of the debate where he shot giant holes in his boat was invoking Sean Hannity as his go-to-guy for legitimacy on his alleged opinion of the Iraq War. I'm sure Sean appreciates all of the free publicity, but yammering-on about a Fox News mouthpiece for a good 2 or 3 minutes only makes people who are on-the-fence go "Oh, great! Now, we're supposed to ask Sean Hannity if what he is saying is true." Sean Hannity is Fox News. Fox is extreme right-wing cult-level BS to average Americans who don't already believe Fox is the Word of God in news form. Using Hannity as your alibi isn't gaining any favor from people who aren't already a Fox devotee.
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Trumps job last night was to make himself seem less scary. He did.

Hillary's job was to appear healthy. She did.

I agree that it is an ideal time for someone who is outside of the Washington mainstream to try their hand at the situation. But, Trump isn't just outside of the mainstream. He's outside of his own mind. That guy is a walking commercial for himself. He has NO sense of empathy to average Americans. NONE! That is very important, believe it or not.

Agreed. And while I'm of the belief that Trump would be a somewhat better president than Hillary, I'm hoping Hillary wins (although I could never bring myself to actually vote for her). Either will be bad enough to squash the direction they're trying to take the country in. If Trump wins, I assume he'll make a clown of himself and the country to the point that he spooks voters from voting for a non-traditional candidate for the foreseeable future. If Clinton wins, she'll lie and sell the country down the river enough to kill the establishment as we know it, opening it up for an outsider in the next election.

So while I think Trump winning is better for the country in the short term (next 4 years), I think Clinton winning is better for the long term, to allow the country to reverse course after she botches it.
Trump is so immersed in his own ego that he refuses to EVER admit a mistake. That is indescribably dangerous. When you lack the slightest ability to have some humility to admit "I made a mistake" then you're a walking powder keg. Not only will they make THAT mistake, but they will continue to make more mistakes because you refuse to admit you made one to begin with.
I agree. But what I'm hoping will happen is that people might say "I'd never vote for Trump", but when that curtain closes and no one can see them, they'll pull the lever against the current path to destruction that we are on. As I've recognized in the past here, The Donald could put us on a new path towards destruction as well. But at least it's new. I'll roll the dice on new and unproven destruction versus known destruction.

really?...gimmie what i've gone through and come out of before rather than the unknown.

wow, i just described my current voting strategy...thanks for the reminder!
Agreed. And while I'm of the belief that Trump would be a somewhat better president than Hillary, I'm hoping Hillary wins (although I could never bring myself to actually vote for her). Either will be bad enough to squash the direction they're trying to take the country in. If Trump wins, I assume he'll make a clown of himself and the country to the point that he spooks voters from voting for a non-traditional candidate for the foreseeable future. If Clinton wins, she'll lie and sell the country down the river enough to kill the establishment as we know it, opening it up for an outsider in the next election.

So while I think Trump winning is better for the country in the short term (next 4 years), I think Clinton winning is better for the long term, to allow the country to reverse course after she botches it.
You usually come-off as a rational guy. Your opinions are never too extreme or they're not voiced in an extreme way... which is good.

But, what you just said sounds very peculiar. You seem to be saying that you know Hillary is more qualified, but you've been too supportive of Trump, up to this point, to turn back now. I don't think Hillary is killing the establishment. She IS the establishment. Trump is a just an exceptional con man that has exploited the system and now sits atop an empire of ill-gotten wealth.
I agree. But what I'm hoping will happen is that people might say "I'd never vote for Trump", but when that curtain closes and no one can see them, they'll pull the lever against the current path to destruction that we are on. As I've recognized in the past here, The Donald could put us on a new path towards destruction as well. But at least it's new. I'll roll the dice on new and unproven destruction versus known destruction.

Well get ready to kiss your nonprofit butt goodbye then. He'll bend you over and screw you in a very destructive way so enjoy it. This place will be in shambles but at least I'll get to sit back and laugh at all you dummies while telling you I told you so. ;)
The Donald could put us on a new path towards destruction as well. But at least it's new. I'll roll the dice on new and unproven destruction versus known destruction.
I'm on his ignore list.... but, that is some of the absolute DUMBEST logic I have EVER heard! It's not even dumb enough to be dumb. That is ignorance. Ignorance is worse than dumb. Dumb people have no excuse. Ignorant people do have an excuse. They choose ignorance. That is ego refusing to admit a mistake.
really?...gimmie what i've gone through and come out of before rather than the unknown.

wow, i just described my current voting strategy...thanks for the reminder!

But you have to know that it won't be "what you've gone through" moving forward. It will be "what you've gone through" multiplied. It's a runaway train of sucktitude. And runaway trains gain momentum and power when they are allowed to move in the same direction. Trumps' suckitude will take time to build up momentum. And by that time, his 4 years will be up.

I'll definitely take the unknown over more riots, more race wars, more division, more ISIS, more nuclear weapons testing in N.Korea, more bending over for radicals, more bakeries going out of business because they won't bake a cake for a gay couple, more patting transgendered people on the back for their mental illness, more government regulation, more taxes and more of the same corruption.
You usually come-off as a rational guy. Your opinions are never too extreme or they're not voiced in an extreme way... which is good.

But, what you just said sounds very peculiar. You seem to be saying that you know Hillary is more qualified, but you've been too supportive of Trump, up to this point, to turn back now. I don't think Hillary is killing the establishment. She IS the establishment. Trump is a just an exceptional con man that has exploited the system and now sits atop an empire of ill-gotten wealth.

Well I appreciate that. But I don't think the second paragraph captures it properly. Yes, Hillary is more qualified, as she's been in offices before. Heck, anyone who has held a small town mayor job is more qualified - seeing as they've at least held office before. But this doesn't mean that Hillary, nor the small town mayor, would do a better job just because they are more qualified.

I don't feel as though I've been overly supportive of Trump. I do feel like he's "the lesser of two evils", but I think I've been stronger in my disdain for Hillary than I have been in my approval of Trump. I, unlike Donald, am able to admit when I'm wrong and if it appears to me that he is actually the lesser of two evils, then I'd be fine acknowledging that.

I agree that Hillary is the establishment. And I don't think she would destroy the establishment on purpose (actually quite the contrary, she would try to bolster it as much as possible). However I do think that she would do such a poor job (both in terms of actual policies enacted, as well as the "other stuff" like lying, shady agreements, and the like) that any support the establishment still had from voters would be gone by the next election.