Why trump will win!

I thought this was about Michael Moore's speech. I don't know much about Moore other than he hated Bush, but he nails it here.

Apparently he has made another movie that can be viewed on iTunes called "Michael Moore in Trumpland" and he's been making the rounds pushing it. He was on The View talking about it. I know it's our fave show but I sometimes watch shows I don't like to get an idea of why people think the way they do. (Like Hannity)


They are going to have to rig the machines big time in order to flip it. So far, it's only one county in Texas. That's not nearly enough.

And Trump voters will be on the lookout for it. That particular county has now switched to paper ballots.
Carter and Reagan are not Clinton and Trump. The country is also not the same at all. The Carter Administration saw tough times for MANY Americans. And, despite all the talk, I don't think anyone on this board is nearing poverty-level in their daily lives.

The last 8 years has not been anywhere near as bad as 1976-1980. I realize people who hate Obama think otherwise, and that's fine.

I think Trump will lose and lose badly... bigly.
Carter and Reagan are not Clinton and Trump. The country is also not the same at all. The Carter Administration saw tough times for MANY Americans. And, despite all the talk, I don't think anyone on this board is nearing poverty-level in their daily lives.

The last 8 years has not been anywhere near as bad as 1976-1980. I realize people who hate Obama think otherwise, and that's fine.

I think Trump will lose and lose badly... bigly.

This is the worst economic recovery since 1949, so your position on Carter's economy vs Obama's is incorrect.

And Brexit polling looked just like this too.

This whole election is going to come down to Pennsylvania if it's close. Otherwise Trump in a runaway.
But, he has succeeded in fracturing the GOP. And, for that, I am forever grateful. You get rid of one party, the other falls behind it. They need each other to remain intact. Maybe that was his goal all along. I doubt it, but, it's accomplished that nonetheless.

I see where Nikki Haley finally came-out in support of Donald. I guess she needs to pander to her SC devotees. This state is going red as long as they have elections.
This is the worst economic recovery since 1949, so your position on Carter's economy vs Obama's is incorrect.

And Brexit polling looked just like this too.

This whole election is going to come down to Pennsylvania if it's close. Otherwise Trump in a runaway.
"Recovery?" Okay, so people aren't getting wealthy as fast as they should?

Things are going much better than they were in 1980. Obama's administration is going to be looked at as a great success... except by the hard-line conservatives. But, that is to be expected.

I am enjoying the folks living in their bubbles. I had no idea people could be so invested in a political candidate. And, this is coming from someone who was VERY invested in one myself. Maybe I was the same way, and it just took time to accept the reality.
He's going to win Strum.

Do you think at this point, anyone is actually undecided? If you were going to lie about for whom you are voting when a pollster calls, are you more likely to be lying because you support Trump or Hillary? Approx 7% of voters claim to be undecided.

Do you also think that African-Americans are going to vote for Hillary at the same clip as in 2008 and 12?

These things only need to move slightly and it's Trump in a landslide.
"Recovery?" Okay, so people aren't getting wealthy as fast as they should?

Things are going much better than they were in 1980. Obama's administration is going to be looked at as a great success... except by the hard-line conservatives. But, that is to be expected.

I am enjoying the folks living in their bubbles. I had no idea people could be so invested in a political candidate. And, this is coming from someone who was VERY invested in one myself. Maybe I was the same way, and it just took time to accept the reality.

If by "people" you mean "the country"then no, not nearly wealthy enough. GDP under Obama is about half of historical. That's pathetic.
He's going to win Strum.

Do you think at this point, anyone is actually undecided? If you were going to lie about for whom you are voting when a pollster calls, are you more likely to be lying because you support Trump or Hillary? Approx 7% of voters claim to be undecided.

Do you also think that African-Americans are going to vote for Hillary at the same clip as in 2008 and 12?

These things only need to move slightly and it's Trump in a landslide.
I think this thing was Hillary Clinton's before it ever started. One thing I do agree with Trump about, it's rigged. But, it was rigged before he ever started to run for President.

I don't trust the system at all. We have OWNERS, period. This place is O-W-N-E-D. It's non-negotiable. These politicians are scenery. Nothing happens in this country that wealthy business interests doesn't dictate and control.
It's coming at a great price (having another Clinton in the White House) but I think the GOP will cut loose the Jesus,Guns,Abortion,Immigration, faction from the party after this election. Let them form their own party. The GOP or the American people don't need them.
I think this thing was Hillary Clinton's before it ever started. One thing I do agree with Trump about, it's rigged. But, it was rigged before he ever started to run for President.

I don't trust the system at all. We have OWNERS, period. This place is O-W-N-E-D. It's non-negotiable. These politicians are scenery. Nothing happens in this country that wealthy business interests doesn't dictate and control.

You are correct, but only to a point. They can only rig and control but so much.

Facebook president (not Zuck) contributed 35 mil earlier this week to Hillary. Only reason this happens this late in the game is that they are scared shitless
It's coming at a great price (having another Clinton in the White House) but I think the GOP will cut loose the Jesus,Guns,Abortion,Immigration, faction from the party after this election. Let them form their own party. The GOP or the American people don't need them.

The GOP will have about 80% fewer members after this election. The party is dead and I agree with Strum that I am eternally grateful to Donald for making this happen.
At this point, I don't care who wins. I will miss the entertainment of the leading-up-to-it.

I think that even if he did win, it would fracture the parties even more. I'm just skeptical about the level of connection that Trump has with the owners of this country. Owners don't give away their power because of an election.
This is the worst economic recovery since 1949, so your position on Carter's economy vs Obama's is incorrect.

And Brexit polling looked just like this too.

This whole election is going to come down to Pennsylvania if it's close. Otherwise Trump in a runaway.
Again, I would take this with a grain of salt, but since Eisenhower, there has only been one election (1980) where a candidate lead late October polls by 5 or more points and lost, so history has proven polls to be fairly accurate.
Again, I would take this with a grain of salt, but since Eisenhower, there has only been one election (1980) where a candidate lead late October polls by 5 or more points and lost, so history has proven polls to be fairly accurate.

The polls are a dead heat.
I think the GOP will cut loose the Jesus,Guns,Abortion,Immigration, faction from the party after this election. Let them form their own party. The GOP or the American people don't need them.

This will be interesting to watch. They'll lose a lot of the people that rally behind those causes, but without those causes - they'll probably be able to pull a lot of the democrats over that want a party that isn't dead set on giving everyone's money away to try to finagle extra votes from "disadvantaged" classes - but just can't get behind the GOP causes as they currently stand.
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This will be interesting to watch. They'll lose a lot of the people that rally behind those causes, but without those causes - they'll probably be able to pull a lot of the democrats over that want a party that isn't dead set on giving everyone's money away to try to finagle extra votes from "disadvantaged" classes - but just can't get behind the GOP causes as they currently stand.
Any of that will be good for diluting these 2 parties.
It's going to be great watching all the shocked people on November 9. Especially those who have never been wrong in their lives.

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