Why trump will win!

It's mindboggling that there are people that don't support mandating an ID to vote. You can get ID cards for free so that whole, "I can't afford it" is bullshit. Plus, if it means that much to you, you'll find a way to get it.

But honestly, I don't think everyone should vote. I hope many people don't. Because there are many people that aren't qualified to vote. We had a thread on this a week or so ago. Mike Rowe explains it better than I.
I do support it. I think it is necessary. I was just pointing out that it's not as easy to do for the actual poor. It will require seeing they have valid documents to even register. Have you ever lost your SS card? They would put a damn known terrorist through less BS to get a new one!
As I said before, since we have two horrible candidates, I do hope Trump wins so that hopefully people will WTFU! He will do some good things but he will also get us in some other messes. Hillary will continue the usual crap we're dealing with now and perhaps have us in an even bigger economic crisis.

I see no winners here so we might as well let it crumble and start over.
Now this poll was interesting. This is how the whole world would vote. Trump is wayyyyy ahead on this one.

Look at the results. It looks like Hillary is preferred by the Middle East (she will send them guns), France (because they are French), Southeast Asia (because she will pass TPP) and Mexico (because we provide welfare to their citizens) and a few others here and there.

Everyone else pretty much wants Trump.

But Lyles won't vote for him even though he claims to be in the GOP.
I was just pointing out that it's not as easy to do for the actual poor. It will require seeing they have valid documents to even register.
The documents required are pretty easy to obtain. All you really need is name and address or date of birth to get an id in GA. The hardest part for a poor person to obtain an id in GA is walking in the parking lot to pick up the id.

All that being said, how many poor people don't already have an id? You have to have an id for pretty much everything in life.
The documents required are pretty easy to obtain. All you really need is name and address or date of birth to get an id in GA. The hardest part for a poor person to obtain an id in GA is walking in the parking lot to pick up the id.

All that being said, how many poor people don't already have an id? You have to have an id for pretty much everything in life.
Ok you're right it is easy for everyone. ;)
I do support it. I think it is necessary. I was just pointing out that it's not as easy to do for the actual poor. It will require seeing they have valid documents to even register. Have you ever lost your SS card? They would put a damn known terrorist through less BS to get a new one!
And I proved it was easy. Also, getting your ss card replaced is very easy as well.

That is the easiest way. Just head on down to your library or homeless shelter and jump on any of the computers they have there for your use and get your free card. Just make sure you already got that free ID from your state.

Ok you're right it is easy for everyone. ;)
In most states it is easy. Just as easy as it is for them to get down to a polling station and vote. But let's not let these facts get in the way of your uninformed opinions.
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These people can damn well provide an address to have their welfare checks mailed to, so they can provide an address for their voter registration ID as well.
We must be talking about a different group of poor. I'm not talking about mooches or those who really need assistance. I meant truly homeless and even the elderly who have trouble getting around to gather documents or even get an ID.

Besides I admitted I was wrong about this.
There are plenty of people, who have all kinds of ID, that have no business voting either.

I'd just as soon offer these elections to people without any ID and get just as good of a result.

Choosing between poop and turd isn't a real challenge and having an ID doesn't make you a better connoisseur of excrement. If it were between rabbit and cow. I'd go with Rabbit. Rabbits poop in nice little balls... no smell.
Ok, let's just take N.C. We have 100 counties, all counties have a Dem. party and a Rep. party. Each county has dozens of polling places and you're trying to tell me that the fix is in all of these? And if you saying the fix is in for just a few, which ones would you fix and how would you get both parties to go along with it? If would be an impossible task to do for just one county, in one state, in a country that has as many states as we have.
obviously you fix the big population areas. already asked that question and it was answered. Go back and review page 2. Let's at least keep this thing moving
No it was not answered. Just a bunch of BS, nothing on HOW they would do it. I could say I was going to rig the election by not counting everyone's votes that had green eyes but if I don't explain how, it's just so much BS.
No it was not answered. Just a bunch of BS, nothing on HOW they would do it. I could say I was going to rig the election by not counting everyone's votes that had green eyes but if I don't explain how, it's just so much BS.
I offered you multiple, very detailed, videos about how they DO (and have) rigged elections.
I thought I was fairly clear on how it was possible for things that were not quite by the book to happen as well.

Oh well, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink I guess...

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Are you a Kentucky fan in disguise, zero-zero? You are seriously delusional.

Actually, you guys strike me as the UK and Moo contingency from back during the NCAA investigation.

Keep ignoring all the facts though and depending on the honest and trustworthy media to tell you the real story.