
90 degree weather here in NoVa next wknd, forecasted highs are 91 on Sat, 92 on Sun. . .
Wrong thread -- ADD discussed here.

But yes -- it sucked. Highly discourage that experience.
I knew this was the wrong thread, I was trying to derail it as I am inclined to do. Was just seeiing what you ended up doing to relieve the pain. I have some serious neck issues going on.
I knew this was the wrong thread, I was trying to derail it as I am inclined to do. Was just seeiing what you ended up doing to relieve the pain. I have some serious neck issues going on.
Surgery took care of my back. Was bad enough to hinder my ability to walk
I knew this was the wrong thread, I was trying to derail it as I am inclined to do. Was just seeiing what you ended up doing to relieve the pain. I have some serious neck issues going on.

Just being's all good.

I ruptured my L5 disc in the process of moving into a rental...the entire month of January, I couldn't get off the floor...literally spent days working with the laptop beside my head and typing one-handed. I probably should have gone straight to the operating table, but that's hindsight...wound up getting three spinal injections, which (if I can offer any advise at all here) were completely worthless and a waste of time. The only saving grace is that I paid extra for an accident rider on our insurance, so I'm only out $250 for the deductible -- I learned the hard way that these "specialists" don't truly understand the issue...they specialize in administering those injections, period. The guy would give me the injection, prescribe some opioids, and say (literally) me in two weeks and tell me how you feel.

Some time in Feb, the owner of the gym I go to referred me to a rehab facility that has worked with a lot of athletes who have this problem...they got me in right away, and the guy told me that he was being brutally honest in saying he's seen a lot of these but that mine was pretty severe...told me to give him 2-3 weeks and if there was no improvement, he was going to recommend immediate back surgery. That procedure was ****ing HELL....but it worked. I'm in with a personal trainer every other day now building back up. I lost 15-20 lbs since the beginning of the year...for someone who has been an athlete my whole life, I was basically starting over (sparing the details). But I'm getting there...probably back to 85-90% now.

Going through this is why I will never criticize Coach K for taking time off for it. I would never wish this experience on anyone, ever. Thanks for asking...sorry to hear about your neck. My advice would honestly be to try finding a place that really understands this and will get to the root of the problem -- getting the injections only masks the pain while your body tries to heal itself.
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You just got done telling me Charlotte is awesome, and you want me to leave?

I would encourage everyone to live where they are most comfortable - I personally like Charlotte a lot, but I understand if you find it not quite eskimo-friendly enough. Perhaps Syracuse, NY is more to your liking?

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