Wouldja?: Questionable Celebrities Edition

Swank - yep
Gaga - **** NO!
Stewart - she got that permanent bitch face..... but still, sure why not
Zellweger - hard pass
Cyrus - **** NO!
Kendrick - yes sir
Swift - not a fan of her music or her body.... but still, maybe
Moore - no thanks
This is exactly how I see it. Put me down for this.
Yes to all but 1, 4, 5, and 8. So yes to 2, 3, 6, and 7. Actually, maybe to 4 and 5. Definitely no to 1 and 8. They don't even look that good in their good picture.
Hey @chick_bleeds_carolina_blue. I apologize for the "retarded" comment, even if it was made in jest.

[PSA] For the record, "wouldja?" threads are a long-standing message board tradition. Not just here but all across the interwebz. They take a lot of forms, sometimes just a single picture. I presented two pictures of each celebrity as a kind of best case/worst case because it's a obviously a joke. Just trying to have a little fun on a Friday. No offense, but you really need to lighten up and stop killing the vibe on these things. That's not only my opinion but also a fact. [/PSA]
Hey @chick_bleeds_carolina_blue. I apologize for the "retarded" comment, even if it was made in jest.

[PSA] For the record, "wouldja?" threads are a long-standing message board tradition. Not just here but all across the interwebz. They take a lot of forms, sometimes just a single picture. I presented two pictures of each celebrity as a kind of best case/worst case because it's a obviously a joke. Just trying to have a little fun on a Friday. No offense, but you really need to lighten up and stop killing the vibe on these things. That's not only my opinion but also a fact. [/PSA]

Oh good grief. I knew what you guys were doing that's why I was pestering you. We all know there ain't one of those women who would anyway if y'all actually asked them. Same thing if it had been a bunch of girls posting hot guys. It was just in fun and I was picking on you in fun as well. It was just funny to me because I never get the celebrity appeal anyway. I lust after people I see in person LOL. (Joking....almost). xoxo
Ewwwwwwww lol. Please, for the love of everything holy, never, ever, ever really wear that goofy thing!

(I know the avatar is a funny before one more person takes me seriously again)

Help me out- given that you know his avi is a joke, the beginning of your post makes no sense to me. What were you going for with the first 2 sentences?
Help me out- given that you know his avi is a joke, the beginning of your post makes no sense to me. What were you going for with the first 2 sentences?
I was just making fun of that ridiculous outfit the dude has on.

I figured one of you geniuses would think I seriously thought it was him so I clarified. Apparently that went over splendidly LOL
I was just making fun of that ridiculous outfit the dude has on.

I figured one of you geniuses would think I seriously thought it was him so I clarified. Apparently that went over splendidly LOL

I would absolutely have thought you were being serious without that disclaimer and I doubt I am the only one who would have thought so.

I just couldn't figure out the first part, given the disclaimer.
I would absolutely have thought you were being serious without that disclaimer and I doubt I am the only one who would have thought so.

I just couldn't figure out the first part, given the disclaimer.
Seriously??? What man in their right mind would ever wear that??? Of course I was making fun of it. Any man dumb enough to wear spandex deserves a jabbing or two. It really is an ewwww thing. lol
Oh good grief. I knew what you guys were doing that's why I was pestering you. We all know there ain't one of those women who would anyway if y'all actually asked them. Same thing if it had been a bunch of girls posting hot guys. It was just in fun and I was picking on you in fun as well. It was just funny to me because I never get the celebrity appeal anyway. I lust after people I see in person LOL. (Joking....almost). xoxo
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