Wow! mooou put a beat down on Duke

Saw a good bit of the game and it reminded me of US Dook MISSED a ton of shots ,was TERRIBLE at the FT line and just looked bad...well THAT is our season. At this point I could not care less who wins it al as long as it is NOT the dookies Just get me to Baseball and my Nationals and the heck with college bbal this year It has ben a nightmare that needs to end A S A P
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I watched most of it, and I like it. We've already made the Wufs suffer, so them making Dook suffer seems appropriate.
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Is anybody else watching the now 3OT Miami at VT game? Miami is perfect at the line for the game.
It’s these exact results that still give me the slightest glimmer of hope that this team can win the ACCT. College Basketball is just not good this year and the ACC is as bad as it’s ever been. If UNC wins the ACC tournament I’m having a custom Platek jersey made and wearing it for every game during the NCAA’s.
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It’s these exact results that still give me the slightest glimmer of hope that this team can win the ACCT. College Basketball is just not good this year and the ACC is as bad as it’s ever been. If UNC wins the ACC tournament I’m having a custom Platek jersey made and wearing it for every game during the NCAA’s.

The ACC is DEFINITELY gonna be wide open, but having to win games against #5, then #4, then #1, then either #2 or #3 would be a record setting task. Today, that would translate to NC State, then Virginia, then dook, then either FSU or Lousiville. Granted, 2010-11 UConn beat 4 ranked opponents in 5 games/days to win the Big East Tournament, but Kemba Walker was an absolute BEAST during that run. There have been 18 teams to make the Big Dance with a losing record, none from a major conference, and all lost in the first round.
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Wonder if NC State will still consider a self imposed post season ban this year now, considering they may actually make the NCAAT?
K knows what he has. A veteran point guard with otherwise a pretty young team. And probably the best big man. For stretches they show the raw talent to beat anybody in the country. But then they go long stretches where they dont look anything close to that. And the youth seems to show the most in games that on paper they should win as they shouldnt struggle in either cow pasture at Clemson or State
I thought State was going to blow it in the 2nd half when the dookies made a run. But, they finished strong.
It’s these exact results that still give me the slightest glimmer of hope that this team can win the ACCT. College Basketball is just not good this year and the ACC is as bad as it’s ever been. If UNC wins the ACC tournament I’m having a custom Platek jersey made and wearing it for every game during the NCAA’s.

ill pay for the custom jersey if you get Bricktek put on the back
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K is such a piece of crap! I cannot describe how much I hate that guy! And I love Roy, but I wish he'd quit kissing K's ass after every win they steal from us! Rant over!
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The ACC is DEFINITELY gonna be wide open, but having to win games against #5, then #4, then #1, then either #2 or #3 would be a record setting task. Today, that would translate to NC State, then Virginia, then dook, then either FSU or Lousiville. Granted, 2010-11 UConn beat 4 ranked opponents in 5 games/days to win the Big East Tournament, but Kemba Walker was an absolute BEAST during that run. There have been 18 teams to make the Big Dance with a losing record, none from a major conference, and all lost in the first round.

Heels did beat NC State, should have beaten UVA and dook, so you never know. What is dismaying are the pathetic performances against Pitt, Wake and GT. They’d have to beat someone like that to advance past the first round!
Ah, yes! There's that Coach K we all know and love! He loses (and especially if his team plays like shit), he has no time for congratulatory behavior. He'll barely go through the motions.

That dude is a great coach and he's got the wins to prove it. But, I NEVER look at him and think "I wish he were ours." He is a two-faced jerk.
Ah, yes! There's that Coach K we all know and love! He loses (and especially if his team plays like shit), he has no time for congratulatory behavior. He'll barely go through the motions.

That dude is a great coach and he's got the wins to prove it. But, I NEVER look at him and think "I wish he were ours." He is a two-faced jerk.

Truer words have never been spoken.

As for taking delight in duke's beatdown, with the season we've had, even this brought little joy to me.
He is a complete piece of shit, and that’s a lot considering I have equally as much hatred for State and thought it was classless. Keatts was simply letting him know that they had barricaded off a pathway for the Dook kids to get back to locker room to avoid the students on the court.
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7 of the first 18 threads on DI are about UNC. They are one of the best teams in the country but they hate us more than they like Duke.

Probably half of them used to be moo fans, but they switched to dook once they finally realized Roy owns them. They only hope they have in their pathetic existence as ABCers was to sell their souls to the devils.
Ah, yes! There's that Coach K we all know and love! He loses (and especially if his team plays like shit), he has no time for congratulatory behavior. He'll barely go through the motions.

That dude is a great coach and he's got the wins to prove it. But, I NEVER look at him and think "I wish he were ours." He is a two-faced jerk.
That is a way in which he is not like Bob Knight. Knight often liked to talk more to coaches who'd just beaten him.
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Probably half of them used to be moo fans, but they switched to dook once they finally realized Roy owns them. They only hope they have in their pathetic existence as ABCers was to sell their souls to the devils.

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