Wow! You really cannot fix stupid

The problem with many judges is lifetime appointments. They stay so long that many may have started to suffer from dementia etc. and should no longer be on the bench.
I will say this -- I do feel like kids these days are completely uneducated with regards to being aware of their surroundings and putting themselves in compromising situations.

Disclaimer - I am NOT blaming the girl in this situation, or any situation like this -- the perp deserves the max punishment allowed, no questions asked.

But basic common sense has to play a role here as well. If you are barefoot and you see a pile of broken glass...common sense tells you that perhaps you shouldn't walk across it. Kids nowadays, I firmly believe, are flat out idiots when it comes to being situationally smart. If you are a young, attractive makes ZERO sense to dress in an extremely provocative way, go out and become intoxicated and hamper your own a place with other situationally uneducated kids (i.e.: males) who are in the exact same boat with hormones raging -- and expect there to be a good outcome to this situation.

When our daughters are old enough, they will be in every martial arts class we can afford, and I have made this extremely clear to my wife since before they were even born. We cannot be there for them all the time...they have to be smart and able to protect themselves.

There are perverts in this world, but I completely believe the majority of these cases could be avoided by educating our kids about putting themselves in these environments. It's not worth the next-day giggle fit or Facebook snapshot.
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I will say this -- I do feel like kids these days are completely uneducated with regards to being aware of their surroundings and putting themselves in compromising situations.

Disclaimer - I am NOT blaming the girl in this situation, or any situation like this -- the perp deserves the max punishment allowed, no questions asked.

But basic common sense has to play a role here as well. If you are barefoot and you see a pile of broken glass...common sense tells you that perhaps you shouldn't walk across it. Kids nowadays, I firmly believe, are flat out idiots when it comes to being situationally smart. If you are a young, attractive makes ZERO sense to dress in an extremely provocative way, go out and become intoxicated and hamper your own a place with other situationally uneducated kids (i.e.: males) who are in the exact same boat with hormones raging -- and expect there to be a good outcome to this situation.

When our daughters are old enough, they will be in every martial arts class we can afford, and I have made this extremely clear to my wife since before they were even born. We cannot be there for them all the time...they have to be smart and able to protect themselves.

There are perverts in this world, but I completely believe the majority of these cases could be avoided by educating our kids about putting themselves in these environments. It's not worth the next-day giggle fit or Facebook snapshot.

I agree with you but to add further, we also need to teach our sons to have some control of themselves. I think so many things contribute to these situations. One being the way young girls have this insane belief now that they HAVE to look sexy even at age 10 (I witnessed this too many times with kids I know on Facebook....My jaw dropped a few times with my niece and I had to set her little but straight!) and also the things boys see with the easy access to porn now and visuals that are constantly there for both boys and girls to see that sexualize everything.

In fact, I think these visions have created some major issues for adults as well, myself included. We have developed this idea that sexy and sex should "look" a certain way and we don't see people or souls anymore, we see the shells and disregard people sometimes. The world sometimes needs to be blind and then learn all over how to truly appreciate and love one another.....oh well, not going on that tangent... sorry guys!

As for this judge.....I wonder how complete idiots get on the bench but apparently they do.

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