You can eradicate 3 songs from the face of the earth

We Built This City- Jefferson Starship
Macarena- Who The Hell Knows
What A Fool Believes- Doobie Bros

Honorable mention- Anything by Katie Perry, Ariana Grande, or Lady Gaga.
I’m a fan and won’t argue this about their later work. The live stuff is especially meh. But you probably haven’t listened to much of their work if you think their early stuff is boring.

They’re alright. Just my least favorite jam band. For some reason they just don’t move the needle for me. I think they’re a little too goofy for my taste.
The ****ing Kars4Kids song/jingle from the commercial. If you don't know what that is, I envy you
It makes me literally turn the radio down or change the station when it comes on. Not the desired intent for ads, I think. This song wins in a landslide

Three to add to the list, just based on their smug, trendy, garbage, gen-y hipster lyrics...

Wonderwall - Oasis
Closing Time - Semisonic
What I Got - Sublime
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It makes me literally turn the radio down or change the station when it comes on. Not the desired intent for ads, I think. This song wins in a landslide

Me too. I snap change the channel within the first second it's on. I wonder if that was a tactic - make the most annoying song imaginable that people will actually talk about it. Who knows.
Second or third or fifth me on "We Built This City (on Rock and Roll)"

The title and the actual song are anomalies. The title should be "We Shamed This City (on lame-ass, emasculated Pop)" ... that is probably difficult to fit in a song hook
I’m with you on the first two, but there has to be a story behind the Doobies being on this list, right?
I generally like the Doobies, but when they were in that wimpy phase, the little bouncy little keyboard part in there just drove me nuts. It just seemed like a total sellout to me.
Living on a Prayer
Jack and Diane
Pour some sugar on me

Those songs are the worst of all of the songs

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