You know you're getting old when...


Hall of Famer
Oct 1, 2010
Otter is playing Ronald Reagan!

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When kids in the neighborhood preface your name with "Mr."
When you can't run 1/4 mile without throwing your back out.
When a successful day is being able to just "sit"...and literally do nothing.
Saturday consists of a trip to the grocery store, a little bit of yard work, and perhaps getting to bed a few minutes early.
Not having a damn clue what "ROTFFLMMFAOWSGBDO" means.
WTF is Pokemon Go?
Damn he's a grumpy old chap, 71 is. He must be a barrel of fun on the golf course! o_O:rolleyes:

I wish there was a way to gauge the amount of angry posts from everyone. He might win that one! He's not gonna win the election bets though. :p:D
When you can't sleep more than 4 consecutive hours without having to get up and take a leak

Truth . . . getting up to pee 3 times a night is a b!tch, enuresis is starting to look like an appealing option . .

j/k of course.
I have heard that for some gentlemen, as they age the beans will tend to be longer than the frank.


Growing Old

Hello old man in the mirror,
yes you, staring back from the walls.
Time has not been kind to you,
for example, take a look at your balls.
They hang like a loose, fleshy pendulum,
no longer tight, like so long ago.
These days they poke from my pant leg,
how did my balls ever get so low.
They used to be verile and hairy,
a scrotum of world renowned.
Now they're like two shriveled raisins,
made hairless from scraping the ground.
When I go to the gym to do cardio,
which I do every once in a while,
I must wear a jockstrap in the shower,
or my nuts will drag on the tile.
I once took a trip to Italy,
with my ball sack all bound up with tape,
till my invention came undone in a vineyard
and Lucille Ball stomped on my balls like a grape.
So the next time that you're looking downward,
and you see a sight that appalls,
don't step on it, don't touch it, don't pick it up,
it's probably just my balls.
When you start doing reverse mortgage commercials. Tom Selleck is the new Wilford Brimley. With hair dye. And hair.
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...when you remember what it felt like the last time the Cubbies were in the World Series.
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