Young Roy

Yup. I worry that the farther we get from the DES legacy, the more our program and fans resemble the masses! We will have to be VERY careful choosing Roy's successor or risk losing the Carolina Way! People scoff at restricting our choices to the Family, but think of how much we have to lose! How can an outsider possibly understand what makes our Family different? Roy is the only connection youngsters have to the legacy! (and look at how many of them complain that he won't change with the times!)
I’m old enough to remember that segment when it aired. I loved watching The Dean Smith Show and host John Kilgo.

Not looking to start a debate, but it’s going to be Hubert's job to lose when the time comes.
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I wonder if SRob will retire with Roy. If not, what an excellent bridge for the new HC who ever it is! Reminiscent of Gut! (BTW: I have no problem if it is Hubs!)
Guys, here is the thing, I am all for a guy that would come in and having been part of the UNC family. But we have already seen a coach (Matt Doherty) that was UNC family come in and nearly take apart everything Dean tried to build. Just being part of the family does not mean a guy will pay the reverence to the past that we all want and need to see.

I want our next coach to be a guy that will bring together (actually continue it) the past to the present. JUST being a part of the family is not enough, he has to run a clean program, develop solid teams, do the solid job recruiting and not get us in the NCAA cross hairs and he has to win.

If all that defines Hubert at the time, then great but maybe it fits King Rice more, maybe it fits Stackhouse more when the time comes. But what if it were guys like Brad Stevens that showed interest, what if a Jay Wright showed interest, or a Mark Few? Not saying any of those guys would be interested but I do know, for the right coach the UNC job is one of the very best jobs in the country but for a coach that is not well ready for the mega spotlight it can be one of the worst positions to be in so the guy will have to be very ready to handle all the pressures that will be thrown at him day 1.

Hubert, honestly, I would like to see him be a head coach at some other program for a while to see him mature as the guy calling the shots, for now he is learning from Roy but how much of what he is learning will be be both willing and able to apply. I have not forgotten that prior to becoming head coach for ND that Matt was an assistant for Roy, not that Hubert is Matt or would look to do things in the manner that Matt did but matt is to me an object lesson in why just being a part of the family is not enough. Nor have I forgotten that when Roy turned us down, Dean's recommendation for the job was actually not a guy from his coaching tree or a guy that was ever a UNC player.
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I wonder if SRob will retire with Roy. If not, what an excellent bridge for the new HC who ever it is! Reminiscent of Gut! (BTW: I have no problem if it is Hubs!)

Yeah Rob is a good man but it is really hard for me to forget his experience at FSU, that did not go well.
Nor have I forgotten that when Roy turned us down, Dean's recommendation for the job was actually not a guy from his coaching tree or a guy that was ever a UNC player
I think too many people here forget that. Dean wanted what was best for the program, not what was best for his coaching tree. My guess is Roy feels the same. I think some here get blinded with the idea of keeping it in the family.
The Vanderbilt job could serve as an audition for Stackhouse as a potential successor to Roy. If he has success there, he may get the nod over Hubert because of his experience as a head coach, especially since it's in a power 5 conference.
FTR: I never said Family should be the only criteria! What I said is we should carefully consider the replacement. This should imply that coaching experience, temperament., potential to be a good recruiter, understanding of the Carolina Way, ethics, social conscience, and many other factors should be considered. I also think Stack, Rice, and Wes should be vetted long with Hubs and other candidates. It would be absolutely the best idea for Hubs to get HC experience somewhere else first too, but he is learning at the feet of the best out there and I am fine with that. Doh fell short in the temperament and understanding of Family. It would be silly to abandon something based on 1 negative example though! I referred to SRob as a bridge meaning he would be the assistant on the staff that could provide some of that wisdom and cachet from the previous regime, not as a HC until we found one. I guess the Gut reference was a bit misleading since he was HC.

DES wanted the best for the program and in his opinion, that was Gut and Roy! He then recommended who was next! (3rd) This is exactly what I am advocating!

I have yet to read anything compelling that implies that Family would not have a better chance of understanding Family than outsiders though!
FTR: I never said Family should be the only criteria! What I said is we should carefully consider the replacement. This should imply that coaching experience, temperament., potential to be a good recruiter, understanding of the Carolina Way, ethics, social conscience, and many other factors should be considered. I also think Stack, Rice, and Wes should be vetted long with Hubs and other candidates. It would be absolutely the best idea for Hubs to get HC experience somewhere else first too, but he is learning at the feet of the best out there and I am fine with that. Doh fell short in the temperament and understanding of Family. It would be silly to abandon something based on 1 negative example though! I referred to SRob as a bridge meaning he would be the assistant on the staff that could provide some of that wisdom and cachet from the previous regime, not as a HC until we found one. I guess the Gut reference was a bit misleading since he was HC.

DES wanted the best for the program and in his opinion, that was Gut and Roy! He then recommended who was next! (3rd) This is exactly what I am advocating!

I have yet to read anything compelling that implies that Family would not have a better chance of understanding Family than outsiders though!

I am willing to accept a coach outside the family as long as he follows the same values that define Carolina basketball. i think coaches like Mark Few, Brad Stevens and even John Beilein (assuming he ever wants to return to college hoops) would fit that criteria. They have all achieved consistent success at the college level running their respective programs the right way. They target and develop 3-4 players just like Roy and their integrity has never been questioned. If any of these guys ever become interested in UNC, they deserve consideration.

Now, if Sean Miller is the outsider, I would definitely favor the "family" guy.
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