Warning about the level of discourse here: Please Read! (Aug 13, 2024)

It has come to my attention that some posters have gotten too comfortable telling people to kill themselves and making highly racist comments.

We don't police this board because we don't have the resources for it, but I have chosen to keep this board and the other free ones on the site as a courtesy to so many that have been using them for years. But we can't continue doing so if people are going to make disgusting comments that make us look bad for not poilicing them, and therefore could signidficantly hurt this business.

So, I am not asking but mandating that any kind of violent threats or racist comments will not be tolerated and will be cause for termiantion from the site forever. There will be no warnings, THIS is the warning. And if this continues, we will shut down the board. We make zero revenue from this board, so it would not affect our bottom line to terminate it.

Thank you,

