But guesses are exactly what they are, no dis-respect toward Clint or anyone else but when you are dealing with what a 17-18yr old kid is going to do it is always a guess until it is done. It is not a prediction, Clint or no one else looks in to their crystal ball to see the future, if they could they would win the lotto every time there is a drawing. Educated guesses for sure but don't get carried away with calling something a prediction that isn't, call it what it is, an educated guess.
I think and would hope that Clint would be the first to tell you that it is not an exact science, that things change and at times rapidly. Just because someone does not agree with what Clints on a kid does not make that person wrong, it simply means one looks at something differently than another. Clint has great sources and works them hard for information but at times others can glean some information that Clint is not aware of.
To many seem so quick to toss out any information not gleaned from someone that has an expert tag associated with them. I take in information from all corners, I don't discount anything, this isn't a winners & losers type of thing, it is nothing but information sharing and you pick and chose what you feel is solid and what is not.