I think they were supposed to give out some sportsmanship award to top good sport from each team, but I never heard who got that. One guy, I can't remember who from US - came out and told the crowds to be nicer and more civil to the Euros.being classy might also mean giving them a chance to salvage a point or two and save some face. I would leave it up to the Euros. I didn't pay a lot of attention to what the crowds were saying, but from a few announcer comments it must have been pretty rough. That's a shame; bury them indeed, but a display of class from the gallery would make it a lot more gratifying.
One thing is sure about the Wisconsonites, reinforced by the post @gunslingerdick shared above. Of all talents or skills in the world, the Sconnies are experts at the art of binge drinking.
The residents of that state start early in age, early in the day, any day, and take it to a perfected art form. No other state is even in the same league as WI when it comes to drinking.