she just hit him with the hein on abortion...he doesn't understand the law...what a clown
Trump wishes he did too! LOLI don't know Putin, but, I do know pussy . .
Clinton will not let Trump shout her down like he did to Rubio, Cruz and Bush . .
NAFTA was a friggin' disaster.
Its clear she is owning this assclown . . . the crowd even giggled when he said "nobody respects women more than him . . "
Billionaire playboy now wants to be Prez . .
Sure, let's allow abortions of 9th month pregnancies.
He's starting to rattle . . .
Clinton with a zinger on Trump's labor force.
Its clear she is owning this assclown . . . the crowd even giggled when he said "nobody respects women more than him . . "
Billionaire playboy now wants to be Prez . .
No one is going to remember anything except for the stuff about him not accepting the results. That is why he is so bad at this.
Yeah... all three of these have just seemed like "Securing our base" shows.Well neither one is changing my mind. They still suck! Oh Lort help us!!!!
Tonight's zinger . .
Making America Great Again . . .
His tactic of "why didn't you change it?" is misleading. She's one person. We have a Congress and each member has one vote.