the question isn't how old am I, it's 'how dumb are you?'. You're too ignorant to appreciate that the country has changed a lot, and that the change is decidedly toward a socialistic mindset. Consider for example that the darling of the liberal crowd, Bill Clinton...that's Bill Clinton, not some arch-conservative type... devoted a major part of a SOTU address warning of the dire consequences of the influx of illegal aliens at the border. Something must be done, he said, and he was doing it. That was only something like 25 years ago. Well, something has been done all tight. We have come close to just opening the border because liberal numbnuts, particularly young liberal numbnuts, and various other clueless dolts don't quite get the concept of being a nation. But that isn't all. Many want to provide them with healthcare and college educations and of course the right to vote.How old ARE YOU, dude??? I'm trying to understand your obsessive, misguided fear of "Communism and Socialism." It's got to be a boomer-thing, where you hid under your desks during a bomb drill as a child.
This country is so awash in "for-profit" EVERYTHING that Communism will always melt like snow on a hotplate.
And, Socialism has been in-play since the country was founded. If you're old enough to get a SS check, then you're actively participating in Socialism. Did you return all of your stimulus checks? If you didn't, then you actively participated in and openly welcomed Socialism.
We are imposing requirements on private business left and right that must be administered to employees, something that has been a relatively recent trend. When the conservative faction protests placing those and other burdens on private business, it is always pointed out that that is what socialist countries do, and they are doing just fine.
We just underwent a process of paying people NOT to work, and there was even talk of then paying them to come back to work...even while the stay-at-home dole was still being ladled out.
Those are just three examples, but there are many more that I won't waste the time and effort to present to a habitual denier..
And of course you as usual distort what's been said in order to fit your need to argue stupidly. I said we were moving toward socialism and communism, in a manner moving toward filling the void left by its collapse with the Soviet Union. I didn't imply that we were on the verge of adopting communism and I'm not afraid of that happening. I am however disgusted and sickened by twerps like you who just poo-poo the socialistic degradation of our country and pretend that the many trillions of debt we keep building on to support it is of no concern..
Now go ahead and see if you can't figure out some way to get around the facts, as you are driven to do by your wacko POV. Better yet, just STFU.