A Big Washington Jump Wouldn't be a First for Carolina

Many of his foul issues were because his bball instincts were very rusty and he knew he only had a few minutes to impact the game! He hadn't played high level ball for extended periods yet so he was often out of position, slow to react, recovering from too great a distance, over-helping, or overly aggressive. Reps in games, practice, and analyzing film will help correct these. Being able to trust your lower body, increasing strength/conditioning, and knowing you are important to team success will reduce the silly ones too. EC and JWash should be very much improved defenders this season. Simply getting older and figuring out the speed of the game will do a lot!
Many of his foul issues were because his bball instincts were very rusty and he knew he only had a few minutes to impact the game! He hadn't played high level ball for extended periods yet so he was often out of position, slow to react, recovering from too great a distance, over-helping, or overly aggressive. Reps in games, practice, and analyzing film will help correct these. Being able to trust your lower body, increasing strength/conditioning, and knowing you are important to team success will reduce the silly ones too. EC and JWash should be very much improved defenders this season. Simply getting older and figuring out the speed of the game will do a lot!
Amen to your last statement.
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The jump means elevating quality of play. I have posted multiple times what his numbers are per-40 minutes.
I was on the bandwagon as well, but who wouldn't claim to be at this point? I saw a ton of potential, but potential is the operative word. The other operative word at work here is expectations. Funny how they can go from 'he's a dud' to 'he's the second coming' without seeing even a second of what he might be bringing. I just hope he isn't overwhelmed by those expectations and plays within himself instead of trying to do more than he should be called on to do.

Bottom like...I'm going out on a limb a little and say that he will greatly impress with his contribution as long as we don't go nuts over his every little misstep. Even more than his contribution, I want to see him develop to the max for his own sake. He will be a pro if he does.

eta oops, that should be Bottom line...
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I was on the bandwagon as well, but who wouldn't claim to be at this point? I saw a ton of potential, but potential is the operative word. The other operative word at work here is expectations. Funny how they can go from 'he's a dud' to 'he's the second coming' without seeing even a second of what he might be bringing. I just hope he isn't overwhelmed by those expectations and plays within himself instead of trying to do more than he should be called on to do.

Bottom like...I'm going out on a limb a little and say that he will greatly impress with his contribution as long as we don't go nuts over his every little misstep. Even more than his contribution, I want to see him develop to the max for his own sake. He will be a pro if he does.
From dud to dude in 2.4 seconds
According to some (points at self): From Dude to Wilt in 3 secs!

Hyperbole notwithstanding, I see no reason not to expect a serious jump in performance and impact. I have no idea if he is mentally strong enough to handle the subsequent increase in expectation/pressure, but a person who fights through the devastating series of injuries he did and who remained positive is a person who has proven strong in the past!

We are behind you all the way, Family!
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I HOPE folks do not read my saying that Jalen has a particular skill that I see as NBA level, maybe even NBA lotto level, as my saying I think he will be a NBA lotto guy? I would hope that everyone here knows enough about this game to realize a single skill does not make you a NBA lotto guy, even if that 1 skill is NBA level, lot more to the game than just jump shooting.

I am not ready to say that Jalen has NBA game, I am still very much wait and see for the rest of his game but that jumper is a weapon that must be used. Not gonna lie, I am concerned that he will be looked to to take such a HUGE LEAP in minutes. From 8mins a game as a soph last season to some where near 30mins a game if not even more, how that does not concern us all baffles me, knee reconstructed twice already, past shoulder issues, just injury on top of injury and we rely on him for 30mins a game? I am keeping it real guys, love his potential for sure but color me really concerned, can his body hold up, I don't have an answer for that.
Where are we getting 30+ minutes as his set point? If we are truly 9-10 deep, I expect it to be closer to 20-25 (even this is a massive increase) minutes and I fully expect it to ramp up or down based on his body and performance! I hope he is able to handle 25 minutes in some games and I also hope he doesn't get to this level until ACC play! (I also believe we have enough behind and around JWash to step up if his body or mind can't handle the mental or physical demands)
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