And Here We Go....

DeanFor President

Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 20, 2006
In the Pandora's Box category, very predictably we have MORE black student groups at MORE universities staging walkouts to have MORE college presidents forced to resign. Because racism. Ithaca College and Smith College. There will be more.
This will not end well. But this is what happens when you bend to the will of the mob. The football team, and black grievance groups now run every university in America. The hippies of the sixties and seventies and their children that have turned these places into liberal thought incubators suddenly find themselves shocked to learn that their students are now to the left of them, and they now represent the establishment.

Funny if it weren't sick and sad.
Statement from the President of Ithaca College after somebody made an offensive comment at a meeting several weeks ago:

"[T]he college cannot prevent the use of hurtful language on campus. Such language, intentional or unintentional, exists in the world and will seep into our community. We can't promise that the college will never host a speaker who could say something racist, homophobic, misogynistic, or otherwise disrespectful. Even so, we reaffirm our commitment to making our campus an inclusive and respectful community."

That sounds about right to me. If the goal here is to go through life, or even college, without anyone ever saying anything that could be construed as disresp... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Do these people not realize that hearing something offensive, or being insulted, or saying something controversial, is what makes a society GROW? That is a main ingredient in progression. You can be offended by something and not dwell on it. This borders on insisting that we impose censorship. Screw that!

It's like people who slip and fall in a shower and look for someone to sue. Take an Advil and watch what you're doing next time.
Do these people not realize that hearing something offensive, or being insulted, or saying something controversial, is what makes a society GROW? That is a main ingredient in progression. You can be offended by something and not dwell on it. This borders on insisting that we impose censorship. Screw that!

It's like people who slip and fall in a shower and look for someone to sue. Take an Advil and watch what you're doing next time.

Liked 2 of your posts today....
Can you imagine any of those folks on this message board……there would be lawsuits galore!!!!!!
Can you imagine any of those folks on this message board……there would be lawsuits galore!!!!!!
Thank goodness for freedom of speech and people being grown enough to have a difference of opinion without seeking censorship.