I have to disagree on the first two points, but I can agree on the third.
Hillary will win not only the democratic nomination, but the whole shebang as well. Her toughest competition is probably Bernie, because he makes her have to take a different angle. She can usually out-liberal opponents, but she can't out-liberal Bernie, so she has instead turned to slurping Obama every chance she gets to act as if she'll be Obama 2.0. While that schtick isn't all that popular even with the democratic base, it doesn't much matter. The system is weighted in her favor with the whole Super Delegates process, which she holds some commanding lead amongst a very very select few, who can vote for her regardless of what the general populace wants. I forget the exact percentages, but I believe she has something like 90% of the Super Delegates (even though she's currently losing to Bernie in general delegates). And with that commanding lead, she only needs to win something like 43% of the general delegates to win the nomination. The whole super delegates process is a sham, and was set up for just this occasion, so that the party leaders could nominate who they wanted to, even if it was in stark contrast of the general vote (not very democratic now, is it?).
Once she loses the primary, but gets put in anyways due to the super delegates, she'll be up against either Trump or one of the rest of the GOP crowd. Her campaign team will be very good at making Trump out to be a maniacal blowhard. At that point she'll be able to go back to her very liberal stances, and use that to win the election. If she gets matched up against anyone else from the GOP she probably doesn't even need to show up to debates - none of them have the name recognition to stand much of a chance against her, which is really what it comes down to unfortunately, as the majority of the voters don't know or care about the actual issues.
Once she wins the presidency, she's home free, and can nominate the extreme liberal that she wants to get the seat. The fact she didn't shoot down the idea of Obama being that nominee shows that she has no regard for experience, and simply wants to make a monumental appointment.