I always think that nearly everybody should put their name in the draft - on the theory that they may get useful feedback.
This year the only obvious guys who should "test the waters" are Ian and Drake. I think the odds favor both being drafted, but maybe not early enough or with enough certainty to entice them to stay in the draft. But that could change if they are invited to tryouts or whatever.
As for the portal, that's trickier. Even if you haven't been invited to leave by Hubert, if you enter the portal, you may find your position has been filled should you change your mind.
Last year Trimble entered the portal and came back. I assume Hubert was happy to have him back. I think he should enter the portal again. On the theory that he will be more valuable if he can play somewhere good as a PG, at least enough to make it clear whether he has the chops for that. Since we're already going after PGs in the portal, it's pretty clear that he won't get that chance here. Then again, maybe he doesn't want to be a PG. So maybe having the SG starter position as his to lose is what he's been waiting for.
I've said before that Seth seems to improve in the off season, then regress over the course of the season. His trajectory is part of the reason why I think Hubert and his staff are weak on development. Which could, of course, be totally wrong. But if that is correct, I think Seth could benefit from playing for a school that would help him develop more. And I'm sure he'd be eagerly sought by a number of good coaches.
I'm surprised Cade's entry into the portal hasn't already been announced. Is he just taking his time, or is there something else going on?
I don't see any reason for Brown or High to transfer. But I don't see any reason for them to stay, either. They are definitely going to be recruited over. But if they feel they'll get good development here and have a shot to start someday, then, sure, stick around.
Lubin is a tough call. I felt he played well for us most of the year - especially by the end. His starting position may be in jeopardy if our combine succeeds in landing 2 starter-quality big men. But I would still expect him to get plenty of PT. He's one of the few players that I think Hubert figured out how to use well. That said, even though I don't necessarily think Lubin should enter the portal, I do think he should put his name in the draft. For feedback.
Back to Ian and Drake. I have them entering the draft. I think Ian, at least, and maybe Drake should also enter the portal.
We've all heard the story over and over about Ian contacting Hubert every night to ask what he can do better. Great story. Sounds like a very coachable kid. But what good did it do him? He started the season with freshman flutters, then turned the corner, then regressed. To me, Ian is another case that suggests our coaching staff isn't good at development. In fact, Ian's development was so poor, it may have hurt his draft chances this year. If Ian isn't drafted, he needs to look for a better place to develop.
Drake is different. His freshman season got off to a smoother start than Ian's and he did show signs of development. I can't tell if the coaching staff had much to do with that, but he improved. Nevertheless, I can't help wondering if Drake, like Ian, didn't get the development he might have gotten with another team. If Drake thinks he got good coaching, then who am I to argue - and he should stay. If not, he should enter to portal as well as the draft.
Just my opinions.