Those that died on slave ships, those that got here and lived as slaves, those souls are screaming from thei5r graves at this totally baffling usage of the term slavery! Those that have been in the prison system as well know, being a highly recruited kid and admitted to duke to learn to use his ability for future profit know how off base this woman's remarks really are.
The worst day this woman or her son have ever experienced is nothing compared to 1 day in the life of a slave or som3one locked behind bars. Why does it seem now days to require going totally over the top in order to make your case?
The truth is these kids decide to enter a college program, maybe they would prefer to directly enter the draft but the rules do not allow for that right now. While I totally agree the 1&D rule needs to go away and a kid be able to enter a draft at anytime after high school (no 2 and out or baseball rule), I do NOT agree the college model is flawed by structure, specifically the amateur requirement. These kids are being prepared for the next level, learning to use their God given gifts and they get to learn their trade in front of rabid cheering fans, allowing them to begin building their "brand". Oh and by the way they get a free education to boot, even the 1&D kids get to come back when they chose to finish up their degrees for FREE.
How many right here have experienced the sheer joy of paying for college student loans, not an experience these scholarship athletes have to go thru post college. I teach you all the skills you need to make a couple million dollars in the next 12mo, giving you and education at no cost, free room and board, help you build your NBA resume as well as garner thousands of fans all acoss the country and yet some how you are being abused? I promise ya, slaves and prison inmates would LOVE that deal!
3yrs of college sure cost Micheal Jordan a lot didn't it...
Ms Carter is talking out of her considerable arse, guess that is why she is so loud!